Chapter Four

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Chapter 4

Lauren's POV

It had been one week since the insident with Scott and Mitch and I had been just chilling at home. I was invited to go out plenty of times but I was trying to avoid seeing Alex. I wasn't scared don't get me wrong, I mean I already kicked his ass twice but I really hated beating people up. I tried to avoid fights as best as I could and only use my skills when I had no other option. The police told me to avoid him also because I had refused to add my name to the restraining order. I didn't feel like I needed to get a restraining order on him but the police seemed worried about me. That's always how it is. I'm very small and when people look at me they see a little girl nothing more. I sat on my couch watching 'Supernatural' when my phone started ringing. I picked it up and realized it was Mitch. We had exchanged numbers so they could call me in case they needed my help again and I was immediately worried. "Hey Mitch is everything ok?" I asked answering the call. "Yeah everything's good, great even. But hey Scott and I have been staying home ALL week and we want to go out...and um...well we were wondering..." He stammered and then paused. I smiled to myself. 

"You were wondering if I could be your bodygaurd?" I asked laughing into the phone. He returned my laughter with his own. "Yes we were wondering if you wanted to come out with us tonight. He and I both want to a lot and we would feel safer if you were hanging around. If that's ok...I mean I don't want bother you or make you think you have too or anything..." He sounded a little worried. I didn't mind at all, in fact I kind of liked hanging out with them and protecting them. "Of course I'd love to go out with you guys. I've also been staying home all week so it's time to get out and play!" I replied and he breathed a sigh of releif. "Oh gooood! Ok so how about nine..ish? We'll come knock on your door?" He asked with an excited tone. 

"Yep that sounds great! See you then!" I smiled. This was going to be fun. Hopefully everything went fine though because I really didn't want to have to knock anyone out tonight, especially Alex again. 

Mitch's POV

"Ready to go girl?!" I asked excitedly standing outside Lauren's apartment. She smiled and nodded walking out the door and locking it behind her. "Hey guys! Ready for funnn?" She held the n and then laughed at herself which made me laugh. 

"Of course! Let's go!" Scott said grabbing us both and leading us down the stairs. We walked out the doors and decided to go to our favorite bar just down the street. It was the same bar where Alex had tried to beat me up. We stopped outside the doors and paused before going in. "Want me to see if he's in there first?" She asked sensing our hesitation. Scott and I exchanged knowing looks and nodded. "Ok stay here I'll check it out." She said smiling at us and then walking into the bar. Scott was clutching my arm and I knew he was afraid. "Hey it'll be fine. If he's there we'll go somewhere else. We won't have to see him and plus Lauren's here. Everything's going to be ok Scotty." I said pulling him into an embrace. "Thanks Mitch." He said burrying his face in my neck. A few minutes later Lauren walked back out with a big smile on her face. "All clear. After you lovely ladies." She smirked and bowed. Scott and I laughed and rolled our eyes. I pushed her playfully as we walked through the door into the bar. We walked to the counter and I ordered a vodka tonic and Scott ordered a beer. Lauren just got a water she told us she didn't usually drink so she would stay sober to keep an eye on us. 

"So I never told you guys how great it is that you're finally together. You are meant to be together." Lauren yelled over the loud music and voices. I raised an eyebrow curiously and she shrugged. "What? I watch Superfruit ok? So when I saw the episode where you admitted your undieing love for each other I was more than excited." So she was a fan. 

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