Chapter 13 - Final Chapter

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Rachel and Kurt sat in little Kurt's room as they waited for the small boy to return from school. "Im bored!" Kurt mumbled from on the floor. Rachel only huffed in reply as she sat on the bed fiddling with her hair. "When does the school finish?" he looked up at his bestfriend, Rachel looked up at the clock that was on the opposite wall and sighed, "we still have 2 hours." Kurt groaned and dramatically fell back into a lying position on the floor. They stayed quiet for about 10 minutes before Kurt got up to his feet and casually made his way towards the door. "Kurt! Where are you going?" Rachel asked frantically as she sat up higher frowning at the slightly older boy. "exploring." he said simply, slowly turning the knob of the door and opening it as quiet as he could. Rachel quickly got up and followed him out of the room.

The two made their way through the kitchen expecting to see Elizabeth there but she wasn't. "I wonder where your mum is." Rachel whispered to Kurt, Kurt just shrugged as he opened the back door and made his way out with Rachel right behind him. Rachel looked around the backyard in wonder, thinking about how Kurt grew up here and all the memories he must have of this place. She was so lost in thought that she didn't notice Kurt freeze and ran right into him, making him lose balance and fall a bit forward. Kurt sent a quick stern look before looking back at the garden infront of them where his mother was gardening, thankfully she didn't hear them. Kurt stood there for a bit before walking slowly towards where his mum was, as quiet as he could. Rachel gave her friend a confused look but didn't move or stop him. Soon Kurt had ended up right behind his mother, he couldn't believe what was happening he was right next to his mother he had thought he had lost forever, he thought he would never see her again. Kurt tried to wipe the tears that had just appeared but they just kept coming, he missed his mum so much. All these memories and flashbacks suddenly attacked Kurt and before he could stop himself a loud sob had escaped him. With wide eyes Kurt quickly covered his mouth before any other sound could come out. He watched as his mother turned around and looked around with a frown, "Is anyone there?!" She called out looking confused. With a shrug Elizabeth turned around and continued with working on the garden. Kurt couldnt move, he was scared that if he moved the slightest bit he would break and start sobbing uncontrollably, so he just stood there with wide, watery eyes staring at his mother he thought he would never see again.

From what Rachel could see, Kurt was breaking down. She knew that She needed to do something before he made another sound. Carefully she made her way towards her bestfriend and gently put her hand on his bicep getting his attention. Kurt turned and looked at Rachel with a look that broke her heart. Holding back her own tears Rachel lightly directed Kurt quietly towards the house. Once they had made it back inside the house Kurt broke, he collapsed onto the ground sobbing loudly, one hand grasping where his heart was and the other running through his thick hair. Rachel, crying herself, quickly kneeled down next to Kurt on the floor and pulled him into a hug. "ssh come on Kurt, its ok" she comforted him as she held him protectively. " come on lets go back into the room before she hears us" Rachel said softly as she carefully lifted the sobbing boy up and led him into his old room. Once in the room Rachel sat herself and Kurt onto the bed and pulled him back into a hug. He was still crying but not as hard as before. After a while Kurt gently pulled back and tried wiping his eyes and fixing his hair, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I tried not to cry but I couldnt and I dont even know what happened, and its hurts! It hurts so much Rachel, I miss her so much! I-I-" Rachel quickly stopped Kurt from his ramblings by pulling him close again. "you dont have to explain yourself Kurt, I know you are upset and hurting. And you have no reason to apologize! You dont have to be sorry." she told him hugging him tightly. After a few seconds Rachel could feel Kurt nodding against her shoulder in reply.

The bell rung meaning it was the end of school for that day and little Kurt could not be happier, kurt jumped up and rushed out of class and made his way to where he and Blaine were going to meet up. A few seconds later and Blaine was running to where Kurt was standing "KKUURTT!" the energetic child yelled as he ran up to his bestfriend giving him a massive hug. "Hey Blaine! You ready to go?" little kurt asked excitedly, hugging Blaine back. Blaine nodded with a smile and two made their way over to where Kurt's mother was waiting. Little Kurt broke into a run and hugged his mother as a greeting and Blaine flash the women one of his biggest grins. Elizaeth laughed, "hello boys!" she smiled as they headed over to the car.

