Slayer 3

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The next few weeks passed without any improvement. I had absolutely no idea what he wanted, but I got to know him a little better, day by day. I discovered his preferences, his dislikes, his pet peeves, and his habits. He tapped his fingers on his hip when he was impatient, he was restless and never stopped moving if something was wrong, he was used to being alone but he didn't dislike my presence here. Maybe he even liked it. After all, he'd been the one to bring me here. I wasn't mad at him about that anymore.

Once, I had been wandering the penthouse when I heard faint strains of music coming from the room with the enormous windows, and I had discovered him playing a white violin, songs of his own composition. They were beautiful. Since that day, we tended to spend time together there, in our isolated world. I was actually...content. It was nice to stop moving around all the time, always hunting and killing, never resting. This was a refreshing break. I'd never considered one before.

We weren't entirely alone every day, either. As the Lord of the Vampires, a lofty title that, in my opinion, carried too much weight for Xavier's own good, he often had visitors. One guest that came two or three times a week was his own brother, the Prince, Zian. I didn't like him much, as was my instinct, but he was decent towards me, which was better than most. Many were incredulous that Xavier had even...uh, took me in, and their condescending manner irritated me. One of my favorite callers, though, was Xeona. Her hair was a beautiful honey blonde, which matched her oddly sweet nature. She seemed vulnerable, something to be protected. She liked to smile a lot, but when she left after conversing with her lord in a low voice-like everyone else did, obviously to keep it secret from me, but it wasn't like I was going to leave this place any time soon-Xavier had pulled me aside. "Don't trust her," he had told me solemnly.

"Why?" I'd asked. "She's so nice."

"Things aren't always what they seem. I could swear that all of these vampires that visit are hoping to kill you. You're the Princess, you know that?"

"She wouldn't do that..." I said warily. But I could've been wrong. She was a vampire after all. He could be right.

His eyes were dark. "Don't be so sure. You're a slayer...aren't you?"

"Of course!" I retorted, my fingers instinctively touching my waist where my weapons usually were hanging. I cursed internally when I realized they were still in my bedroom-I had to begin wearing them again.

"Then start thinking like one. Don't you see? You would be the best kill they could get, the Pranton Princess. They all want you. Carry Laktnoz with you from now on, you need to protect yourself."

"Why don't you want to kill me? Why don't you need to protect yourself from Laktnoz?"

"I want you too, just not for killing, and you need me," he said, suddenly grinning impishly.

I punched him in the shoulder lightly, startled he let the blow land, and started to turn away, but he caught my wrist, his long fingers wrapping all the way around and even overlapping. He made me feel too breakable, too weak. "Don't forget what I said. I'm serious. Be careful of them all, but especially Xeona-and Zian. He wouldn't hesitate to hurt you, nor would any other." When I stared into his eyes, I knew he meant it. I had never seen such an expression on him. The playful light had vanished from his grim eyes.

Since that conversation, I never let Laktnoz leave my side, and I was careful not to let him touch me again.


"I'll bring more news tomorrow, I think. Expect it," Zian called as he left the penthouse. I glanced up from the kitchen table, in the middle of eating lunch. I hadn't even realized he'd come until he was leaving. I suppressed a shudder-they were all so freakishly quiet!-and finished my food. Xavier made all of my meals, and everything was delicious. I stood to leave and return to my room.

Slayer [vampire+vampire hunter]Where stories live. Discover now