Chapter Three

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Chapter 3

Lauren's POV

I woke and glanced at the clock beside my bed. It was three in the afternoon. Great there goes the day. They had stayed up all night watching a movie in order to calm the boys down so they could sleep. I rolled off my bed and stretched. I walked out of my room and down the hallway towards the guest room peering inside to see the two boys still sleeping soundly. I smiled and tiptoed to the kitchen deciding to make breakfast. I replayed the events of last night as I cooked the eggs and bacon. Today they needed to go to the police station and report what had happened. I was suddenly pulled away from my thoughts by movement in the hallway. I turned around and laughed out loud at the sight of Scott and Mitch standing there with confused looks. "Well don't you two look lovely today." I smirked trying to hold back my laughter. Mitch rolled his eyes and tried to smooth down his wild hair. "What are you doing?" Scott asked puzzled. 

"I'm making you two breakfast." I said turning back to the food.

"But it's like three in the afternoon?" Mitch said chuckling.

"So? Now come over here and sit." I said pointing to the table. The two made their way over to the table and sat down. I put some food onto two plates and carried it over to them setting the plates in front of the tired looking boys. "Yikes, that looks bad." I said looking at Mitch's mouth. It was swollen and bruised and a scab had formed on his lip. Scott looked at him with an apologetic look. I knew he blamed himself for Alex's actions even though he shouldn't. "It doesn't hurt that bad." Mitch shrugged and began eating. I grabbed myself a plate and sat accrossed from them at the table. "When did you want to go to the police station?" I asked them as they ate. 

"I think we should go as soon as possible." Scott said in between bites. "That way we can just get this over with." He continued. Mitch nodded.

"Ok sounds good. Just know that I'm right next door if you guys ever need me." I said after swallowing my bite. The two nodded and continued to eat.

Mitch's POV

Scott and I walked hand in hand back to our apartment and froze when we saw the door open. "Oh my God! I was so destracted by what happened I forgot to lock the door!" Scott said squeezing my hand. Lauren stood by her door and came behind us when she saw us stop. "You two stay put, let me check it out first." She said as she peered inside before walking in cautiously. We watched as she slowly checked every room and then came back shaking her head. "It's empty, no one's here." She said. We walked in and gasped at the mess. The whole place had been trashed. Picture frames were broken and our couch had been torn apart. Anything that was breakable was now in peices on the floor. We stepped over broken glass and walked towards our bedrooms. "Is anything missing?" Lauren asked looking around at the mess. 

"How are we supposed to know wth this mess? I can't tell!" I said shaking my head. I could feel the tears starting to push through. Scott walked over to me and pulled me into a hug. I was unable to control my sobs and burried myself in his chest. Scott walked me over to the couch which now had the cusions on it thanks to Lauren and sat me down. It was obvious to all of us who the culprit was. Lauren called the police while Scott calmed me down and soon the apartment was crawling with cops. "Do you have any idea who could have done this?" An officer asked Scott and I. We exchanged knowing looks and Scott nodded. "My ex boyfriend Alex did this." Scott said. The officer motioned for two more officers to join him. "This is officer Jones and officer Johnston. Mitch please go with officer Jones and he'll take your statement. Scott you'll go with officer Johnston and you will come with me." He said pointing to Lauren who stood next to us. "Please start from the beginning and don't leave out details." The officer continued. He motioned for Lauren to follow him outside. I followed officer Jones into the kitchen. "Tell me what's been going on here." Officer Jones said whipping out his notebook. I began to relay the events of the past week starting with when I came home and found Alex trying to rape Scott. I hoped Scott was being honest and telling the other officer everything. Once I got to the part about last night he stopped me to inspect my swollen mouth. "We need to take pictures of your injuries for our records." He said and mumbled into his walki talki. A momment later a female police officer walked into the kitchen carrying a camera. I felt awkward as the officer took multiple pictures of my face both close up and from a distance. Officer Jones thanked her as she walked away and I continued my story. "Alright Mitch I just need one more thing from you." He pulled out a bigger notpad and set it on the table along with a pen. "I need you to write down your statement. Exactly what you just told me. I have it here but this will go on file with everything else." He said motioning for me to sit. I sat and picked up the pen. Once I finished writing everything down I saw Scott and officer Jonston emerge from the living room and walk towards us. "Did you get his written statement?" Officer Jones asked officer Jonston who nodded holding up a notepad just like the one I wrote in. Scott walked over to me and put his arm around my waist. We saw Lauren and the other officer walk back into the apartment and over to where we stood. "Alright I think we have everything we need. If you'll follow us to the police station we can talk about options. It's clear to me that you're afraid of this man and that he's doing segnificant damage. Are you ready to go now?" The officer asked taking hold of the other notebooks. Lauren looked towards Scott and I and raised an eyebrow. "I'm good to go now if you guys are?" She stated. Scott looked at me and nodded his head.

