Birth can be scary

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Zane's POV
I drove into the emergency parking lot and rushed me and Nana in. There was a nurse who grabbed a wheelchair and started moving Nana to the rooms to get her on a bed. She was still crying and trying not to scream while the nurse called for a doctor to come quick, and then she told Nana it would be all right. A few doctors came rushing in getting right to the patient on the bed. " Get a towel and a pain nummer needle this seems like it's hurting her a lot," the Doctor said while looking at the Nurse. He got into position to get the baby out smoothly when he noticed a problem. " Okay everyone there seems to be a problem, we need to get her to a surgery room this instant," the doctor ordered " and get ready to perform a C-section."
"A WHAT!?" I yelled almost having a heart attack.
" Sir it seems like your partners baby is getting wrapped around the umbilical cord and if we continue normally there might be a chance that the baby could suffocate," the doctor replied.
"Will she be ok!?" That was all I could think to ask in that moment.
I seen them take my Nana to a different room, but they wouldn't let me in saying "you might be distracting" and "if you're there it might interfere" and the worst one "it's going to be disturbing so only professionals should be in there."
"At least tell me if she and the baby... or babies will be all right," I was already tearing up and I just wanted them to be all right.
" Sir, there are many Doctors in there making it go smoothly and I know this is scary but it will be just fine, also I think there is only one baby but it will live, ok," the Nurse said in a calming voice.

Nana's POV
All I could hear were people around me talking, and for a second maybe even Zane yelling. I was so dizzy and nauseous I couldn't pay attention to what they were saying, but the only thing I heard was C-section. They moved me into another room and doctors surrounded me, and put a mask on my face. They started counting down and then I couldn't see or hear anything. It was black. I was alone and scared. I just kept replaying memories in my head of me and everyone. I was happy though, with everyone around me and they loved me for me. I don't know why I suddenly thought of these memories because I know more will be made. Once our baby is alive happily with us we can do so many fun things, and I... I love you Zane. Thank you for making me feel loved.

Zane's POV
I was looking through the glass and all I could see was many Doctors surrounding her. It looked like everything was going good, and they were almost done the operation. I then saw a Doctor quickly grabbing something and that's when it happened. I saw a baby girl crying and being wrapped in a blanket. She looked healthy and had ears and a tail like her mom, she was so beautiful. I started sobbing knowing that she was all right, and I sat down outside the door waiting for them to be done with the surgery. About 35 minutes later the Nurse came out the door. "The baby is all right, and so is your partner, the Doctors are cleaning up and then you can go in and see her and the baby,"
"Thank you so much, I'm so happy and..." I just started crying again not even knowing why, and I was so embarrassed.
They finally gave me the word that I could go in. Nana was holding our baby girl and she was smiling so big and bright.

Nana's POV
Zane walked in and quickly sat beside me, he looked at me with loving eyes. "Zane look how beautiful she is, and I'm so glad nothing went wrong," I said while looking down at her sleeping in my arms.
"Yeah she looks just like you, of course she's beautiful," Zane giggled
"So Zane what are we going to name her?" I asked.
"Umm I don't know, everything is going way to quick, let's wait for a bit to name her," Zane replied
"Ok for now let's just rest and stay holding her," I said while kissing my babies head.
Zane and I stayed in that room, giving each other turns holding the baby. We both fell asleep not to long later. A nurse let us be, but took the baby to a crib.

Thanks for reading!!! I'm sorry for not uploading in soooo long and I hope you like the chapter. I was actually planning on there being more complications but I just wanted it to be peaceful. Anyway next chapter will be the last but I need you to give suggestions on what to name the baby because I'm having troubles. Ok buiiii

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