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I received this review this morning on

"This story is truly well-written, and I am enjoying it completely! I have never taken the time to write a review before, but I feel compelled to do so now because only a very few readers have given you well-deserved feedback.

Originally, I was disappointed that this work was not a Claire and Jamie canon love story but this has turned out to be a refreshing change of pace. Thanks for this effort and I will be following you in the future."

This is the kind of thing that encourages me to write what I write and the way I write. Thank you all so much for supporting this story!

A different kind of Outlander story...

This story was conceived years ago after I first read "Outlander."  The book was the European version called "Cross Stitch". Mom had picked up the book while she was traveling in Europe.  Mom and I had similar taste and exchanged books all the time. 

Soon, ideas about a story began to percolate in my head but I never wrote my idea down, I think. If I did, I didn't save it. When the Outlanders series came out, I started having ideas for this story. Some of the elements are different, and the story is told differently, but with many similarities.

One big difference is that Irina would meet up with Malcolm McDonald after she escaped from the Campbells. And Colin raped her while she was unconscious, and she was pregnant with his child when she fled the Campbells. She was going to exchange his child for Georgie's child so he could have his heir. Whew. Glad I didn't write that story.

I wanted a story that wasn't Jamie-centric. My original story didn't have him in it at all, but I wanted this to be an Outlander fanfiction and have Diana Gabaldon's characters make their appearance as essential elements. Hope you enjoy, this is a bit different, but it really is "Outlander" fan fiction, trust me. 

Oh, BTW, I really did study archaeology and have been interested in ancient history all my life, especially Egypt. It all started with reading about the discovery of King Tut's grave when I was 12 years old.

I sit sometimes and I wonder how things might have worked out if I hadn't met Jamie Fraser. Would my life have been different? The same? Like someone once told me, you never can tell.

Ah, who am I? A good question. I am Irina Bogdashevskaya Campbell MacDonald, wife of Malcolm MacDonald, the man who helped save my life. Before that, I was the wife of George Arthur Allen Davison Campbell. My Georgie, my sweet loving boy, my love, my heart, lost all too soon, murdered by the cousin he loved and trusted.

And before that? Well, now it starts to sound like an "Outlander" plagiarism, but it's not, it's real. Russians believe in all sorts of crazy stuff, and they are the only ones who know it's true. I didn't believe that you could bend time, find yourself in one place then suddenly another. My father would say that it was the fairies, and who knows? Maybe he'd be right, but something that I don't understand happened to me, and it's still happening, but now it's my life.

Author's Notes:

Hi, thanks for finding my story "Outlander: The Standing Stones," a different kind of Outlander story. Hope you enjoy reading it and please remember to vote and comment!

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