Part 4

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Hehehehe. I'm sure you guys know who this cute boy is❤️😏😏😏😏  Hehehehe. Ok I'll stop being weird😁 on with the story!

Jiyoo POV

"Oh my god, is she dead?!" A female exclaimed.

"What the heck? No! She's just unconscious she'll wake up after some rest." A deeper voice said, probably a male.

"But it has been more than an hour already and she still hasn't waken up!"

"Oh my god, just calm down. If you don't calm down and be patient she's not gonna wake up."

I was awake but for some weird reason my eyes won't open. It's like they were glued shut. The two voices sounded familiar. Well one did but not the other. The female sounded a lot like Minji. But the guy... I don't know.

I tried to go back and remember what happened before. Hmm. Well, first Jungkook oppa dropped me off. Then I went to classes as usual and made friends with Minji. Minji wrote me a note wanting to eat lunch with me. We were about to eat lunch when Jungkook oppa called. Minji went ahead to the rooftop cause I told her too and... My thoughts paused right there because I remembered exactly what happened. There was no need for me to go down the memory lane once more.

My eyes opened automatically, and I saw Minji and some weird but familiar guy above me and staring down at me.

"Um. Hi?" I said.

"YYEESS. YOU'RE AWAKE YOU'RE NOT DEAD!!" Minji practically screamed, she strangled me into a hug. The guy behind her chuckled at her silliness. I laughed petting Minji's head.

It honestly felt nice to have someone care about you. Even though Jungkook Oppa and the rest of BTS do care about me, I never really had a friend that did. I smiled down at Minji.

"I hate to break this sweet moment but, I'm here too you know."

Me and Minji both looked up to see the guy looking at us with the 'are you serious' face.

"Oh, um, yeah." Minji slowly got off me, smiling. "Jiyoo, this is D-"

"No need to introduce me. I already know who he is." I said smiling. "You're Dino of  SEVENTEEN, right?"

He looked surprised for a second then nodded his head.

"How'd you know who I am?" He asked.

"Um hello. I'm Jeon Jiyoo. Jeon Jungkook's younger sister."

"Ooo. You're Jeon Jiyoo, that makes a lot more sense. I never really met you, but I heard a lot about you from Jungkook hyung." He smiled. I nodded.

I looked back at Minji to see her looking so confused.

"What?" She asked. Me and Dino laughed.

"I'll explain it to you later." I said, smiling at her. "Anyways we should probably get back to class right?"

"Oh heck no! Honey you need to rest. Go home! You're in my classes until school ends. I'll tell you if something comes up, okay?" Minji said. I nodded my head and she smiled.

Honestly Minji is one of the nicest and caring people I've met.

"Now go home child. Dino get her things." She looked at him. He nodded then went out the infirmary to get my things from the rooftop. (Oh yea. Btw Minji and Jiyoo dropped off their stuff before they got their lunch. I forgot to add that in there. I'm so stupid lol😅)

Minji turned back to me. "Honestly, I cant believe Mina did that to you. Like I knew she wasn't a nice person but I didn't expect her to physically hurt you. But even the staff didn't care neither did any of the other students! Honestly what's wrong with them. At least Dino cared."

I nodded my head. But actually I kinda knew that the staff and the other students wouldn't care. After all it happened to me all the time before so it isn't a surprise. But for someone like Minji and Dino to care is kinda a surprise.

The door opened and Dino stood their carrying my things.

"I got her stuff." He said.

"Great! Now you can go home. The nurse isn't here so Dino helped me patch you up. I'm sorry if we did it badly we were in a rush. Here's you things." Minji said talking so fast. She grabbed my things from Dino and held it out for me.

I slowly got off the bed. It was funny how before when Minji hugged me, my injuries didn't hurt by now that I'm moving, it hurts a lot. I winced as I stepped on the floor as I made my way slowly to Minji.

She helped me with my stuff, and both Minji and Dino helped me walk out of the infirmary.

Time Skip

It took a while but we slowly walked out of the school and past the gates.

"Are you gonna be fine on your own?" Minji asked worriedly.

"Yeah." I replied back.

"Just call is whenever you need something, ok?" Dino smiled. I nodded my head and smiled at him. Earlier when I was unconscious in the infirmary, Dino and Minji typed in their numbers so that I'll be able to contact them at anytime.

"Bye guys. See you tomorrow." I waved at them standing on the sidewalk. They waved back to me, smiling.

I watched them turn back into the school and run to their class, before starting to walk home.

Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. I am tired. Wow. I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while, I'll definitely update but not every week. I may update like every two weeks are anytime when I have the time to ig. I just have been rrrreeeeaaalllyyyy busy now so yea. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter/part/whatever or at least satisfied that I actually updated so yea. Also I'm sorry if Dino doesn't really act or his personality isn't like what I wrote cause I don't actually know him that well. I hope you guys understand. Have a great day/evening!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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