Part 3

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Jiyoo POV

"Who were you talking to?" Mina crossed her arms and looked at me. Her minions did the same putting on their 'really are you serious?' expression on. My arm that was holding my phone in my hand dropped to my side.

Frick. I'm in for it now. I slowly backed up against the wall and Mina and her minions came closer to me. My back touched the wall. And Mina stopped. Her minions also stopped behind her.


Mina slapped me across my face. I stood there shocked. My cheek was throbbing in pain. Mina looked pissed at me for some reason. Her minions just looked at me and seemed a bit excited that Mina was doing something to me. Her face moved closer to me.

"Answer me, you bitch!" She slapped me again. "Who. Were. You. Talking. To!" She slapped me again making me drop my phone. It bounced and dropped behind Mina. One of her minions stepped forward and stepped down really hard on my phone. The glass cracked and she just grind it into the floor with her shoe. When she had enough she stepped back. The three other girls next to her laughed at her action and she joined in. Mina was looking straight at me, not taking notice of what happened.

She slapped me again. "ANSWER ME!" She screamed in my face. My lower lip quivered. I didn't want to talk to her. And just when I was having a good time, she just had to ruin it and bully me. She's always there trying to ruin my life!

"I-I was just t-talking t-to my b-brother." I said, tears welling up in my eyes. She slapped me again. My hand automatically moved to my cheek. I touched it gently and it stung from my touch. She stepped back and motioned to her minions something. They all advanced towards me, smiling like crazy people. Mina stayed behind and smirked.

Then they all pounced on me. They kicked me, punched me, scratched me, and pulled my hair. I fell to the ground and they continued on. Mina laughed at the sight of how weak I was. The tears in my eyes started to fall, only that I covered my face so they didn't see. They continued on with beating me. And I continued to cry, still hiding my face. Someone... anyone... please help me. I silently begging, hoping someone would take action and stand up to Mina and her minions.

I slightly opened my fingers a bit and looked at everything though my fingers. Besides seeing Mina and her minions in front of me, I saw other people looking at the scene in front of them but then ignoring it and walking away. I stopped crying and let my hands fall from my face.

Right. It's high school. There's obviously no reason why it would be any different from middle school. After all everyone's just the same. They only care about themselves and don't bother to help others either. Why did I think that someone would come to help? Why did I hope someone will help me? I should've learn this by now. After all those years of pain and torment, I should've known better.

I looked at the people passing. Some would pretend there was nothing to see and some pretend that I wasn't there at all. That's right, no one will help me. I thought. I just sat there back up against the wall, letting Mina and her little devils beat me up.

This continued on and on until the bell rang signaling lunch is over. A bunch of people came out of their classes or whatever, and Mina and her minions ran away. A lot of people looked at me weirdly, seeing my bruises and cuts. To be honest, I wouldn't be surprised if they already broke one of my bones. Besides I felt pain everywhere on my body. I couldn't stand up or move. Is this how high school's gonna be for me from now on? I thought to myself.

"Jiyoo. Jiyoo!!" A familiar voice called. I turned my head slightly to my right. My eyes widened when I saw Minji running to me. Her eyes widened and her hand immediately flew, covering her mouth. "Jiyoo are you okay?" She ran to me and crouched down, gently touching my arm.

I gave her a weird look, slightly grimacing from the pain. "Does it look like I'm okay?" I motioned to my body, despite the pain of moving my arm. She shook her head violently saying no. When she stopped shaking her head, she spoke.

"Come on. Let's go to the infirmary. I'll help you." She said as she moved to help me. She gently put one of my arms around her shoulder and tried to help me walk. Walking in this position wasn't hard except that my body was hurting so much. I moaned in pain, and I could feel Minji panicking.

"Don't worry Jiyoo, you'll be at the infirmary soon." She said to me. But I know that wasn't true no matter how hard I tried to believe it. We haven't even walked halfway through the hallway and the infirmary was all the way across school from where we were.

Frick. No please, not now. I begged myself. I could feel myself losing consciousness. Heh, she beat me up real bad this time, huh.

Minji struggled to help me walk, and it was hard for her too, because I weighted about the same as her. And plus, I was losing my consciousness too.

"Jiyoo!" I heard Minji cry out, just as my eyes started to close. I'm sorry Minji. I thought. Feeling my body slipping from her grip, a strong pair of arms caught me. This defienatly wasn't Minji because she was about to catch me, and it's not my brother because he's away at work. I thought trying to figure out who was carrying me. But then I blacked out before I could think of anything else.



Yah, I'm sorry if this chapter/part or whatever was long or seemed a bit over dramatic. Heh, it just seemed more interesting this way (at least to me it does). Also, who do you think is carrying Jiyoo? Her brother? One of BTS? Or someone else?😏😏 Well I'm not spilling any beans so if you want to know then you'll have to wait for the next chapter/part. 😋😁😁 Thanks for reading!!

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