Chapter 1: Missing Relics

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Eclipse POV

It's been about a month since Emmalyn found Y/n's diary in a pile of books we gave her. I haven't read any more of the diary that just the 5 passages from when I first got it. I've been practicing using my powers and my relic. I don't want it to turn out like it did before for Y/n. I was helping Aphmau supervise the construction of the village. I decided to take a small break and walk in the forest. While I was walking, I heard something in the bushes to my right. I turned quickly to look at the sound.

Then, the two missing relic holders jumped out. Melissa and Kim. We haven't seen them since the whole thing with Shad. They tried attacking me but I blocked both of them. "Why won't you just give up your relic!?" Asked Kim. "It could make the world better by turning it into chaos." Said Melissa. "That isn't going to make the world better. That will destroy it and everyone on it. You two will be killed in the chaos." I said. "Just give us your relic!" Kim yelled. Then, her and Melissa shot a blast at me from both if their relics.

My relic started to glow and by extension, me. A huge beam of light came from my body. I don't know what it is but I'm scared. I think my relic is trying to protect me. Before I passed out, I could hear Vylad and Laurence.

Laurence POV

Eclipse decided to take a walk in the forest and me and Vylad were about to go join her when we saw a beam of light. We both ran, worried about Eclipse. "Eclipse!?" We both called as we ran into the beam of light. Then, everything went dark.

Aphmau POV

We were too late. Me, Garroth, Katelyn, and Travis saw the light from th forest and came here immediately but we couldn't make it in time. I'm pretty sure that light was Eclipse's relic. I just hope she's okay. I know Vylad and Laurence came thus way too and they were closer. Maybe they're with Eclipse wherever she is. That way, she'd be safer. I just hope they're all alright. But, where are they? I can see or hear them anywhere.

Eclipse POV

I woke up in a forest. The edge of a forest to be exact. I got up and walked out after looking around where I was for Vylad and Laurence. They weren't there. Once I got outside the forest, I saw loads of people. The scary thing is, they were dead. No blood or anything. Just their lifeless bodies. They were newly dead though. Since I've been training with my relic, maybe I can revive them. I'm sure fate didn't want this many people to die just like that. I went to the center of where all the people are.

I touched the ground and called on my power. The whole ground where the people are was glowing with a warm light. Once I was done, the glow vanished. I went to one of the people. A small child. I checked the child and she was alive. It worked. I started feeling really dizzy now. I just used a lot of power to bring this many people back to life. Next, I saw people on a bridge. One of them had red hair and was a werewolf. The others were also werewolves but they didn't have red hair.

The one that stood out was a werewolf with dark hair and a grey-blue stripe in it. He stood out because of the amount of blood. The werewolves here were all bleeding. They were all dead. I used my power again but I did it differently. Those with good hearts are the only ones to be brought back. Everyone there was except for that one that stood out. He must be part of the cause of all of this. I let everyone who was just revived rest so I walked away. 

Vylad POV

 I woke up. I guess the light knocked me out. I looked beside me and found Laurence also getting up a few feet away from where I was. We were inside a building. "Um. Where's Eclipse?" I asked, noticing she wasn't here with us. "She's not here!? Where are we anyway?" Asked Laurence. "I'm not quite sure either." I answered. I noticed we were at the top floor of a building. I could hear crying from downstairs. The voice sounded a lot like Zane. 

 I went down the stairs with Laurence following behind. I saw three people. Zane was crying and sitting beside a pink haired meif'wa that had a huge cut. Why would someone as heartless as Zane be crying. I then looked beside the pink-haired meif'wa. I saw Aphmau laying down, dead. "What happened here?" I asked. Zane looked at me. "Vylad? Laurence?" He asked. I looked at Laurence and saw he was too confused to try to kill Zane. "How are you alive? What happened to Aphmau?" I asked.

"I don't remember dying and Ein killed Aphmau." He answered. He was still crying but I could clearly understand his voice. "Vylad and Laurence?" The pink haired girl asked. "That's Kawaii~Chan. She lives in Phoenix Drop. She's Dante's wife." Laurence told me. So then why is she with Zane. Also, who's Ein? Where are we? Then, I saw Eclipse. She looked inside and saw me and Laurence. She ran over and hugged us both.

Eclipse POV

I was walking past one of the buildings. I decided to look inside and I saw Laurence as and Vylad. I ran inside and gave them a hug. "Where are we? Everyone was dead outside." I asked worried once I let them go. "Outside too?" Vylad asked. What? I turned around and saw sis was dead. My eyes opened. I ran over to her and sat on my knees beside her. I grabbed her hand with one of mine. She just recently died. I held her hand with not if my hands and started using my power again on her.

I know she isn't my sister though. Her presence is different. She doesn't have a relic. She just had the same look as my sister. As far as I can tell, the same face as her. The world started spinning very quickly. I stood up and immediately fell. Laurence had caught me. "Thanks." I said in a weak voice. I over used my powers.

I passed out.

Similarities and Differences (Irene's sister sequel/MyStreet crossover)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt