Morning with Beam

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Forth's POV


it hurt soo bad, unlike hangover this feeling of hurt is really different. Like I've been hit by something.

Did I just unconsciously fight someone yesterday?

I tried to regain my head and moving my body.

Wait? Since when my bed feel really soft?

Skin like.

And smell soo good.


Smell good?

I open my eyes and the first thing I saw is this boy face, he's sleeping soundly. His lashes is long and also his white skin is glowing from the sunlight with shades of pink, his soft wet lips parted as he breath carefully.


I was laying on top of him?


I rolled to the side and sit beside his body. The last thing I remember that night was going home drunk and then...

I looked at him again, he wearing his clothes and me too, still wearing my clothes from last night.

So we didn't do anything...

Wait, why do I sound disappointed?

I glare at him, he doesn't even moving and sleeping like dead. His pajama is a mess and three of the buttons is open, showing up his bare chest.

I gulped.

the fuck..-

I shook my head and throws blanket to Beam body until it covers his chest. Then standing up from the sofa bed.

I'm gonna wash all this crazy thought in bathroom, alcohol must be messing my mind to make me think that Beam is attractive when he's sleeping.

3rd Person's POV

Forth bring himself to bathroom and taking a very cold bath.

While Beam carefully twitching from his sleep.

" Mmm.. "

He rubbed his eyes and tried to wake up. Beam is not a morning person, with half awake head he sit on the sofa. His eyes is barely open with messy face. He hold on to his tummy as he felt that he need to do his morning business.

" Ouch, toilet "

He walked like a drunk person to the toilet, doesn't even bother to check who's inside.

Forth still enjoying his cold shower in the shower room, didn't know that Beam is also going inside the toilet and currently enjoying himself and his morning business half awake.

a couple minute later Beam finish his morning business and flush it away while standing up, before he could even wear his pants he heard a curse from the shower room.

" Fuck, I forgot to bring my towel "

Half awake Beam look around and find a towel near the sink, without wearing his pants back he take the towel and walked near the shower room.

The shower room's door opens half and Forth who peeking through looking at Beam who giving him towel horrified.

Forth's POV

Oh god, not today.

What the fuck is happening!

I can feel my jaw dropped as I look at the person who's currently leaning towel closer to me.

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