2 | mr. styles

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Mr. Styles is what our new teacher puts on the board and introduces himself.

"Hi, I'm Mr. Styles, and I'll be your new English teacher. Obviously." At this point I realized he was a British native, not even catching it when he talked to me earlier.

"Erm, does anyone want to hand out the syllabus? No?" he says after getting no reaction. "Alright, then, erm, I will." He says with a cute, deep British voice.

I need to stop thinking this way, he's my teacher. My parents are strict and he probably doesn't think I'm the least bit cute. Not to mention he's probably, like, 16 years older than me, my teacher, and with a face like that, he's definitely married.

I've decided to block it out of my mind.

I kind of dozed off while he discussed the syllabus, no offense to him, I just never payed attention the first day. I was half-asleep, but my eyes were open to make sure he didn't know I was taking a mini nap. The loud sound of the bell woke me up and I grabbed my things and left.

Harry calls after me as I'm walking about, reminding me that he wanted to speak to me after class.

"Hey, Olivia, may I have a quick word?" he asks politely.

He's so British. and hot. and polite. and hot. and chill. and did I mention he's really hot.

"Yeah, umm, what's up? Sorry, uh, I mean, how are my services needed?" I ask awkwardly.

He giggles and says, "Well, I just wanted to make sure you know not to be late for my class. It's not a big deal, but just have to re-enforce the rules. That's kinda what I'm paid for." He states with a smile.

"No, yeah, I just overslept. It won't happen again." I said, returning the smile.

"Alrighty then. I guess we won't have a problem. Have a good day, Olivia." he says.

"You too, Mr. Styles. G'bye." I said, walking out slowly with a wide grin on my face.

I couldn't quite admit it to myself then, but I really liked him. There's just something about him that brought me comfort. Just in his presence. Just by him being there.

Maybe I'd never knew what it was. Maybe I'd never get over it. But all in all, deep down I hoped I would never have to.


lol even tho like, no one is reading this, imma keep doin it because i miss harry styles and i wanna go to his concert again and oof i'm emo

if you do like it then i love you to death and thank you for being my like only fan lol


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