Chapter 12

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"It's not here!" Kurt grumbled as he slid out from under his parents bed, where there was a mess of abandoned things. "Well I wouldn't put a photo album in a forgotten pile under my bed either!" Rachel replied, crossing her arms across her chest, "your the one who told me to look under the bed!" Kurt shot back. The slightly irritated girl huffed, "Yeah well, you never know!" She finally answered after a pause. Kurt sighed, "Lets look down stairs." He mumbled quietly.

At Kurt's school, Little Kurt was rushing to get to the table where he would find his best friend Blaine. He knew that he promised that older girl that he wouldn't tell anyone about her and the other boy travelling from the future, but he told Blaine everything, plus he could never lie to his bestie, so he HAD to tell him about his new friends. "BLAINE!" Kurt shouted over the loud voices of all the other kids in the cafeteria. It took a while, trying to dodge all the other crazing children, but finally Kurt had reached the table his BFF was sitting at. "Hey Blaine!" He said excitedly, Blaine turned around and smiled instantly at the sight of his best friend. "KUURT!" He shouted loudly (even though Kurt was right next to him) and stood up to give Kurt the biggest hug ever. "Blaine! I really need to tell you something!" Kurt told his friend as they seated themselves at the table, right next to eachother. "Oooo ok, but you have to say it very quick, 'cause im hungry and this food looks delicious!" Blaine joked making Kurt giggle. "You can eat while I tell you!" the paler boy pointed out. "Ok so I was in my mum and dad's room, which my mum's pretty paranoid about because she thinks I'm gonna break everything, but anyway, so I'm in their room and I see these two older people in there and guess what?" Blaine stopped half-way through chewing the food that was in his mouth, to look at Kurt curiously. "They are from the future!" Kurt finished the sentence with a dramatic hand gesture. Little Blaine frowned and tilted his head as he swallowed the food that he was previously chewing. "Are you serious?" He asked and got a nod in reply. "Woah!" Blaine gasped, "Did your mum say anything about it?" Kurt sighed and rested his head in his hands. "It seemed like she couldn't even see them!" That made Blaine frown again, "I wonder if i can see them?"

Back at the Hummel house Kurt and Rachel were slowly making their way down the stairs towards the lounge room until a voice made them freeze. Kurt carefully looked around the corner to see his father on the phone, he quickly backed up and had to bite his hand to stop himself from laughing out loud. "What's so funny?" Rachel whispered with a frown, "he has hair!" Kurt told her with a chuckle. Rachel shook her head but smiled as she took a turn at looking around the corner at Burt on the phone. "Dont worry Mrs Hudson, your car will be fixed by saturday, ready for your big trip on sunday!" The old man spoke into the phone with a small laugh. Rachel leaned back to look at Kurt, "Finn and I have experience this exact moment before!" the girl told him, Kurt just shrugged in reply not knowing what to say or do. Finally Burt hung up the phone after to saying his goodbyes, and was now heading towards the front door right near where Kurt and Rachel were. He was about to reach out and open the door but the door was opened by Kurt's mother, Elizabeth, who had just arrived home. Rachel noticed the way kurt tensed beside her as his mum entered the house. "Oh hey Liz, I was just on my way to the garage." Burt said with a smile, Elizabeth returned the smile and gave Burt a kiss on the cheek. "Dont be home too late!" She told him as she made her way towards the kitchen, "I won't! I'm never late for dinner! I love food too much!" Burt chuckled as he made his way out the front door. Kurt's mother laughed out loud, "Bye hun!" She called out, "Bye!" her husband replied then shut the door. Rachel snuck a look at her best friends face, He was looking down at the floor in front of him and his eyes were watering. "Come on." Rachel said softly, grabbing kurt wrist and gently pulling him to follow her into the lounge room, "Lets go find this photoalbum!"

After an hour of looking in the lounge room for the album and avoiding getting noticed by Elizabeth, Kurt and Rachel were ready to give up. "What if we never find this photo album Rachel?" Kurt mumbled, Rachel let out a deep sigh, "We will find it." Was all she said.

Little Kurt skipped happily towards the front door of his house and let himself in. "Mummy! Mum! Can Blainey come over tomorrow!? He hasn't been over in ages and I REALLY wanna show him something!" The small boy walked into the kitchen where his mother was cooking, "ooo! Dinner smells fabulous!" he said enthusiastically as soon as he smelt the food being cooked. "Of course Blainers can come over! Hes always welcome the little sweetheart" Elizabeth Hummel smiled at her little son.

Back in the lounge room Older Kurt and Rachel sat on the blue couch eavesdropping, hearing his mother say that made teenage kurt smile. "atleast I know that my mother would be ok with me dating Blaine" whispered to his bestfriend, Rachel sent him a sad smile and a small hug in return. "And we are having roast chicken for dinner, which you have to eat all of!" Kurt's mother told the smaller version of himself. Baby Kurt nodded "thanks mum! And I will." he replied as he made his way to room but had to stop in the loungeroom as something caught his eye.

Quickly little Kurt turned to see his friends sitting on the other side of the room. "hey!" the small boy called out, pointing at the two. Kurt and Rachel jumped not expecting the loud reaction. As soon as they recovered the two shooshed him, making sure he didnt make another sound and risk them getting caught by elizabeth. The three didnt say anything as the older two walked over the little Kurt and quietly directed him in the direction of his room.

Once in the room older Kurt closed the door and walked over to his younger self. "Have you told anyone about us?" he asked his the young boy, who looked slightly guilty, "I know you told me not to tell anyone but-" " you told Blaine." Rachel finished the boys sentence causing the two Kurts to look at her with a similar facial expression, "I have lived through this moment before." the girl explained. Older Kurt sighed, "should have known I would've told Blaine." he mumbled to himself, earning a strange look from his younger self. "Now Kurt, have you seen a nicely decorated photo album anywhere? It has a picture of you and your parents on that big blue couch in the loungeroom on the front cover" Little Kurt thought for a moment, before his face brightened up with acknowledgement, "oh! I know that one! Its in the spare room! I'll go get it!" the small boy ran out of the room in search for the album. "see I told you we would find it!" Rachel nudged Kurt lightly, the older boy sat on his old bed with a sigh of relief, "I'm so happy right now" kurt breathed out. It took a while but soon little baby Kurt was back carrying the massive photo album, "I got it! Why do you need it?" the boy asked curiously. Rachel walked over and gently picked up the photo album, "we need it to get back home to the future." she smiled at little kurt. The small boy frowned, "wait, are you leaving?" he asked, his big blue eyes wide open. Rachel frowned, "yeah, im sorry Kurt but we have to" she said putting a gentle hand on his shoulder. little kurt looked frantically back and forth at Rachel and Kurt, "but you can't! I told Blaine I would introduce him to you guys!" he told the best friends. Rachel was about to reply to the boy saying that they were sorry but couldnt stay until older Kurt interrupted her. "I guess we could stay for one more day." he spoke up, making Rachel give him a weird look, "what? I want to meet Blaine!" The Older Kurt told her before sending his younger self a smile. Rachel huffed and crossed her arms across her chest, "fine." she said as she sat her self on the bed next to her best friend. "oh my god! Yes! This is going to be great!" little kurt giggled jumping up and down excitedly

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