Chapter Eight

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****Sorry this chapter isn't very good. I'm trying to keep the action going but I feel like I'm going to wrap this story up pretty soon.****

Chapter Eight

Mitch's POV

I sat on the couch bed looking at the adorable sight of Scott and Lauren cuddling. They were both sleeping soundly and they seemed so peacful. I wasn't sure how they had got that way so I apparently slept very soundly. Scott and I had to go to rehearsal in three hours so even though I didn't want to disturb them I gently place my hand on Scott's back and rubbed lightly. "Scott, honey?" I said and he opened his eyes and smiled when he saw Lauren. He turned to his back and looked up at me. "Hey beautiful." He said and kissed me. Lauren groaned and her eyes fluttered open and looked around as if she wasn't sure where she was. She moved her head onto Scott's chest and giggled. "Morning boys." She said through a yawn. Scott smiled and stroked her hair which made me smile. He was so sweet. I reached over and hugged them both. Lauren sat up and yawned again. "Did you get any sleep last night?" I asked her a little concerned at how tired she looked. "Sort of, I mean eventually I did." She said glancing at Scott who also sat up. "She had another dream and it woke me up." He explained. I frowned and gave her an 'I'm sorry' look. "It's ok, I didn't have anymore after that one." She reassured me.

"Good. Well Scott and I have rehearsal in a few hours, you can come if you want?" I told her. She shook her head. "Nah I'll be ok. I've got a few things to do today. Thanks for being there for me last night. I never let my fear show and people just assume I'm fearless all the time."

"Hey you've been taking care of us for a while so it's time for us to help you." I said and she nodded in agreement. "But you're not going to do anything too strenuous right? I mean you're still hurt and you need to take it easy." I squinted my eyes at her and she laughed.

"Yeah yeah I know...I just meant that I have some cleaning to do and well...I have a karate class today but don't worry I won't actually do the moves." She said when she saw our mouths drop open when she mentioned karate. She laughed at us. "You guys are funny. But seriously I'll be ok." She continued. 

Lauren's POV

I sat at starbucks with Mitch and Scott talking about my karate class. Now and then Scott would look nervously around which in turn made Mitch and I do the same. We were all a little paranoid that Alex and his friends were following us. I got up and told them I needed to go wash my hands quick before we left and Mitch insisted on walking me there. I reluctantly agreed and we walked to the bathrooms. "I'll just be a sec." I told him and walked through the door. I walked over to the sink and washed my hands quick looking at my reflection in the mirror. I looked down at my arm where Alex had sliced me. I wouldn't get my stitches out for a couple more weeks. It was going to be a crazy looking scar I thought. I sighed and walked out of the bathroom meeting Mitch in the hallway. We turned to walk back to Scott and froze. Walking in the front door was Alex's friend, the mystery man from the bar who tried to kiss Scott. Scott had his back to the door and I quickly waved my hands trying to get his attention without the man seeing me. I knew I couldn't get to Scott in time to defend him and even if I did get there I couldn't do much in my condition. Finally Scott looked up and I motioned for him to come with us. He looked freaked out and hurried over to us. "What?" He whispered when he got to us and I pointed to the front counter. His eyes grew wide and we all ducked back into the hallway. "How are we going to get out? We have to walk right by him!" Scott said in a worried voice. 

"Maybe we can just wait him out? Or just run out I mean do you think he would actually try something in front of everyone?" Mitch spoke his voice shaky.

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