Part 12

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Your Mother: y/n, are you going to school today?

Y/N: No mum, I just wanna be alone today.

Your Mother: Are you sure?

Tom: I can leave if you want.

He came into your bedroom carrying a bag. Just seeing him made it 100x better. You got off your bed and hugged him almost knocking him backwards. He hugged you back with his empty hand.

Y/N: You have have no idea how much I needed that.

Tom: Darling, you must feel horrible.

Y/N: I do.

Tom: Could a tub of ice-cream fix hat?

Y/N: Maybe a little bit.

A small smile formed o your face. He knew you all too well.

Tom: Well I brought over ice-cream and some dvd's.

Y/N: Thank you.

You interrupted him with a kiss.

Tom: I take that as a yes.

He sat on the bed with you.

Tom: Okay we have; Civil War.

Y/N: Of course you bring Civil War.

Tom: Hey, I am good in that movie.

Y/N: Is that Mary Poppins I see?

Tom: Yes, I knew it was your all-time favourite movie.

Y/N: I don't know ow, but let's put it in.

You slid the disc into the loading tray and snuggled back under the blankets with Tom lying next to you and a tub ice-cream in the middle. You knew today was just going to be watching movies and eating to take your mind off of things. Your mum was out on the phone sorting out things for the funeral.

Y/N: Tom... I do not want to go.

Tom: You should, it's good for closure. I'll be there with you.

Y/N: I guess, but I don't think I can make it all the way through. I was so close with her and now that she's gone it feels like a part of me left with her.

Tom: Even though she is gone she left a part of her in you. She will always be here.

He pointed to your heart. He held your chin in his finger tips and looked into your eyes.

Tom: I am here for you.

He kissed your lips and you felt as if all your problems floated away. Just being with him made everything feel better.

Y/N: I don't deserve you.

You started to cry again but you didn't really know why.

Tom: Oh babe, it's okay. I don't deserve a beautiful girl like you.

 He sort of gave a little laugh and then letting you cuddle up in his jumper. It smelt like him.It was a soothing and calming smell. Tom was so sweet and amazing it made just want to cry of happiness.

Y/N: Okay, I'll go. Will you come with me?

Tom: Of course, anything for you.


(I also have 2 other stories if any of yall would like to read them. Kara's Memory Loss is based off Supergirl. My Best Friends Brother is based off the show Riverdale. If anyone has questions for me just leave them in the comments and i will get back to you ASAP. I was wondering if I should start a Harry Potter based story so comment if i should. Let me know what kind of story y'all would like to read.)

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