Chapter 1

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I make my way down the stairs and look at the clock on the stair case that read 2:47 in the morning. It's pass my curfew and I know my parents are downstairs playing with their ouija board they had since I was 16, that was when it changed my family's life forever. They are addicted to it or something. Through out the day, they would be would be playing with the ouija board or on the couch wasted by how many drinks they had, they sometime might be smoking marijuana. I'm sick and tired of being their peasant. I'm 23 and I'm still stuck in the same house with my parents that are wasted 80% of the time and violently abuses me. 20-10% of the time their not wasted they would play with the ouija board or be trying to get wasted again. I always wished I could run away, but in the same time I don't. Who going to except in their home? or where am I going to go? or what if my parents find me? theirs a lot questions in my head. My brother, Ethan, is lucky to not live in this hell hole. He moved out before my parents changed. They use to supported me and him a lot, until they started using the ouija board. They would never pay attention to me or listen to me because their 'too busy' playing the ouija or getting high or wasted. Anyways I have no friends, a lot of people hate me due to the fact the my parent are crack head a and I do nothing to stop them. Believe me, I tried burning the board, getting rid of all the drinks and marijuana they have. It's legal to have marijuana here in Colorado, but I'm not satisfied with it at all. I walk towards the couch to pick up some of the bottles and cans. I throw them into a trash bag with disgust and take them outside in the bin. I go back inside seeing the lights turning on and off, it's colder inside right now and theirs shivers down my spine. This always scares the shit out of me. It happens once in a while because my parents always ask if the spirit is real and what not, but I don't think that's a good idea to ask them to prove it that their real. I walk back up stairs to my room to sleep. I know their going to give a ton of things for me to do tomorrow morning and I also have to prepare for the worse. I tuck myself into bed and I try to close my eyes to rest. I slowly fall to sleep until I hear screaming and thumping from downstairs. I roll off of bed and run as fast as possible downstairs. See this is why I don't play with the ouija board. I reach the door to the basement.

"It's locked" I mumbled to myself under my breath.

I knock on the door with panic. I lean my ear into the door. I hear thumping and noises. I knock on the door, but knocking turn to banging my fist.


I know their communicating with an evil spirit. Well it seem like they always did because of all the supernatural occurrences that happen while they used it. All I heard was laughter right now.

"Why? the fun has just started" my 'mother' Veronica said

"Come join us, it'll be fun. I don't get why you don't want to play, it's fun and scary" my 'father' George called from downstairs

"NO!" I yelled and ran back upstairs. I closed the door to my room and curled into my blanket. They need to stop using that board. I'm going to burn it one day and hopefully they stop. I closed my eyes hoping that would sleep well. Dammit, I can't sleep. It's usual I always can't. I put my earbuds in both sides of my ears and played When You Can't Sleep At Night by of mice and men. This song always helped me to go to sleep. I slowly fall asleep towards the end of the song

"Pretty little lady with your swollen eyes

Would you show them to me"

The 13 words that will ever help me rest. Their maybe other words but I just stick to these words for now.

* in the morning *

I stretched out bed and made my way to the bathroom in my shorts and tank top. I grab my tooth brush and tooth paste and brush my teeth. I spit out the tooth paste and rinse my mouth then brush out the tangles of my long chocolate brown hair. I looked into the mirror and all I see is ugly ness. Dark circles around my hazel brown eyes, pale face with a couple of faint freckles that you can barely see, pale pink lips, a nose ring on my slim nose and my eyes are big which I kind of like but my face is eww. I could imagine the mirror cracking right now. I'm ugly, my old friends that are now in other part of the states thought I had natural beauty, lies I didn't. I wasn't even beautiful with makeup on my face. I walked out of the bathroom and threw on a sweatshirt because it was getting cold in my room. I grabbed my laptop and logged onto my Instagram account. It's been a while I've got on my account, about a month or two? somewhere around there due to the fact I need to go to work and 'help' out my 'parents', they don't treat me like their daughter but more like their maid slash a human punching bag. I check my notifications. I got spammed with likes and several users commented "your so pretty *emoji with heart shape eyes*" and stuff like that on my post. I also gained a good amount of followers. I was scrolling down my screen seeing what people I follow posted. One of the post caught my attention. Pierce the veil was announcing a tour. They announced a tour? omg, I need to go! But how I can't just leave, my parents are going torture me if I do. This got me so bummed. I know I'm never going to meet my heroes. They're all so special to me. I love them all, but I have a crush on Tony Perry. A huge one, I doubted that he'll like me. What am I talking about? I don't even have a chance. I sighed and looked down near my feet. I don't got a chance my friend, not even a chance to say hi.


So yea, I got bored and started this one because the other one suck. I'm hoping that this one is going to be better c:


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