"Yes we'll follow you there." He said answering for me. 

Scott's POV

"That's the last of it I think." Lauren said dumping the dustpan full of glass in the trash. The three of us had been cleaning our apartment all night and we were finally able to get it looking somewhat decent. "Thanks a lot for your help." I said smiling at her. She nodded. "No problem. How's Mitch doing with all of this?" She asked sitting on the couch. Mitch wanted to take a shower and with what he had been through no one objected. "I think he's alright but I know he's scared. Truth is I'm scared too but I'm trying not to be for his sake." I said through a deep sigh. She put her hand on my arm. 

"Hey with what you've been through...I've been through an abusive relationship myself so I kind of know what you're going through, although my ex never turned into a psychopath." She said chuckling a little trying to lighten the mood. I looked up into her grey eyes and saw a bit of sadness in them. "Is that why you decided to get into karate?" I asked and she nodded.

"I didn't want to ever go through that again so I decided to make sure I could defend myself." She said shaking her head and I noticed the pain in her eyes. I could tell she was remembering bad memories. "Anyway if you ever want to talk about what happened to you I'm here." She said standing up. "I'm gonna head home, you guys gonna be ok?" She asked walking towards the door. 

"Yeah we'll be fine. If Alex comes near either of us he'll be arrested so I think everything's fine." I said following her to the door. "Thanks again Lauren." I reached down and gave her a hug. I don't know what we wouldv'e done without her. She's been such a huge help the past two days. I waved has she exited the apartment. I closed the door and locked it behind me just as Mitch was walking out of the shower, a towel wrapped around his waist. "Did Lauren leave?" He asked pointing to the door. I nodded. "How's your mouth? Does it still hurt?" I asked walking over to him. He looked so cute in a towel. "No it's fine. Looks worse than it is." He said shrugging. He walked to his bedroom and fumbled through a laundry basket looking for clothes. "How bout we just stay in tonight and have some wine. We could order in and curl up on the couch with a movie?" I suggested. I knew he wouldn't want to go out with the possibility of running into Alex again. "That sounds amazing Scott. It's a date!" He said grinning as best he could through his swollen mouth. I chuckled and placed a kiss on his soft lips. We both just needed to relax tonight.

Alex's POV

I walked to the mailbox and grabbed my mail. Sifting through it I saw something from the police department. I opened it up reading while I walked back into my apartment. "Restraining order?" I muttered to myself. I felt the anger welling inside me. "That little bitch thinks this is going to make me stop?" I pounded my fist into the kitchen counter. I looked back over the paper in my hands. It only said it was for Mitch and Scott, but not that girl, their neighbor what was her name? I couldn't remember but that didn't matter. I reached up and touched my eye wincing a little. It was purple from her punching me the other night. She caught me off gaurd I was drunk both times she took me down but this time, this time I wouldn't be drunk. If I wanted to get to Mitch and Scott I had to go through her since I apparently wasn't allowed near them. Now how should I do it? I can't walk up to her aparmtent because it's right next to theirs. I bet she'd be at the bar again. If I went every night and waited it out eventually I'd see her again. "That little whore has it coming to her for butting in twice." I grumbled to myself. My mind was racing trying to think of what I could do to her to make her pay. Then there was Mitch. I wasn't satisfied with the punch I gave him. He still needed to know Scott was mine! 

**Hey guys! Sorry this one's shorter than they others. I'm trying to figure out where I'm going with this story. I'm going to try to keep updating but like I said I'm just trying to figure out where this is going. Hope you're enjoying it! **


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