Chapter 7

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About two hours later little Kurt was getting ready for bed, "When will you guys be going back to the future?" the tired boy asked, Rachel chuckled as she tucked him in "you getting sick of us Kurt?". Kurt's eyes widen and he shook his head, "No! not at all!" He reassured the older girl, Rachel just smiled back "I'm just kidding, We don't exactly know when to be honest, but we will tell you when we do, now try and get some sleep!" She told Kurt as she kissed him on the forehead and walked over to sit next her boyfriend who was seated just at the end of Kurt's bed. Kurt was just about to close his eyes and get some sleep until his bedroom door opened and his dad walked in. "Just came in to tell you goodnight" Burt grinned as he fix the blankets around his son, making sure he was comfortable. "I need to ask you something kiddo" Burt said, sitting on the edge of Kurt's bed. "I keep hearing you talking, but there's nobody in the room with you... May i ask who you are talking to?" He questioned the small boy. "I- uh- My imaginary friend!" Kurt replied to his father, who just raised one eyebrow "uh- yeah- um, her name is uh- Raven!" the little boy lied, smiling awkwardly. Burt just chuckled, "alrighty bud, well goodnight!" he ruffled his sons hair playfully then walked out of the room.

As soon as Burt was gone Finn and Rachel let out a breath that they didn't even know they were holding. "Raven Kurt? Really?" Rachel laughed quietly.

The next morning Kurt had to go to school, "Ugh, i don't want to go to school!" the boy whined as Burt shook him awake "com'on ranger, get up and get ready!" the older man ordered, walking out of the room and down stairs to make breakfast. Little Kurt sighed, "I don't want to go! I hate school!" he groaned into his pillow, "what's so bad about school? you used to be fine with going to school!" Finn spoke up, the small boy sat up into a sitting position and frowned down at the bed covers, his pajamas were all crinkled and his hair was all over the place, making him look even more adorable than he already was. "Yeah, I USED to. But now I don't" Kurt pouted, picking at a loose string on the bed sheet. "Kurt, is this about that boy who made fun of your mum?" Rachel asked concerned, The boy only nodded as a reply. "What if he makes fun of her again? i don't want him to! it makes me angry!" Baby Kurt started tearing. Rachel quickly scooped the small boy into a hug, "I don't think he will make fun of your mum again, I'm pretty sure he would have learnt his lesson last time when you hit him." Rachel chuckled a bit. "I'm sure you'll be fine, Kurt! just stick with Blaine." Finn reassured the boy, "Courage." The tall boy added, snickering at the inside joke.

Finally Kurt had left for school and Finchel was suffering with boredom, they spent the whole day exploring the house, watching TV and reading random books they found lying around, that was until the hummels returned home. When Kurt entered his room he didn't say anything to the couple, he just kept his head down as he rushed to his bed, where he layed face down on, not making any noise. This worried Finn and Rachel, something must of happened at school. "Kurt what wrong?" Rachel asked as she walked over to the bed, As soon as she reached it, the small boy started to sob. Rachel sat next to Kurt and rubbed circles on his back trying to comfort him. "What wrong sweetie?" she asked softly. Little Kurt's sobs slowly disappeared as he removed his head from his pillow and sat up in a sitting position, he lift his head and looked up at the older girl. Rachel gasped as she took in the large bruise around Kurt's eye, "Oh my god Kurt! What happened?!".

Kurt used the sleeve of his shirt to wipe away his tears, "It- It was that boy." he told the couple quietly, "He was angry about how i hit him the other day, and he wanted pay back, so he got his friends to hold me so that I couldn't run away and he punched me". Tears continued to run down little Kurt's cheeks. "And there wasn't any witnesses so the boy and his two friends didn't get in trouble!" the small boy glared down at the sheets of his bed. Rachel was angry! Some people can be so mean! "Aw come here bud" Finn said as he pulled Kurt into a hug, "Where was Blaine during all this?" the older boy asked. Kurt sighed "He was away sick today" He pouted. All of a sudden there was a knock on the door of Kurt's room and Burt walked in, "Hey ranger! I'm sorry about what happened today at school, I have called the school and i have a meeting with the principal tomorrow so we can deal with this rude boy who is tormenting you." he told his son. Kurt nodded, a sad look upon his face. Burt sighed, he hated seeing Kurt sad. "Hey com'on, cheer up buddy, how about we go out and get some ice-cream and maybe we will even go and rent out one of your favorite movies!". Kurt sat up higher and smiled, "can we get 'The Little Mermaid'?! Please!" He begged his dad. Burt chuckled "Sure." he grinned.

When the Kurt and Burt returned, Kurt looked like he had fully cheered up, he was smiling widely and jumping around with excitement. "My dad bought me 'The Little Mermaid'! he didn't just rent it! He ACTUALLY bought it!" Kurt grinned as he shoved the movie under Rachel nose, "now i get to keep it forever! and watch and sing a-long as many times as i want!" He giggled. Finn laughed, "that's awesome dude!" the taller boy ruffled little Kurt's hair, "Finn no! stop messing up my beautiful hair!" He pushed the older boy playfully, Finn chuckled and looked at Kurt with a weird looking facial, "Why are you looking at me lik- AH!", Finn had started to tickle Kurt, making the boy fall to the ground kicking out and giggling. Rachel sat on the bed laughing as she watched the two.

The night was full of laughs and 'The Little Mermaid', but as soon as it was about 8:30pm Kurt was fast asleep. Rachel was happy about how the afternoon turned out, it didn't start out very well but it had a great ending, she loved seeing little Kurt so happy, she hasn't seen the boy smile that much since his mothers death. Rachel started wondering what it would be like when she got back home to the future, will it feel strange? She will never forget the amazing adventure and she couldn't wait to tell future Kurt all about it.

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