Chapter Two

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Chapter 2

Scott's POV

I grabbed Mitch's hand and pulled him out of the club as fast as I could walking him to the car in silence. I couldn't control how angry I was not only that but I was scared. Alex was at the club and he could get to us both. As we drove I sighed loudly. "Are you mad at me?" Mitch asked timidly not looking up from the floor. 

"What? Why would I be mad at you?" I asked confused. "If it's anyone's fault it's mine." I continued. "Why is it your fault Scott?" Mitch asked putting his hand on mine. I shook my head. "I'm the one who Alex is mad at. He hates me and he's trying to hurt me by hurting you." I axplained. 

"That doesn't mean it's your fault. You didn't do anything to him. That asshole is just what I said an asshole. It's not my fault and it's most certainly not your fault." He said trying to reaasure me. "Are you ok though? did he hurt you?" I asked him pulling the car into the parking space. "He kneed me in my stomach but that's as far as he got before Lauren stepped in." He said chuckling a little. "You should have seen it Scott, the way she handled herself was amazing." He continued to tell me how things went down as we got out of the car and up the stairs to our apartment. I tried to picture the tiny girl taking Alex down and laughed to myself. All I could do was be so grateful that she was there when I wasn't. We walked inside and I locked the door behind me. "Mitch, we're going to have to be really careful. Alex is out for blood and he won't give up until he get's what he wants." I said grabbing him into an embrace. I looked into Mitch's eyes and then pressed my lips to his. I couldn't think about something else happening to him. I was in love with this man. I couldn't lose him. "Why don't we talk to the police and tell them he's harrassing us. I mean I'm sure Lauren would come in and tell them what happened, I mean like proof." Mitch asked. I thought about it for a momment and then shook my head. "What could they do? Put out a restraining order? Even that wouldn't stop him." I said sitting on the couch. Mitch came over and knealt down in front of me. 

"If he violated it then they could arrest him and then he wouldn't be able to get to any of us." Mitch pointed out but I still didn't want to. Then I'd have to talk about the abuse he put me through and I wasn't ready to do that. "Can we just go to bed and sleep on it?" I asked emotionally exhausted. Mitch nodded and led me to his bedroom. We hadn't decided whose room we would move into so we just took turns moving from room to room. We changed and laid down facing eachother. "Goodnight Mitch. I love you so much." I said placing a gentle kiss on his cheek. "I love you too Scotty." He said through a yawn. I fell alseep to his silent breathing. 

Mitch's POV

I woke to a pounding on our door. I sprung out of bed and rand towards the door looking through the peep hole. There he was. A very drunk Alex banging on the door. I was soon joined by Scott who looked scared. "What should we do?" Scott whispered worried. I stayed silent listening to his pounding. "I know you're in there! If I can't have him neither can you! MITCH!" He yelled and hit the door harder startling both of us. I wasn't sure what I should do. Maybe if I didn't say anything he would go away. "MITCH OPEN UP!" He yelled louder and louder. Suddenly Scott reached in front of me and unlocked the door. "What are you doing?" I yelled as he opened the door. He pushed me behind him and stood face to face with the man who abused him. "Alex you need to leave. I'm not yours anymore and you can't hurt me anymore. Leave before I call the police." Scott said very calmy. I stood behind Scott holding my breath waiting for Alex's response. He swayed back and forth for a minute before grabbing Scotts arm. "You're still mine. You'll always be mine." He said in a gruff voice. Scott struggled to get his arm from Alex's grip. Alex laughed as he went in to kiss Scott. I stepped forward and pushed Alex back as hard as I could. He let go of Scott and stumbled back hitting the wall. "LEAVE!" I yelled pushing in front of Scott. Before either of us could react he jumped forward with his fist hitting me accrossed the jaw hard. I saw stars and then things started going dark. I heard a door open and more yelling before darkness covered me.

