Everything Went Black

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Some of the stress had worn off by the time you woke up the next day. You wanted to power through today and get it over and done with. You needed more time to look over your sticky situation with Tom. You had an idea to create perfect times for him to tell him how you actually feel and see if he feels the same way you do. You had P.E. last, a perfect opportunity. When you stood up, your vision went blurry for a second before going back and then a headache started to form. 

Y/N: Mom, I need some Panadol!

Your Mother: It's out on the bench, have a great day at school

You took the tablet with some water. No matter how you took them you have always hated taking tablets. It had been a few days since you last had an encounter with Abbi and a great few days they had been.

Abbi: I see you have quit ballet

Y/N: Nope, I have just changed classes

Abbi: I surprised they even let you in. Your terrible at ballet.

Y/N: I'm not in the mood for your shit right now

Abbi: Calm down no need to act bitchy, i'll see you in P.E.

She left and right on time too. Tom was coming and you did not want to start any fights today. Mainly because you didn't want your headache to get worse.

Teacher: Today we are working on endurance

Y/N: I'm not in the mood to do this

Tom: Come on, it'll be fun. They usually make us run laps. We can do them together.

Y/N: Fine, but I can't make any promises about finishing

Despite your efforts your headache had gotten worse. You just started off with a slow jog.

Tom: You ok y/n? You seem off

Y/N: Yeah i'm just tired

You didn't want Tom worrying about you more than he already does.

Abbi: Come on slow poke. You suck at running just like how you suck at ballet.

This sets you off. You had enough of her crap. You started to run faster. Tom caught up with you. This was too much for you. Your vision went blurry again, you got light-headed, pale face. You could tell it was only seconds before your legs gave out.

Y/N: Tom...

You mumbled his name as your hand tried to find his shoulder for you to hold onto before you fell. You could only catch glimpses of what was happening around you.

Tom: No y/n, please be ok. This is all your fault Abbi!

You heard him yell and tried to form some sort of smile to let him know your ok. All that came out was a quiet grunt. Everything went black.

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