Chapter 3

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The next day Rachel was first to wake up, she got up and decided to go exploring and take a look around Little Kurt's house. She exited the small boys room, where he and Finn were still asleep, and walked slowly down the set of stairs just outside the room, she tried not to make a lot of sound. Rachel froze half way down the stairs. She could hear voices coming from what sounded like the lounge room. Burt and Kurt's mum must be awake she thought. Rachel continued walking down the stairs silently until she got to the bottom, she carefully looked around the corner and took a look at the couple, who were sitting on the blue couch. "What are you doing?" Rachel jumped from surprise and accidentally pushed a flower vase off the table that was near the stairs, the vase fell to the ground and made a loud clash noise. Oh god! Rachel turned around to see where the voice came from and saw a wide eyed little Kurt, who must of woken up just after she had left he room. "Oh no! I'm in big trouble!" The small boy quickly scrambled to the floor and tried to pick up all the small pieces of glass. "Kurt! What on earth did you do?! That was my favorite vase!" Kurt's mum gasped with an angry look on her face. Rachel grimaced, this was her fault and poor little Kurt was getting the blame. "I-I-I'm sorry mummy! I didn't mean to do it! it was an accident i swear!" Little Kurt was tearing up. The angry look on Kurt's mum face slowly faded and she sighed. "It's ok baby, put the glass down we don't want you getting cut." She picked baby Kurt up and carried him out into the lounge room to sit with her on the couch. "I will clean this up." Burt spoke up from the door way, making Rachel jump again in surprise, she didn't notice him there before. As soon as Burt had left to get the broom to sweep up all the mess, Rachel dashed up the stairs and into Little Kurt's room, where Finn was sitting on the edge of the small boys bed still looking half asleep. "I feel so horrible!" Rachel groaned and slumped down next to Finn, leaning her head on his shoulder. Finn sighed, "What did you do now?" Rachel let out a deep breath "I accidentally dropped one of Kurt's mum's favorite vases and it broke into millions of pieces and Little Kurt took the blame! I should of just stayed in the bloody room! Then all of this wouldn't of hap-" Finn stopped Rachel from rambling by pulling her into his chest for a hug. "Don't worry Rach, Kurt will forgive you." He reassured his girlfriend.

About half an hour later, Kurt returned to his room. "Oh my god Kurt I'm so so so so sorry!" Rachel apologized rushing towards little Kurt and giving him a big hug. Kurt hugged back and gave a small smile. "Its fine! It's was my fault as well, i shouldn't have scared you like that" . The two broke out of the hug and Finn chuckled. "So what did your parents say?" Kurt sat crossed-legged on the end of his bed and sighed, "Not much, they just told me that i need to be more careful around the house and that if i want to run and play i should go outside." Finn nodded and smirked as he sat down next to Kurt, Rachel soon joined them and the group just sat there in silence not knowing what to do or talk about. It was the weekend so Kurt didn't have to go to school. "You know.. There is a boy and a girl at my school called Finn and Rachel and they look a lot like you guys, are you the future version of them?" Kurt turned and looked at Finn and Rachel curiously. "Is that how you know me and Blaine?" he questioned. "Blaine and I" Rachel corrected, "and i don't know... maybe" she smiled, pretending like she didn't know it was her or not, the look on her face sort of gave it away but Kurt didn't seem to notice. "The Finn in my year, His dad died when he was a baby..." Kurt mumble looking deep in thought. "I hope none of my parents die...Ever" Kurt said sadly looking up at Rachel and Finn who both shared the same facial expression: Sadness and sorrow, But Kurt being too young, couldn't pick up the sorrow part. "Do you guys miss your parents back in the future?" Kurt asked curiously, Finn and Rachel both gave little Kurt a small smile, "A little bit." Rachel replied as she stood up and turned to look at Finn and baby Kurt, her hands on hip. "Com'on! cheer up! Lets do or talk about something a little more happier!" Rachel grinned.

The rest of the day was spent on playing games, having tea parties and talking. Though they had to be careful that little Kurt's parents didn't hear and find Kurt talking to himself.

It was about 5 o'clock in the afternoon and the group of three were still outside in the fresh air. Finn and Rachel were talking quietly about funny memories and baby Kurt was content drawing with his rainbow crayons. Everything was quiet and peaceful until the back door banged open and Burt popped his head around the corner smiling. Finn and Rachel stopped talking as they didn't want the older man to hear them. "Hey buddy, you ready for dinner?" Burt asked walking towards the small boy. "Hey! that drawing is awesome!" He said excitingly picking up little Kurt's drawing. "Can i keep it and put up on the wall at daddies garage?" Kurt smiled and nodded, and that's when Finn realized something "Hey that drawing is still in the garage in the future!" he blurted out, but quickly a hand over his mouth, Rachel turned her head and sent Finn a big glare. "Did you hear something?" Burt questioned Kurt looking around the backyard but not seeing anything. Wide eyed little Kurt shook his head vigorously, "nope, no, nothing at all. you must of heard the neighbors or something!" the small boy lied. "Oh ok, lets go get dinner." Burt held baby Kurt's hand and the two walked inside and out of sight.

"THAT was close!" Finn breathed out. Rachel let out a quiet laugh and hit Finn lightly on the arm. The two then walked over and made themselves comfortable on the green grass of Kurt's backyard. "How are we going to get back home?" Finn asked looking down at Rachel. "To be honest... i really don't know." Rachel sighed fiddling with the grass in front on her. The couple just sat there in silence for a while thinking about if they would ever be able to get home and how. "We will find a way." Finn reassured Rachel and himself.

It was Monday afternoon and Kurt had just arrived back from school. "Hey little dude, how was school?" Finn asked ruffling little Kurt's hair. "It was fine." The small boy replied looking kind of sad. Rachel and Finns eyes connected both shared the feeling of concern. "What happened?" Rachel asked with worry. Kurt shook his head. "Nothing, I'm just really tired." He told them. For the rest of the afternoon the three of them just went off doing their own things. Finn was looking through Kurt's tiny collection of action figures that the small boy got for his birthday from his aunt, Rachel was looking through all the stuff little Kurt's owned that related to Broadway (most of the things looked quite familiar to her) and Kurt was doing his homework. Every once and then someone would talk but most of the time was spent in silence. The silence was broken when little Kurt spoke up, "What does 'Gay' mean?" he questioned, looking over at Finn and Rachel. "Why do you ask?" Rachel frowned tilting her head a bit. The small boy looked down "Just cause some boy in a higher year called me and Blaine gay." Rachel sighed "It's Blaine and I sweetie, and don't listen to that boy! hes silly." Rachel told baby Kurt. "But what does it mean?" Kurt questioned rather loudly. Rachel looked at the small boy, he seemed really desperate to know so Rachel explained it to him, and he listened careful.

When Rachel was finished explaining what 'Gay' meant to Kurt. The small boy looked deep in thought. "Am I Gay?" Kurt asked quietly looking up. "That is up for you to find out, bud." Finn replied giving the boy a small smile. "You know the future me! am I gay in the future?" Kurt questioned the couple. "Not telling." Rachel smirked, "your going to have to find out yourself." She added. Kurt frowned looking lost in thought again.

"Why isn't there any Disney movies about gay people?".

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