Scott's POV

I watched as Mitch pushed Alex away from me and a split second later Alex came back with a punch that connected to Mitch's jaw. I gasped shocked and Mitch went down. I knealt next to him and saw his eyes close. Suddenly Alex grabbed my arm again harder this time. "Alex let go!" I yelled panicing. Once again I felt helpless. Mitch was unconcious and I couldn't get away from Alex. Then The apartment door next to us opened and I saw Lauren walk out. Alex turned to her and let go of me. I rubbed my wrist where he had gripped me. "You again huh? I thought you would have learned your lesson already." Lauren said smiling at him. I stepped back and knealt next to Mitch again keeping my eyes on the pair in front of me. Lauren had moved into a fighting stance and Alex was swaying back and forth a little with clentched fists. Suddenly he moved forward and I watched as she hit him with a side kick and then a front punch to his eye. He went down hard but was still awake. She walked over to him and stood in front of him. "Now leave or I'll knock you out again and then call the police." She said sternly as he crawled away. She watched him stumble down the stairs before she ran over to Mitch and I. She knealt down next to me and put her fingers to check Mitch's pulse. "Here help me get him in my apartment." She said gesturing to her place. We stood up and pulled Mitch to his feet half dragging him inside. We took him over to the couch and layed him down. She ran to her fridge and got out a bunch of ice putting it into a plastic bag. She brought it along with a hand towel over to Mitch and placed it on the bruise that had started to form on his jaw. He moved slightly which told us he was somewhat concious but he kept his eyes closed. "Now, I wasn't going to ask before but this is the second time I've had to step in so what the hell is going on Scott? I mean I know we don't each other that well but you've been my neighbors for almost two years now. You obviously can trust me." She said looking me straight in the eyes. I sighed and sat down on the floor in front of her couch. I knew I had to tell her after everything she had done for us. "Alex and I broke up." I started.

"Clearly..." She said chuckling a little. I continued.

"He tried to...hurt me and Mitch stepped in and kind of saved me then he kicked Alex out and that was it. Now aparently Alex isn't too happy about Mitch and I seeing each other and is trying to hurt me by hurting Mitch." There, I told her everything. She sat still for a moment still holding the ice pack on Mitch. "Ok, that makes sense. Look this guy seems seriously crazy and this is the second time he's hurt Mitch. Luckily I was there both times but I won't always be with you two to help. You need to report this Scott." She sounded very concerned and I nodded in agreement. "I know and Mitch wants to report it. We talked about it tonight and I think it's the best idea." I said. Before I was hesitant to report it but after what happened I knew I had to. He hurt Mitch and he couldv'e killed him if Lauren wasn't there. "You two can stay here tonight if you want. I mean I wouldn't want to be alone if that had happened to me." She said smiling. I stood up and hugged her. "Thank you for everything. I don't know what we wouldv'e done if you hadn't been here." I said sinserely. She blushed a little and smiled. Mitch stirred and then groaned opening his eyes. "Mitch! Are you alright?" I asked rushing to his side and placing a kiss on his forehead. "Ugh remind me to stop threatening people twice my size." He smirked. Good he was his normal self. I rolled my eyes and gently stroaked his hair. Lauren took the ice pack off his jaw and inspected the cut on his lip. "Can you sit up?" I asked Mitch and he nodded slowly sitting up. Lauren dissapeared into the next room and came back with a damp rag. "Your lip is still bleeding. Here." She said placing the cloth to his lip softly. I sat next to him on the couch while Lauren knealt in front of him dabbing the blood. Mitch winced a little and I squeezed his hand. "Ok I think It'll be alright for now. How's your head?" Lauren asked setting the blood stained cloth on the table and standing up. "I feel like I've been his by a bus." Mitch said and then tried to smile. The side of his mouth had swelled a little and there was a prominant bruise on his jaw. Once again Lauren got up and returned with pills and a glass of water. "Here take these. It's the best for headaches." She said grinning. Mitch took the pills and drank the water. I hugged him and he burried his face in my chest. "I'm ok Scott, but now can we report him?" He asked looking back up at me. "Yes. I know we have to. It's the only thing we can do." I replied sadly. He hugged me and then kissed my cheek.

"Thanks." He whispered. 

"So I told Scott you guys could stay here tonight if you're still freaked out. Mi casa es tu casa."  She said gesturing around her apartment. Mitch smiled and stood up grabbing her into a big bear hug. "You're literally the best ever you know that right?!" He said after finally releasing her. "Ehh I know I am." She laughed and shrugged. "Are you guys tired or do you wanna watch a move or something?" She asked. We looked at eachother and laughed. "Move night it is." We said in unison. She laughed at us and shook her head.

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