12. Farwell (Finale Part 1)

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You know how you wait for those phone calls, the ones that you are really looking forward too. For example the ones that will determine your future like even those College phone calls that tell you to go check out their campus. Even the phone calls about the house you are about to buy and that the buyer accepted your offer. But you never want those phone calls, the emergency phone calls. The ones that scare you shitless because you don't know what is going on. You are in the Twilight Zone nothing makes sense. You get there and you don't even know what you got yourself into.

She never woke up from that dream. Maybe her soul decided that it was better for her to stay in a happy place rather than her stay and suffer.

Mario got there as fast as he could. She was already dying as he was getting there, she didn't know it but all her organs where shutting down on her. She couldn't feel anything because of the drugs.

"Mama...", Mario said to his mother, he was in tears. Tears of agony. "What the fuck happened?"

"I am so sorry Mario,", She said crying on her sons chest. "She didn't wake up..She didn't wake up..."

They where outside the hallway of the her room, standing in the white hallway. Nobody was in the hallway, making it even more saddening. 

They stood their for a while, crying. Grief was all you could feel.

The doctor soon came, approaching them with intimidation.

"You fucking told me she was okay!", Mario yelled at him, going up to him and shoving him. "You told me she was fine! That she was 'good to go', but you didn't fucking think it through! She is dead now! She is fucking dead!", He yelled at him shoving him every time he spoke.

"Sir, please.", He said to him. "I told you what the risks where going into this."

"But you couldn't take the fucking time to check her vitals or something? I don't fucking know, you are supposed to be the doctor here!", Mario yelled at him wiping his tears away.

"I am sorry for your loss, I truly am. These things happen, you have to understand that.", He said to him trying to approach him and put a hand on his shoulder but Mario backed away from him.

"Just fucking leave.", Mario said turning his back away from him. He heard the doctor leave and he punched the wall. He leaned against the wall and slid down it. He broke down, completely. He put his hands on his his knees, he cried. All he could do was Cry, he couldn't bring her back. She was gone.

All you could hear in that lonely white hallway was the sound of his mothers crying and his sobbing.

The next day was the most painful, he had to explain to his son how his mother was never coming back but that she would always be with him in his heart. Like his guardian Angel, watching his son cry. Watching him cry and call out for his mother was the worse thing a parent can experience. He didn't know what to tell him, all but hug him.

His team mates showed him support, calling him and telling him if he ever needed someone to talk to that they would always be there for him. But all he could say was thank you. Danke. Those words where what came out of his mouth all day.

The blank stare he gave his family members. His mother took care of all the arrangements for the funeral. Everything was happening so quickly, he stayed in his room all day. Looking through everything, all of their memories. Her bracelet, the one he gave her for Christmas with the Borussia Dortmund Logo.

The next day was the most painful, the day of the funeral. It was going to be held in Dortmund. The funeral was going to be outside. She had asked to be cremated but to put a casket in the ground so they can all have some closure and let go, that's what she had said to Astrid. 

The cemetery was full of White roses like she had requested. She wanted a single yellow rose to be placed on top of her casket. She didn't want Alexander to put it because she didn't want to traumatize him. Mario would put the last Rose on top of her Casket.

The priest talked, gave his speech about Grief. To move forward but to not forget. To love and forgive, to trust and to forget. Mario didn't pay attention, all he could think of is how it could get to this. He could only hear faint words of what the man was saying, it wasn't until his mother tapped him and it was turn for him to talk.

He stood up and held his mothers hand for a while, he stood in front of everyone. Everyone with faces of grief. So many people where there that they loved. Her mother was not invited, she didn't want her to be there.

"I loved this woman, more than words can explain. I made some mistakes along the way that everyone is aware of but all the memories I shared with her they where infinite. She always told me someday this day would come but she never told me how close it would be.", Mario said so far he didn't crack. "She showed me that love was all we needed, in our family. She showed me everything how to build a home, how to be a family. I would be lost if it wasn't for her, she showed me everything their is to know about building a family. I suck at these speeches because words can not explain how much I miss her, how much I want her back with me. How I want to sleep with her at night and stay with her their forever. Us three forever, that is how I want it.", Mario said pausing, he cleared his throat and looked at everyone again. "Don't remember her as someone sick and weak, Remember her as someone who was strong and she fought till the end. I love you Giselle, I will always love you till the end. Always and forever."

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A/N: I am sorry...

One // Sequel to Lego HouseOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant