Chapter 4~ Do you know the enemy?

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AJ's P.o.V

"How are things with you and Philip?" Dean asked casually.

"They're... Okay, I guess."

"What's the matter?" He asked curiously.

"Earlier, he brought up marriage to me, and I said marriage doesn't last. I think there's a deeper meaning to why I said it." I said.

"What would be the deeper meaning?"

"I guess it's because we used to talk about marriage all the time and our future together, but our relationship didn't work out, then my parents got divorced, so marriage is out of the question for me."

"Oh, well you shouldn't let past experiences affect your whole view on something. Everything and everyone is different."

"It's just a bit of a touchy subject... I'd rather not get married, you know?"

"I understand where you're coming from..." He trailed off and stared out the window.

"Is that Philip?" He pointed to a guy, I looked at him closely, a girl appeared next to him and kissed him on the cheek.

"I'll be right back, Jon." I rushed out of the shop, Jon was right, that was Philip... and the mystery girl, his ex girlfriend, Maria Kanellis.

I made my way over to them.

"Why is she kissing you on the cheek?"

"Why are you in the plaza? You barely hang out in plazas."

"I asked first." I folded my arms.

"I asked second." Philip said, trying to complicate things.

"Well, everyone I knew decided to leave me, except for Colby, Jon and Joe." I turned my attention to Maria.

"Why are you kissing him on the cheek? Aren't you engaged? Why are you here? Why are you with him?" I asked, shooting her questions.

"It's a friendly gesture, yes I am engaged, I'm here, because I wanted to tell Phil that I'm coming back to the WWE."

"So, you flew all the way to Florida to tell him that?" I said. not being phased by her explanation.

"I wanted to see him face to face and he said he might be coming back now!" Her face lit up.

"Oh, so all it takes is for the Playboy Model to show up to get you to return? She's not even your girlfriend! She's your ex! I've asked, no... I have begged you to return so many times so that we could be together, you always said no. You need to fix your priorities, because obviously she's more important than me." I turned around and walked back in the shop and sat next to Jon.

"This smoothie is really good." He said, I noticed he had drunk half, he took his straw out and handed it to me.

"Keep it." I said, still thinking about what just happened outside.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Jon asked, he sensed my negative mood.

"Philip might come back, because Maria's coming back... What hurts is that, I've been begging him, for months to come back and he always said no, here she comes, talking about going back and now all of a sudden he wants to go back. So, I know where I stand in our relationship, an ex is more important than me."




Monday Night Raw

AJ's P.o.V

Me and Dean have a friendship now, I've been spending half of my days just talking to him since the family meeting.

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