Slayer 23

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"Princess?" Xavier said softly, nuzzling the underside of my chin, down my throat. We were lying in bed, too lazy to bother getting up even though the sun's rays were dancing over our blanketed feet, warming the room comfortably.

I giggled at the ticklish sensation, my fingers tightening around his. "Yeah?"

"I love you, you know that?" He smiled crookedly, adoringly.

I kissed him quickly, drawing away before he could make it deeper. "I love you, too."

"You tease," he whispered huskily, drawing me back into his arms to press his lips to mine again, to my surprised pleasure. He was delicious, better than any food I'd ever tasted, and the food he made was extremely good already.

"What is this, pillow talk?" someone complained wearily from the doorway, and I recognized the voice immediately, calling, "Hi, Zian."

"Hey, Alexis," he replied, coming further into the room with a pretend-fatigued expression, but he grinned. "You two are so entertaining."

"Bet you and Xeona would never bother with this," Xavier said jokingly

Zian rolled her eyes. "I doubt she's as fluffy as you two. Actually, I'll bet no one is as ridiculous as you two."

"Oh, shut up," I replied, pressing my cheek to Xavier's chest.

Recently, Xeona had finally gave in, accepting Xavier was untouchable and drawing to Zian, who was delighted with her change of heart. Maybe she'd deemed Xavier unacceptable because of his softening affection toward me, but anyways, we were all happy. Zian finally had the woman he'd loved for so long, Xeona was going to leave Xavier and I alone, and when I saw them together, I could tell she actually had feelings for Zian too. They were a shy flicker in her eyes, but it was there. Besides, that was where I had started with Xavier, and look at where we were now...

I leaned up to press my lips to his jaw line, causing Xavier to sigh with happiness, and Zian covered his eyes in mock-horror. "Oh, please," he protested. "Can't you two at least hold on until I'm gone?"

"Why are you here, anyways?" Xavier asked frankly, cuddling closer to me.

Zian made a face of outrage. "Can't I come visit my brother and his lover!?"

We both blushed at the term, and he read our expressions with avid interest. "Yeah?" he said, his eyes wide and eager. "Finally?"

I groaned. "No, not yet!"

Zian frowned, not understanding. "I don't get it. What are you two waiting for?"

"She's not ready, and I promised I would wait for her," Xavier said softly. I glanced up at him, relieved to see he didn't look particularly hurt or offended.

"But-but-Xavier, aren't you just dying to...?" Zian burst out.

He shrugged. "I can manage. For her."

"But look at you! You're lying next to her like it's nothing, but honestly, you should be rolling around in agony or something! I mean-" I sensed Zian was on the brink of a rant.

Xavier waited it out, his eyes filled with amusement, until Zian paused to inhale deeply, having had worked himself up into a fit. "Yes. It's hard, but I love her enough that it doesn't matter," he explained, a smile flickering around his lips.

"I love you, too," I grinned, feeling him tighten his arms around my waist.

"I don't get humans. Well, see you two later...maybe. I don't know if I want to come here after I eat, probably gonna throw it all up," Zian said with a shudder, staring at us as if we were some odd specimen.

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