First Encounter

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Everything started out normal. You were isolated in your room like always, working on the family of four that would serve as the residents of the dollhouse you had recently completed, when someone knocked on your bedroom door. Slightly annoyed but keeping a blank look on your face, you answered the door and saw your mother. With tears in her eyes and a letter with your name on it in her hand, she went to give you a hug. However, you went into panic mode and snatched the letter before slamming the door in her face. After taking a few moments to cool off from barely avoiding being touched, you read the letter.

The words "Ultimate Toymaker" caught your eye before the rest. Your eyes widened when you realized you had been accepted into Hope's Peak Academy. If you were a bit more emotional, you probably would've screamed in excitement. But you didn't. You just stared in minor shock.

But that was in the past. This is now. Now, you currently found yourself being the second to arrive on your first day of classes. The first being some girl who sat at the back of the class, who didn't notice you because she was in what appeared to be a deep sleep. The teacher hadn't even arrived yet. Before you could wonder what was up with her, you heard someone walk up behind you.

"Um... excuse me, but could you please move? I need to get in." You looked behind you to see a tall boy with hair that was as white as his pale skin, save for the pinkish tips at the bottom, that gave his dull light green eyes a chance to stick out, albeit not by much. Without a word, you moved, allowing him to pass. He turned to you with a smile on his face.

"Wow! You actually moved for someone like me! That's the first time anyone ever actually did that! Thank you so much! You're... (Name) (Last name), right? Ultimate Toymaker?" The boy asked.

"Uh..." Despite the blank stare on your face, it was still easy to tell that you were weirded out by the fact that this guy knew who you were despite the fact that you literally just met a few seconds ago. He awkwardly laughed.

"Oh, I looked up everyone on the internet just so I'd know who I'd be calling my classmates in advance. Probably should've said that a bit sooner. Anyways, I'm Nagito Komaeda. I'm the Ultimate Lucky Student. Not that great of a title, I know." Nagito said. You were ready to try and get around this strange guy who was most likely going to offer you a handshake, to your dismay. However, he actually didn't, allowing you to walk away from him without forcing yourself to politely decline like in the many encounters before this one.

Seeing as how you had no interest in sitting next to the girl who somehow managed to have a Nantendo GameGirl Advance clenched tightly in her hand despite being asleep, you could kiss your original plans of sitting in the back goodbye. So, you instead sat in the middle row. You couldn't help but feel irked when you heard someone sit in the seat next to yours. Out of all the empty seats and this Nagito guy just had to sit next to you, huh? You sighed, and decided to just ignore him. You took two incomplete toy cars out of your bag and got to work on them.

You knew Nagito was staring at you. You could feel it. You pretended not to notice, only occasionally glancing at him from the corner of your eye. It was when you saw his eyes lower and focus on your chest, that you had enough.

"Can I help you?" You asked.

"Oh! Sorry. It's just that seeing an Ultimate such as yourself at work up close is... truly amazing." Nagito replied, acting like he hadn't been looking at your breasts just now. He giggled as blood rose to his cheeks. However, he quickly stopped upon getting a closer look at your face.

"Your eyes. They're so... dull." Nagito said.

"So?" You asked.

"It's not right for a symbol of hope like you. You should be radiating with the hope you were born to bring to this world. Especially with a face as cute as yours." Nagito said before reaching over and playfully grabbing your cheek and pulling it up into a half-smile. You immediately slapped his hand away.

"Please stop talking to me." You said. As two other students walked in, specifically a short boy with blonde hair and a girl with silver hair in two braids, you went to retrieve some hand sanitizer from your bag. Once you applied the hand sanitizer and made a note to also wash your face later, you noticed Nagito was still watching you, despite new people coming in for him to (hopefully) shift his attention to. It was when you noticed the dreamy smile and look of infatuation in his eyes that you realized why he was continuing to stare.

You internally groaned. Your first day, and you had already somehow unintentionally attracted a boy. If that wasn't a big enough problem due to the fact that you weren't interested in romance, this guy also appeared to be a huge weirdo. Could it possibly get any worse?

The answer is yes. Yes it could.

The Outcast (Yandere!Nagito Komaeda x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now