6. Afire Love

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"Please make it stop.", Giselle moaned with tears in her eyes. "It wo-won't stop.", she said sobbing.

"Shit,", Mario cursed running a hand through his hair. "I'll get the nurse."

This had become routine, the chemotherapy was working slowly but her pain was infinite.

The nurse they had hired came inside the room. She went straight to Giselle.

"I thought it would stop..", Giselle said quietly but couldn't keep speaking because she puked on the bed.

"Come here son, grab her. She is sweating so much it spread through the sheets. She's burning up, quickly take her to the tub, I have to cool her body down.", the nurse said, Mario scooped her up while the nurse was walking towards the bathroom and she turned on the water. "Take her clothes off and set her down in tub. I will be right back, I have to get her some medication."

Mario set her down on the tub and took her over sized T-shirt off of her body. She could feel his hands on her ribs, it sent chills down her body. His hands went to her hips where her shorts where. He gently took them off, the water from the tub making her shorts soaking wet. He was on his knees attending her. He slowly unclasped her bra and put it on the floor with the rest of her soaking clothes. His hands then reached down to the band of her underwear. Sliding them off and putting it with the rest. She brought her knees up to her chest, concealing all of her body.

Her once long hair was short now. The chemotherapy making her go nearly bald. Though her beauty still there, her eyes once happy. Now dull, she had no energy.

The medicine, the drugs, making her go weak. Throwing up, feverish nights, and bloody nose. Her bones hurting at the single squeeze of them.

The nurse came back in and turned the faucet off. She grabbed the hose and wet her whole body.

Mario didn't know what to do other than kneel and watch. One of the many people in his life whom he loves suffer.

"Please go away..", Giselle said almost in a near whisper.

"Its okay boy, I can handle this.", The nurse said.

"Okay..", Mario said faintly. He got up off his knees and went to her bedroom. He sat at the edge of her bed, his hands in his head. His elbows touching his knees. He choked on a sob, no actual tears coming out but anguish. Sadness was all he feels, no happiness. He had done so many things wrong in his short life. But loving her wasn't one of them.

It was all in his head, the fame getting to him beyond reason. He let the glamour, lights, and fame seep into his life. But whats success if you can't share it with the ones you love.

That point was where Mario went wrong. He took a turn in his life that only went in circles until he realizes whats real and right in his life.

The reason why they separated was because of Kat but not entirely. When he saw his team mates who didn't have a child to take care or and a wife. They where free, although he did love his son. He would have loved to be free for a while longer. At some point he felt he was baby sitting Giselle. She didn't have a job all she was doing was taking care of their son at home and waiting on him to get home. But now looking back at it, I think he would have liked to spend more time with her. Those moments that where stolen with her, he would cherish them for the rest of his life. Life's to short to live in what if's.

A realization for him, he wouldn't trade Giselle for any woman. Not Kat, Beyonce, or Rihanna herself. He would stay and fight with her till the end and to the finish line. He wouldn't leave her now. As a friend, once lover. Didn't matter. He would stay with her and support her.

Days and days passed like this. But this time Mario could deal on his own. He bathed her every day and made sure nothing was missing. In the nights he took care of her, in the mornings it was the nurse since he had to go to training. Sometimes it bothered him that he couldn't be completely there for her but he had to do his job.

It was time for her to go to the doctor today. Alex didn't come with them because he was still with his grandparents.

Mario like always accompanied her. They where situated in the doctors chair sitting down waiting for the doctor to finish revising her weekly result. The wait making them anxious and impatient.

It wasn't until the doctor looked up from the papers and sighed. 

"I'm afraid its only worsening.", he said looking at Giselle then quickly at Mario.

Giselle's face was shattered, her need to cry but her strong valiant face always there. But in the inside she felt like a little girl who just had her favorite doll destroyed.

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