Chapter 11

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Two years later

I was walking down the halls holding Daniel's hand while he was on the phone with Mrs. Briar about the new event. Everything was back to normal even if it did take a bit longer than father expected but he love the new style the hotel was having. Many changes came into our lives, Corey and Janna got married last year in the summer and already expecting twins in two months. Colby started dating Angie Luna the famous pop star and for Aiden well he couldn't get a new girl after I exposed him so He moved to California for a better life. Daniel and me began dating making me the happiest girl on the island to have him as my boyfriend. Father still manages the hotel since Janna wanted to work with the other hotel in downtown because it was missing some views for the people. I started working as a DJ for parties on the hotels or for special events that are planned with the help of Colby and Corey being my backup dancers.

We turned around the corner to see Father talking with Mr Dragon about the new clothing line. Mr. Dragon's clothing are very unique with very touching details, His new clothing line is called  Penrose which as a rosy theme with it. He asked father if I could be one of his models for his event held in New York City where all the top models are. I was excited to be a model especially Corey, Colby, and Daniel were doing it. 

"Miss King what do you say?" Mr. Dragon asked 

"Of course I'll do it," I said with a smile

"Excellent my dear," He replied," We leave in two months."

This was my chance to have different careers at a very young age. I couldn't wait to wear the magnificent clothes designed by Mr. Dragon. We headed up the elevators when father told Daniel to go to the basement to get a special ring while he accompanied me to my room. Father grabbed my hand gently saying how a wonderful daughter I was and how my life will change in a very good way making me hug him. Arriving to my room, I see rose petals around the entrance even after I open the door to find more. On my bed was a bouquet of rose and a mini  V-shape Burgundy dress with black heels. Father handed me a card saying "Meet me by our spot" in red lettering before leaving. I changed into the dress that felt tight and into the heels that a smooth surface. I curl my hair still looking at the card wondering what was going to happen. I walk towards our spot which killed my feet for a while until arriving. Daniel was wearing a Burgundy suit and black tie, He greets me with a kiss before leading me to the center of a heart shaped figure made out of rose petals. He holds my hand softly before kneeling down on one foot.

"I know it may seem early but You mean the world to me and I can't see my future without you being in it," He said," So will you, Stephanie King marry me?"

"Yes!" I said letting out some tears

He puts the ring on my finger while kissing me passionately. He stands up holding my hands before a flash was sparked out. Corey  took a picture of us and was balling his out saying how fast I grew up with Janna and Colby patted his back. Father, Mr. Dragon, and Mrs. Briar walk towards telling us congrats and giving us hugs.

"How does it feel being proposed?" Janna asked

"Like a dream come true," I said

"If Steph get married then that means she's going to be getting pregnant too," Corey stated crying some more

"Relax, Besides we won't have kids until future years," Daniel said

"See they're going to wait unlike us," Janna replied rubbing her stomach

"So are we going to stand here or go eat some of that cake i brought?" Colby laughed

We all said yes and ran towards the cake like a bunch of twelve year olds. We ate cake while chatting all afternoon about big plans we have in the future. Father was already begging Daniel and me to have babies to have tons of grandchildren while Mrs. Briar said she didn't want to be a grandma too soon. The sun went down bringing us the starry night, We all walked back home still laughing.

"You ready for our future?" Daniel asked

"You bet I am," I chuckled with a smile

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