Slayer 19

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At the sight of the vermin who had stolen the love of my life away from me, my eyesight sharpened instantly, strength returning to my muscles. I staggered to my feet among the rubble of the wall around me, but standing steadily as I faced the furious vampire crouched before me. I whipped out my blades, Sertnoz as well as my stake-like dagger for my left, weaker hand. Feeling the comforting weight of my sword in my hands, accompanied by a surge of confidence, I struck a battle pose. I was a slayer. It was my duty to kill this vampire. I had to defend my love.

Things were simple when I laid them out on the table like this.

I lunged at the same time as the vampire, he for my throat, and me for his heart.


My white roaring in my ears that appeared when I was in battle, blocking everything out except the intent to kill, was sliced through my Alexis's raw scream, the emotion so strong it could've pierced through anything.

My eyes slowly focused to see us both just at reach of each other's vital points, frozen in place with Alexis standing between us, arms spread out.

"No," she said again, her voice a mere sob, scratching uncomfortably. She knocked my weapons out of my now limp hands, avoiding looking at my face, which I knew was full of aghast shock. Why had she made me stop!?

She turned to Xavier, gently-why would she bother?-pushing him back down onto the bed. She murmured something to him, to which he replied in a hushed but angry voice, but she shook her head before turning to me. I was shocked to see tears shining in her eyes, making them glisten brightly. "You can't hurt him," she choked out, to both of us.

The vampire bristled lividly, his eyes flashing lethally, his whole body shaking with the desire to kill me. "He kissed you!" he hissed, the words barely discernable through his vehemence.

She moved toward her and leaned forward quickly before drawing away, her body blocking whatever she'd done. Probably whispered something again. But whatever she'd done, he relaxed back on to the bed, still tensed slightly, scowling and glaring at me. I glowered back.

Suddenly, something connected in my mind. "Lex," I said, watching her as she focused on my face again, "What's going on with you and that vampire?"

"My name is Xavier, thank you very much," he snarled under his breath. I rolled my eyes-as if I cared what his name was, and waited for her response.

She took a deep breath, and then stared me straight in the eyes. "I love him."

My world shattered around me, splintering into hostile spikes of crystals. I fell to my knees, not caring whether or not that was vulnerable to the vampire who had captured my Alexis's heart. "What?" I wheezed out, my chest squeezing, plunging me into further torture.

Her eyes were miserable, but the words spilled out in an agonizing torrent. "I love him, Cai! He loves me too, and we're happy. I mean, at first I wasn't so sure, but he was nice and kind and nothing like what I expected him to be, and-" She continued talking, but all the blood that had drained from my face had taken my thoughts away, leaving my mind an empty expanse of incomprehension. I just couldn't process it. Alexis. The Pranton Princess. Slayer heir. Meant to rule the entire slayer world. Falling. In. Love. With. The Lord of the Vampires. Leader of the bloodsuckers. The ones we hated.

Hate and love weren't meant to work out together. How could she love him? How!?

We were meant for each other. I'd always known that. And if we did get married like my parents had once hoped, we would've been the rulers of the all the slayers. Pranton and Solomon were supposed to be together.

Humans and vampires definitely were not intended to fall in love with each other.

I shook my head, saying, "Alexis." She stopped talking. " wrong with you!?" I burst out, seizing her by the shoulders and shaking her. The vampire let out a warning growl that I disregarded, and she pushed me away before he could do it.

"Stop it, Cai!" she shouted. "I knew you wouldn't understand. You don't know what love is. You won't be able to realize what it's like for us."

I turned my glare onto her, rising back to my full height to stand above her and look down. "I understand perfectly fine."

She looked daggers back at me. "How could you?" she challenged.

It was the moment. I felt the air catch in my throat, but I got the words out. "Because I love you."


It was one thing to hear it from Ser or Zian or Xavier.

It was another thing to hear it directly from Cailler himself.

This time it was my turn to slump down the floor, but Xavier rushed forward to support me-to Cailler's disgust, I could tell. He'd never been good at hiding his emotions.

Or had he? I had never realized he loved me until the others told me. Or until this moment itself, when he himself had told me directly. I guess I hadn't believed them fully. But now I did, now that I heard it straight from him himself...I wondered how I could've been so blind.

And I wondered what was wrong with me. Why had I fallen in love with my mortal-well, immortal-enemy, instead of with someone who would benefit every slayer in the world. If Cailler and I got married, the slayers could be so strong, we'd be able to eradicate vampires from the entire earth.

But I no longer wanted to do that. I wanted to stop killing, stop all that useless slaughter, and restore peace to the world, between everyone...vampire or human. Because that's what it took for pure happiness. Not constant violence, but acts of compromise, of peace. I thought of blood donors again.

And if I married, bonded, or whatever it was for vampires, with Xavier... What would I be? An ex-slayer Queen? The vampires would never accept me, the slayers would be furious at my betrayal, and Cailler would hate me forever. Everyone would want to kill me.

Why did peace have to be so hard to obtain!?


i think we have all established i cant write fight scenes LOL

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