Chapter 10

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A few hours later and it was just starting to get dark, this worried Rachel. "Finn! its beginning to become dark outside! And Burt hasn't come in to see Kurt! They still have no christmas tree!" She told her boyfriend. Finn frowned, he was a bit concerned. "How about we leave it for little while longer and when its about 10 o'clock then we'll figure something out to help." the tall boy suggested.

Time flew by and it was now about 9:30pm, Rachel was writing something on a piece of paper, Finn was asleep and Kurt was on the floor drawing. Rachel looked over towards the clock and sighed, where are you Burt? She continued writing the letter she was planning on placing infront Burt so he could read it. It was about how it is Christmas tomorrow and how he needs a Christmas tree and some Christmas present for Kurt. Rachel finished the letter and had looked up, curious to see what Kurt was up to. It took her a moment but when she noticed what the boy was doing she slowly folded up the newly written letter in her hands and stuck in the pocket of her jacket. Little Kurt was standing on his tippy toes trying to stick his version of a cut out Christmas tree ornament to the window with sticky tape. The boy seemed to be struggling to actually stick the tree drawing on, but Rachel had a feeling that she should probably just leave it just in case Burt Hummel walked in. A few minutes later and Rachel heard the soft footsteps that belonged to little Kurt's dad. Kurt was still struggling to hang his version of a christmas ornament up when Burt walked in. Rachel watched the man's face as he looked at his son, Burt looked guilty and he was starting to tear up. Finally Kurt was able to stick the drawing on, he looked up at with a blank expression that Rachel couldn't read. Just then Burt cleared his throat, trying to get Kurt's attention. The small boy quickly turned around, his big blue eyes wide, to see his father standing in the middle of his room. The older man raised an eyebrow and put his hands on his hips playfully. "You ready to go?" he asked his son, little Kurt frowned with confusion. "Go where?" The small boy asked, Burt grinned, "To get the Christmas Tree!". Kurt's face brightened as stood up and dashed for his cupboard, "I just need to put my shoes on!" Burt chuckled as he went to go put his own shoes on, until the sound of Finn snore stopped the man in his track. "What was that?" Burt asked, confusion written all over his face. Little Kurt eyes widened as he sent a quick look towards Rachel, "Oh um, sorry. That was me, there was something... uh... in my throat!" The boy lied and chuckled awkwardly. Burt just nodded, not looking convinced but continued walking out of the room. Soon Kurt's shoes were on and he was ready to go, "Rachel! We are going to get a Christmas tree! You were right! I am going to have a Christmas!" He told the older girl excitedly. Rachel smiled and gave the small boy a hug. "Thats great kurt!" She told him.

20 minutes later and Burt and Kurt were on the road, heading to where they will buy the Christmas tree. It took about half an hour but finally they had got to their destination. "Which tree would you like?" Burt asked, little Kurt looked around as they walked down the aisle of trees. "It needs to be the right size!" he spoke up, Burt smiled and nodded "But it can't too big, or it wont fit in the car." he added. They continued walking for a bit until Kurt froze, "that one!" the small boy called out pointing at the Christmas Tree he wanted. Burt looked towards where his son was pointing and smiled. "It's perfect" he told Kurt as he ruffled the boy's hair.

So Burt bought the tree and the two were now on their journey back home. Burt leaned over and put the radio on, sending a smile towards Kurt, who returned the gesture.

Soon Burt and Kurt where home and had started decorating the Christmas Tree that they had placed in the corner of the living room. When they were finished, the two of them stood back and took a look at their tree. Burt smiled at the beautiful Christmas tree and looked down to see Kurt's reaction. What he saw made him tear up a bit, Little Kurt was staring at the tree in wonder a smile was creeping upon his face. The boys eyes were starting to tear up as he look up at his dad, "It's perfect dad" He said quietly, turning his head to look at the tree again, "Mom would of loved it." The boy whispered, just loud enough for Burt to hear. Burt nodded smiling slightly, "Hey, why dont you go pick out a movie for us to watch while I go make us some hot cocoa." He gave his son a gently pat on the shoulder and headed to the kitchen.

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