Chapter 5

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Little Kurt didn't go to school for the rest of the week, he didn't speak or eat much and he barely ever left his room. Finn and Rachel tried their best to make him feel a little more happier by telling him funny stories, giving him clues about the stuff that will happen in the future and playing games. every now and then Kurt would give them a small smile but that was very very rare.

It was a Saturday and Kurt hadn't even bothered getting out of bed, he felt sick and tired, mostly because he spent the whole night crying. Rachel walked over to Kurt's side of the bed and kneeled in front of the small boy, who looked up at her with a blank expression. "Are you feeling ok?" She asked brushing little Kurt's hair out of his eyes. Kurt shook his head, "I feel sick." He spoke up quietly. Rachel half smiled at Kurt and leaned in giving him a kiss on the forehead, "Why don't you get some sl-" Just as Rachel was about to say 'sleep', Kurt's room door opened and Burt walked in, nearly standing on top of Finn who was sitting on the floor at the end of Kurt's bed still half asleep. "Hey bud, you feeling alright?" Burt asked concerned. Little Kurt just shrugged his shoulders. "Are you up for visitors? Blaine's down stairs, but if you don't feel like having company i can send him back home." Kurt shot up in a sitting position, "I wanna see Blaine!" He said looking at his dad with a pleading look. Burt just smiled, "Alright i will go get him for you." The man said as he walked out to get Blaine. Kurt quickly turned his head towards Rachel making the girl laugh a little, "Watch out sweetie, you'll give yourself whip lash." She smiled, "Do I look ok?" Kurt asked quickly trying to fix up his hair with his hands, "I don't want Blaine to see me looking like a mess!" Kurt stated, freaking out a little bit. Finn chuckled from the other side of the room, which earned him a glare from the small boy, "You look fine Kurt" He reassured the little boy.

Just after Finn said this the door slowly opened and Blaine shyly walked in, giving Finn a small smile as he did so. He turned and took a look at his best friend and grinned. "Hey Kurt!" he walked over and sat next Kurt handing him the handmade card he had made. "I'm sorry about your mum." Blaine said quietly looking down and fiddling with the end of his shirt, not knowing what else to say to his best friend. "I have missed you at school." Blaine spoke up again, knowing that Kurt probably wouldn't have replied to what he said before. Kurt smiled a bit, "I've missed you too." He said quietly. Blaine grinned and gave Kurt a big hug, trying to cheer to other boy up. "I don't like it when your sad." Blaine told his friend tearing up a bit, Kurt sniffled as he was starting cry. "Oh don't cry!" Blaine got up and ran to the tissues that were on the other side of the room and gave some to Kurt, who took them gratefully. Blaine then made himself comfortable right beside Kurt. "Oh, Hi Rachel, Hi Finn" Blaine smiled, he had forgotten they were even there. "Hi Blaine." Rachel and Finn said at the same time smiling at the curly headed boy. "How long are you staying here?" Kurt asked looking up at his best friend, "As long as you want me to!" Blaine replied happily making Kurt smile a bit. "but what about your parents? did they say you could stay as long as i want?" Kurt questioned,"No, they said they would pick me up at five, but i can persuade them to let me stay longer if you want me to" Blaine smiled sheepishly.

After One more week Kurt was finally going back to school. It was Monday morning and the small boy was running late. "Oh no, Oh no! I'm going to be SO late! im going to get in trouble!" Kurt panic'd, "I'm pretty sure you'll be fine bud." Finn said ruffling little Kurt's head. "FINN! now I have to redo my hair which is going to make me even more late!" The small boy glared. "Your hair is fine, Everything is alright. stop worrying."Rachel spoke up, putting her hand on the boys tiny shoulder. Then without warning Kurt had started to cry. "everything is wrong! nothing is the same! I want my mum back!" he sobbed. Finn quickly bent down and pulled the boy into a hug. "It gets better, trust me." He whispered. It took a few minutes but soon Kurt was ready for school. "Have fun sweetie!" Rachel grinned, Kurt gave the couple a small smile and hugged them both, "Bye" he said quietly and then walked out of the room towards his dad ready to return to school.

"Poor Kurt, i feel so sorry for him." Rachel told Finn as the two sat on the lounge room couch, watching tv. Burt was at work and Kurt was at school so Rachel and Finn could do whatever they wanted and could talk s loud as they wanted. "Me too Rach. But all we can do is be there for him." Finn said half smiling at Rachel. "Whats going to happen when we have to go?" Rachel questioned her boyfriend, "Kurt's just going to have understand.". Just as Finn said this Burt's car pulled up in the driveway. "wh- what the hell?! Hes not meant to be home yet its too early!" The couple quickly turned off the the TV and dashed upstairs into Kurt's room.

"Kurt, you shouldn't have punched that boy." Burt said as he entered the house, holding the door open so Kurt could walk in. "But he made fun of mummy." Kurt spoke up quietly looking down at the ground. Burt sighed and pulled his son into a hug. "Ignore them buddy, they are just silly, immature boys, who are not worth any of your attention!" Burt tried to cheer the boy up. "Why don't you head up to your room and i will bring you up some toast." Burt suggested, the small boy just nodded and walked up the stairs and into his room, where Rachel and Finn were sitting in silence. "Kurt! what are you doing here?" Rachel asked surprised, "Aren't you meant to be at school?". Kurt nodded, "Yeah but i got sent home after i hit this boy who made fun of my mum." He pouted. "Good on you!" Finn spoke up and Rachel frowned at him, "What? the kid deserved it! How dare he make fun of Kurt's mother!" he pointed out to his girlfriend. "Nobody messes with the Hummels!" Finn added, which made Kurt gasp. "Hey that's what my dad says!" Kurt smiled over at the tall boy who smiled back. Just then Burt walked in and put a plate of toast down on the bedside table. "Who were you talking to just then?" He asked Little Kurt. The small boy's eyes widened, but quickly went back to normal, He quickly had to make up an excuse. "Oh... nobody... Just talkin' to myself." Kurt said awkwardly. "Oh right." Burt half chuckled.

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