Not a chapter but Maybe?..

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Hey guys!!!!! Um I was thinking of deleting some books and making a new one!!! I wrote a small thing for it, please tell me if you like it or not. Thanks!!

Neverending nightmare

It was a cold, winter evening in Oslo, Norway. I was walking and having a debate with my bff, Dean.

“Insane, Zombie, Pirates from hell 4 is better!” He said looking at me.

“No Dean, Insane, Zombie, Pirates from hell 5 is better!” I replied.

“Violet, you always like the worst movies.” I giggled at his comment, and looked over into the woods to see a trail. I smirked and looked back at him.

“Wanna go walking in there?” I said nodding to the trail.

“Sure!!” he said. We soon began our journey.

We had been walking for about a(n) hour now and looked around, realizing that the trail we had been walking on was gone.

“Um, D-dean?” I said with worry in my voice.

“Yeah V?” he said as he kept walking.

“The trail is gone.” I said in almost a whisper. He stopped dead in his tracks and looked at me.

“Oh no….” He said to himself. I looked around in the last bit of light there was and saw a gleam of light shine off of something see-through. ‘It’s glass’ I thought.

“Dean, Follow me.” I said as I started walking towards it. He was soon right beside me as we walked to the glass. But it wasn’t just glass….it was a house! I looked up and examined it. The paint was peeling off of it’s old frame, and glassed layed around some boarded up windows. I heard a loud thump behind me and I turned to see Dean on the ground with a man hovering over his body. The man raised the board and hit me hard. Then it all went black.

I slowly awoke from that awful hit to the head and I gazed around the  I didn’t know how I got here or why the back of my head felt sticky. I reached behind me and felt the back of my head. I pulled my hand back and to my nose and smelled it. It smelled like pennies. Then it hit me. Blood. I quickly turned my head as a low groan echoed through the dark room.

“Dean?” I called out into the darkness. I heard some movement then I got my answer.

“Y-yeah it’s me.” I let out a sigh of relief then I was filled with worry.

“How are we going to get out?”

After a few minutes, me and Dean checked the room and found out that there was was a old, worn out bed in the corner of the room beside a boarded up window with a bit of moonlight showing through it. Then we found dead body which was not a pretty sight. From what we could see it was a male, about the same age as us (Violet and Dean are about 17) with dirty blond hair, a hoodie on, and shorts on. He had a slit down his stomach and a lot of blood on his face. I knew who this boy was. It was Mark from my history class. You could see some of his guts but not much. As I looked at the body, Dean was on the bed, not wanting to look at it anymore. I jumped up as the door on the other side of the room opened to show a girl, just like the body, looked our age. She had light blue hair, a light blue crop top and white shorts on. But what threw me off were her bunny ears and fluffy tail, her and her height was about 4’1. Her ears twitched a bit as she raised her hand in the air, and pointed at Dean who was now beside me and said two words.

“That one.” Two men walked out from behind her which i’m surprised I didn’t see them cause they were HUGE. Anyway, they walked up to Dean and grabbed him and started to walk out of the room. I growled as I felt my old wolf ears and tail appear on me. They were black and silver. I felt my canines get sharper as well.

“Hey!!” I said.

“La ham vaere alene na.” (It says “Let him go now.” in Norwegian) She smirked at me and chuckled. “How” I growled and ran up to one of her guards and bit down on his arm hard, making him drop Dean, while the other still held him. I pounced on the other guard and punched him right in the nose.

“Dean run!” I called out. He nodded and took off past the girl who ran after him, I soon followed them.

I caught up with the girl and tackled her. She pulled out a knife from her small backpack and cut my face. I growled and jumped off of her and dashed off. She chuckled as I did and stood up.

“V!!” I heard. I turned to my left to see Dean holding up a thing of wood from the wall.

“In here! I think this is a way out!!” I nodded and crawled in. He followed and we crawled out of the house through a piece of broken wood outside. We stood up and ran into the woods, never wanting to see that house again.

I panted hard as we stopped in the woods. I looked at Dean and looked around the woods to see a full white and gold husky with blue eyes looking at us. He sniffed the ground a bit and barked a little, showing that he wanted us to follow him.

“Come on Dean.” I said walking towards the dog. Dean followed and we were soon at the road

where it all started. I let out a sigh of relief and put my hands in my pocket and felt a piece of paper. I pulled it out and opened it. It said, “I’ll see you soon…..sister…  -Love Breeze” My heart stopped as I read it. I never showed anyone that note and me and Dean never talked about what happened that night again.

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