Chapter 11

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*later that day before the show*

"He won't come out the bathroom" said Matt the guitar tech running back into the venue.

"He's been in there all afternoon, ugh. Why won't he come out?"said vic followed by a sigh.

"We need him to play a show! There's kids payed to see us perform, we can't just not cancel the show. plus I wanna play my baby, referring to my drums" said Mike

"I need to pee, but Tony is still taking a shit in there" said Jaime


"But I really need to go" he said while lightly starting to hop up and down.

Casey, the drum tech came up to where we all were at.

"He's still not coming out?" he asked

We all nodded. We stood on silence for a moment.

"What happened to him anyways?" Casey asked braking the silence. He looked at jaime, then jaime looking at vic, and vic looking at Mike. That's when Mike sighed and said,

"He won't even tell me, but I'm betting it's about the whole girlfriend situation"

"I'll be back, Jaime get someone to fill in for me if I don't get back on time" I said running out the venue. I ran, until I reached the bus. I unlocked it and got in, I ran towards the bathroom door knocking on it softly. i heard a groan.

"Who is it and what the fuck do you want?" he said

"It's me, Isabelle" I said nervously

"What do you want?" he said

"There are kids out there that want to see their favorite band jamming out they're favorite songs to sing along. But they can't if one of the band members are missing, the guys need you and the fans do too" I said through the door.

I sat there in silence for a little. The show doesn't start until a half an hour. Leaning against the door I spokes through it again.

"Tony, please come out" I said

No response. I leaned my back on the door, sliding down making me to fall to the ground. I sat and leaned my back on it, while my bad laid on my knees. I felt the door push out a little. I stood up to move out the way. Tony finally came out. I gave him a hug. Once I did, he brushed me off and walked off the bus leaving me standing there with my arms slightly open. I walked off the bus and locked it with the keys Vic gave me earlier when we all went to the venue. I headed back to the venue. Casey stood there.

"Is he still in there?" He said


"Where is he or where did he go?"

"He walked off the bus, but I don't know where he went" I replied

we started going to the back stage where the guys were.

"Tony got out the bathroom and walked off the bus. But I don't know where he went" I said

"Oh my gosh Tony" Mike said

"Are you sure he's still at the bus?" asked Jaime

"YES! Jaime this is not the time for jokes for fucks sake!" I said throwing my arms up.

"I don't think Jaime's joking around. He likes to get on the roof of the bus sometimes" said Vic

"UMF!!," I groaned "Vic stop playing along with Jaime's jokes right now!" I said

"Isabelle, calm down. They might be right" said Mike calming me down.

"Okay, I'll check if he's there" I said

"I'll go with you" vic volunteered

"No, go get ready for your show. You need to warm up" I said

"I already warmed up and I'm ready" he said


We walked out the venue followed by Casey.

"Wait, I'm gonna go with you" I heard Casey said.

"Okay" we said

Casey followed us out the venue and towards the bus. We all looked up and saw someone's legs swinging, we all knew it was Tony.

"Tony, why are you up there?" Vic asked

"Why are you not up there?" Tony replied

"Tony! get your Mexican ass down here, you got a show to play!" Casey yelled

"Aren't you suppose to be setting Mike's drums?" he asked

"I already did, now get down!" Casey yelled

"How did he even got up there?" I asked vic in a whisper

"I dunno" he replied

"I don't wanna come down!" he said

"Isabelle gimme the keys" Casey asked

I handed him the keys. He opened the door and walked in. Me and vic stood outside, not alone because Tony was on the roof.

"So uh, where you from?" he asked

"Colorado" I said

"Sweet" he said

"So were you born there two or grew up there?" he asked

"Well I was born and raised a little in Los Angeles, until my parents decided to move to Colorado when I was 13 because they 'found a job' over there. Things changed a lot about a year after we moved there" I said

"Like how much?" vic asked

"A lot. my parents lost their job, started to get addicted to drugs, they even played with the ouija board which I stay away from, started getting bullied and self harmed, got abused and neglected at times. My brother, Ethan was lucky enough to move out before my parents changed. I haven't seen him ever since I was 14." I said without thinking about he's gonna say

"Oh" he looked like he didn't want to bother me by asking or saying anything. Before I knew it, he pulled me into a hug

"I'm glad you made it this far" he said

"Dude, how did you got up here. I only know how" I heard Tony holler

"I'll tell ya, after you play your show" he said


The next thing I knew was that Tony and Casey are walking off the bus

"We have to get going, we only have 10 minutes left" said vic

We all ran back into the venue I went to my booth where I had to be selling the merch, matt was filling in for me for a little.

"Matt, you can go back stage now" I said

"Ok" he said starting to run to backstage


A/N: I'm so hype that I'm going to see Pierce the veil and sleeping with sirens!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2014 ⏰

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