Chapter Six

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***Ok so I couldn't wait to post this chapter. I'm not sure where it's going from here.***


Chapter 6

Scott's POV

I drove Mitch and I back from rehearsal keeping my eyes on the road. Pentatonix had been on a little break this whole time and this was a first rehearsal in two months. Things with Mitch and I have been a little tense these last few days since Lauren decided to go looking for Alex. We were both scared that he was planning something horrible and we were just both on edge about the possibility of Lauren getting hurt. We appreciated everything she was doing to help us but she was putting herself in danger. "So what do you want to do tonight?" Mitch asked breaking the silence. I glanced over to him and shrugged.

"Doesn't matter to me, whatever you want." I cringed at the sound of my voice. That came out very cold. "Sorry I didn't mean to sound like a bitch." I said seeing the look on his face. "I really don't care though.." I said in a softer tone. I tried to force myself to smile but it didn't work. "It's fine babe, I know you're stressed. Actually you know what? No it's not ok. We both need to lighten up so here's what we're doing tonight, we're going out drinking and dancing and I won't take no for an answer." He sounded slightly annoyed but I knew it wasn't at me, it was the situation he was annoyed with. "Alright Mitch, We'll go." I smiled a little. This could be fun. 

We debated asking Lauren to come with us but decided against it. We thought she needed a break from constantly keeping an eye on us. We decided to go to a different bar since we knew Alex enjoyed our favorite bar as much as we did. We walked in and looked around. We didn't see anyone we recognized so we felt safe enough. Mitch decided not to drink too much so he could drive us home. I ordered some wine and we both sat down. I poured us each a glass. "Cheers babe!" I yelled over the noise and we clanked glasses. I felt great. I was dancing and having a lot of fun and Mitch also seemed to be having a good time. This is how it should be, just Mitch and I having a great time. 

Mitch's POV

I was enjoying myself. This is how it should be. I thought as I watched Scott chug his glass of wine. He was definitely going to be very drunk. I had two glasses and started to feel buzzed so I stopped drinking. I would maybe have another one later because I knew that by the time we were ready to leave my buzz would wear off so I'd be fine. Scott finished the last of the wine and looked at me with a big, sad puppy dog face. I laughed so loud at how cute he was. "Hold on I'll get another bottle, just stay put!" I winked at him and his face lit up. 

"Thanks Mitchie!" He yelled. I walked over and ordered another bottle bobbing my head to the beat of the loud music. I noticed a man standing caddy corner to me and he was looking at me. I raised my eyebrow at him and he slowly turned away. I shrugged. "Whatever that was about." I muttered under my breath. I grabbed the bottle of wine and walked back to Scott who was way too eager for more. I poured him a glass and he downed it. "Moooore please!" He chimed in a giddy voice. I chuckled. "Ok but slow down a little. If you pass out I can't carry you to the car, you're too big." I laughed as he put his hand over his heart pretending to be offended. "I'll be fine baaaaabe! Hey Mitchie? Scott loooves you!" He said taking a big gulp of wine. "I love you too Scott." I laughed so hard. He was hilarious when he was drunk. I was distracted by my phone. It was a text from Lauren. 

Lauren: Hey whatcha two up to?

Mitch: We're at a bar. Scott's already drunk lol.

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