The turns have tabled

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A simple Ell x Tamara fluff XD

It was a chilly and rainy fall day. The wind was as icey and as harsh as Tamara on any normal day. But on this day, she was a bit more, warming. Only because she was taking care of a sick Ell.

Matilda and Tori were gone for a long time while shopping.

"Tammmmmm!...." Ell whined from her room. Tamara had been downstairs making the poor girl soup.

Tam quickly ran up the stairs, tripping on a few things as she ran in the room. "Y-yes?.." she panted. "Can I h-have some tea?.." Ell softly asked with a cough.

She blushed and looked at the cuddly sick babe. "Sure Ell." she smiled and walked out to get her soup and Tea, while faintly hearing a thank you from Ell.

Tamara sat at the table, waiting for the green tea and soup to get done, while thinking about Ell. She was so caught up in thought, she didn't hear the tea pot, screaming out it's steamy song. She jumped and turned off the stove and made the tea. Once the soup was done, she put it in a bowl and carefully brought it up to Ell's room.

"Ell, I have your tea and soup!" she sang out as she walked in.

Ell sat up and looked at Tamara. "Yayyy...." she said with a cough.

Tamara smiled warmly and set them on Ell's bedside table.

"Anything else you need Ell?.." She asked.

"C-can you stay with me please?..." Ell quietly asked. Tam seemed surprised at her request but couldn't let a moment like this go to waste. She got to sit with her crush and relax.

Tamara fed Ell her soup as they talked about there past adventures.

Eventually, dawn turned to dusk and Ell and Tamara got tired.

"Well, i'm going to head off to bed Ell." Tamara said, making sure she had everything she needed.

Ell nodded and yawned. "just holler or come to my room if you need me." Tam said. "Ok! Night Tam tam." She said and laid down.

Tamara left and shut Ell's door. She looked around to see if anyone was there and walked over and turned the temp down in the house about 5 or 6 degrees and went to bed.


"T-Tam?.." A quite voice chimed in dark.

Tamara yawned and sat up in bed. "Hmm?..." Tamara hummed.

Her black eyes opened and stared into the darkness at the shadow by her door. "I-it's cold....Can i stay with you??..." Ell said and yawned.

Tam smiled to herself and chuckled. "Sure Ell." She scooted over in bed and let Ell into bed with her.

After a while of silence, they started talking  and confessed there love for each other, shyly though.

After that, it was a night filled with cuddles, kisses and love OvO

The End~

Boom, another short one. These are just short ones to fill in till i write bigger ones like the chapter before this one. Anyway, stay Sinners~


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