Chapter 2: Confusion

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Zane POV

Who is that girl? Does she know Vylad and Laurence? Why did she hurry to Aph's side? What is she doing? She's holding Aph's hand in both of her hands. I noticed the hole in Aph's chest disappear. The colour returned to Aph's face as well. Is she..? She can't be! Did Aph come back from the dead? The girl stood up and fell back. Laurence ran and caught her. She thanked him them passed out. "Who's that?" I asked. "Why should we tell you!" Laurence said angrily.

"Why are you mad at me?" I asked him. "Why are you still alive?" He asked with hostility. "Like I said, I don't remember dying." I answered. This is weird. The girl opened her eyes. She seemed weak. "Laurence. Be nice." She said.

Eclipse POV

I woke up. I just needed to close my eyes for a bit. I was still weak. "He's not the Zane we know." I said to Laurence. I stood on my own and walked up to beside the pink-haired female. I sat on my knees beside her. I grabbed her hand and started healing her cut. By this point, I was too weak to do anything. This time, I actually fell unconscious.

Kawaii~Chan POV

The girl grabbed my hand and the pain started to go away. I sat up and the girl fell. She was out cold. How did she heal my cut? I looked beside me. Aphmau~Senpai is alive. Zane told me she died. How did this girl bring her back? She looks a couple hears younger than me. I ended up catching the girl since she fell in my direction.

Vylad POV

She exhausted herself. She used too much of her powers and still continued. Not very start of her and she knew it. She just wanted to help. And what did she mean by that's not the Zane we know? How can it be any other Zane? Where are we? The only way for what she said to make sense if if we're in another dimension. Wait, we could be. That beam of light could've brought us to another dimension. I went over to Eclipse who was being held up by Kawaii~Chan.

I grabbed Eclipse and layed her down nicely on the ground so she can rest. I then got up and so did Kawaii~Chan. "Who is that?" Zane asked again. "Eclipse." I answered coldly. I still don't trust Zane. I know what him and O'Khasis did. "What is she?" Kawaii~Chan asked. "A girl." Laurence answered. "Well yeah but, a normal girl can't just being people back to life." Said Kawaii~Chan. "A divine." I was more specific. "A what?" Asked Zane. Then, I heard Aphmau starting to wake up. If we ARE in another dimension, this Aphmau isn't the one we know.

She's wearing clothes I know the Aphmau I know probably wouldn't since she loves wearing armor. She sat up. She looked around. "Where's Aaron?" She asked worried when she noticed he wasn't at her side. "He left once you died." Answered Zane. "Don't be silly. In still alive. Wait...... I DID DIE! HOW AM I ALIVE!?!?" She yelled. She then looked beside her and saw Eclipse laying of the ground. "Who is she?" She asked. "That's Eclipse. She brought you back." I answered

"Wait. Vylad? Laurence? Why are you two here?" She asked. "We don't know that ourselves." Answered Laurence. Wait, if no one knew Eclipse, is there not one of her in this world? It seems like there's one of the rest of us. Why not her? I would say because she's a divine but Aphmau is here. "How do you not know? How did you even get on the island? The GF aren't letting anyone come or go." Asked Aphmau. "We still don't know. To be fair, I don't think we're in the right world." I said.

"But... Wait. Do you know who I am?" She asked. "Yes. But, let me ask you. Do you know who she is?" I asked. "No." Aph answered. "That's your sister. Well, the sister of the Aphmau I know." I said. "Also, the Zane I know is pretty much heartless. He tried starting wars, stealing a powerful relic from Irene, killing Irene." I added. "Wow Zane." Said Aph unimpressed as she looked at him unimpressed. "Tell me one thing, are you this other Zane's brother?" Zane asked. I nodded.

"I'm not sure if it's true though." I warned. "Vylad? What do you mean?" Laurence asked. I guess he didn't figure it out from Eclipse's hint. "Eclipse knows just as much what Zane did. Her saying that he's good would be strange. The fact that no one knows Eclipse and the fact that people who are dead are alive. It just makes the most sense." I explained. "Fair point." He said. "Wait. Didn't you say that Aaron left?" Aph asked Zane. "Yeah. I don't know where he went." Answered Zane.

"I need to find him!" Aph yelled. "Don't! You don't even know where he is. If you get caught by the GF, you won't even be able to find him." Said Zane. "But-" I cut her off. "Zane's right. I don't know what's going on here but it's not a good idea to go blindly looking for someone." I said. "Can you please tell us what's going on here?" Laurence asked Aphmau, Zane and Kawaii~Chan. They then filled us in on what happened here on the island. Then, Eclipse started to get up. She was still a but weak but much better than before. It had been a couple of hours since she passed out.

"Vylad, Laurence." She said. Me and Laurence went to go help her up. "Thank you." She thanked. "You know you need to be careful with your powers!" I scolded. "I'm sorry guys. I had to fix what fate couldn't. These people weren't supposed to die. These people weren't supposed to be hurt." She said. "Do you know where we are?" Laurence asked her. She shook her head. "No but I do know what happened. It was my relic. It knew that something went wrong here. I'm here to help make it right." She started.

"You see, my relic tried protecting me from the last 2 relic holders. It took that chance to bring me here as well since it didn't know how else to. It needed an excuse." She explained. "So, it has a mind?" Laurence asked. "No. It doesn't have it's own mind. It does however try to protect me and the different worlds." She answered. "How did you know this Zane wasn't bad?" I asked her. "His voice." She answered. "But he sounds the same." Said Laurence. "Um, I'm right here so that you know. I can hear you talking about me." Zane said but we all kinda ignored him.

"Yes but, *deep breath to think of what to say*. The Zane from our world has a voice that scares me. The first time I met him, that's how I remembered his voice. This Zane's voice doesn't. That automatically gives me the hint. But this Zane also had human emotions and a soul. That's how I knew for sure." She answered. "Am I really that bad where you guys are from?" Zane asked. We all looked at him and answered at the same time. "Yeah." We answered.

How did Eclipse know why we're here?

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