Back at the house kurt and Rachel were standing opposite the mirror in the bathroom, "I look horrible!" kurt grumbled as he tried to fix his hair. Rachel sighed "you look fine!" she said as she made her way out of the room "just hurry up! Your younger boyfriend and self are on their way here". Kurt groaned and bent to splash his face with the water from the tap. After he was done refreshing himself, he made his back into the room where Rachel was. It took a bit but finally little kurt had arrived home and was quickly pulling blaine by his hand up the stairs to his room as soon as they entered the house. When they entered the room, kurt and Rachel were talking about an event that was happening on the weekend, "Hey guys!" little Kurt greeted, "this is my BFF, Blaine!" he told the older two as he gestured to small crazy haired boy. Rachel smiled "Hey Blaine" she said sweetly, Older Kurt turned and took a look at the younger version of Blaine and had to hold in his laugh. Blaines hair looked so funny! "why hello there Blaine!" Kurt grinned, making little Blaine smile back. "I can see them Kurt! And they can see me!" Blaine said excitedly jumping up and down, little Kurt joined in "yay! I knew you would!" the small blue eyed boy giggled. Rachel and Older Kurt could not help but laugh at the cute scene. For the rest of the afternoon the four ended up playing games, drawing and they even had a tea party (which older Kurt hadn't done in years!). It was a fun afternoon and Kurt will never forget it! It was about five when Blaine was ready to go home, "bye! I have had so much fun! Bye Rachel! Bye ..." Little Blaine paused as he looked at older Kurt not remembering the older boys name. "kurt." older Kurt told him with a smile. Little Blaine gasped "hey you guys have the same name! Thats so cool! Woah wait! Oh my god! Are you kurt from the future?! Oh my! Oh my gosh! Are we still bestfriends?! We better still be best friends! You are my best friend FOREVER! Forever means al-" Little Blaines rambling was interrupted by older Kurt, "you're gonna have to find out if we are still besties yourself little man!" he laughed. Little Blaine huffed but nodded, "fine! Anyway I got to go! Bye Rachel and Kurt! It was nice to meet you!" he smiled politely, then turned to face his bestfriend "bye Kurtie! I shall see you tomorrow!" Little Blaine grinned widely as he hugged little Kurt tightly. He then turned around and made his way down the stairs where his mother was waiting. "Are you really my future self?" Little Kurt asked older Kurt, the older boy smile softly, "I sure am.".

It was about 7 when Kurt and Rachel were ready to head back home to the future. Little Kurt was standing in the corner of his room. "am I famous in the future?" the smaller boy asked, Rachel turned and looked at him with a smile "we are still in highschool in the future hun, we dont know if we are going to be famous yet." she explained. Little Kurt nodded, "I hope I become famous." he spoke up again. Older Kurt sent him a smile "so do I." Rachel smiled and then stood up near the photoalbum, "ok we are ready to go." she told the two kurts. Little Kurt pouted "alright" he said sadly, "its been nice meeting you!" he said a small smile on his face. Older Kurt returned the smile and gave the smaller version a hug, "some things are going to happen in the future, but I swear to you, life gets better!" he whispered to the smaller boy, who looked at him with big eyes and nodded. Older Kurt then made his way next to Rachel near the album. "Bye Kurt enjoy life!" Rachel told the little boy with a wide smile. The smaller version of Kurt smiled back "Bye!" After their goodbyes Older Kurt and Rachel turned and looked at the photoalbum before them. Rachel leaned down and slowly opened the book, and suddenly the room was spinning and everything went blurry and there was the familiar humming noise that happened everytime they travelled through time.

It took 5 minutes but finally they back in the basement with Finn standing in the same place he was standing in before they left. Kurt sighed with relief and chuckled "and we're back!" he breathed out, making Rachel smile. "you guys didn't even leave!" Finn spoke up with a confused frown on his face. "time must of froze when we left" told her boyfriend, who stilled looked confused but nodded anyway. They stood silently still sort recovering, until Kurt bent down and placed the strange photoalbum back in the box it came from. "never again am I touching that Photoalbum again!" Kurt said out loud, which was a lie but he didn't know that yet. "How about we go up stairs and rest? Watch tv or something. Burts going to be home soon anyway." Finn suggested as he stood there awkwardly. The other two in the room nodded in agreement, they needed rest after their crazy adventures. "I suggest we don't tell anyone else about this? I don't know about you, but I don't want to be labelled the town's crazy." Kurt spoke up as they made their way out of the basement. Finchel laughed lightly at what Kurt said but agreed, "you guys still need to tell what happened when you guys travelled back in time!" Finn suddenly said changing the subject. Rachel smiled "I will tell you when we are seated upstairs." She replied to her tall boyfriend.

That night as the three were going to sleep they all thought about the adventures they had just had and smiled. They will never forget about that photoalbum.

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