The Letter

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I took a deep breath and looked up from my book. I adjusted my glasses and looked around. Nothing truly interesting every happened in this town, so I didn't really know what I was looking for. As I stood up and brushed off my black jeans, I felt as if something was watching me.

Sighing, I spun around to come face to face with my big brother, Edward.

"What do you want you insufferable prick?" I spat. Me and him didn't get a long; nor did we ever plan on trying to.

"Mum says to come back inside." He glared down at me and dispite him being nearly two and half feet taller than me, I found not intimidating in the slightest; and to my amusement I could tell that infuriated him.

I closed my book and put my long black curly hair in a messy bun. "Tell mum that she'll just have to wait one minute." He snickered and muttered something under his breath as he strode off towards our front door.

Ugh, I hated him so much.

My family is fairly small, but we are quite the mighty little trio. After my dads disappearance, it's just been me, my mum, and my airhead brother. I don't know much about my dad, other than the fact that we have the same annoyingly curly hair and the same emerald eyes. Other than that, in the spitting image of my mother. I get told it so often it's honestly quite annoying. My brother looks nothing like my mum or my dad, but mum says he looks exactly like my Uncle Mark (who must have been extremely ugly, if he looks anything like Edward).

We didn't have much money, but that's why I always worked extra hard. I knew it was hard on my mum- she was already taking on three different jobs throughout the week. Sunday was her only free day, but she used that day to rest. While my mum works, I usually try clean up the house as best as possible, but I just so happen to live with the biggest slob in all of England-- my brother.

I groaned as I stretched my back, for the bark on the tree I was leaning on wasn't that comfy. I walked over to our small little house and opened the door quietly, and as I turned around to shut it I noticed there was a stack of mail on the floor.

"Oh honestly Edward, how hard is it to simply bend down to pick up a measly little stack of parchement?" I grumbled, as I leaned over to pick them up myself. A certain letter caught my eye that had my name printed on it in fancy printed letters.

Cornelia P. Rose
Small house in woods

I stared at the letter, dumbfounded. Had someone been stalking me? Is this some cruel joke from Edward? No one knew where we lived. Me nor Edward had any friends, and I can safely confirm that neither did my mother.

Behind the letter, I noticed the exact same one but addressed to my brother.

Edward P. Rose
Small house in woods

Surely this must have a logical explanation.

I walked over to the kitchen counter and gently opened the envelope and read the letter inside.

Dear Cornelia P. Rose,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted into Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed list of all necessary books and equipment for your new year at Hogwarts.

Term begins September 1st. We await your owl by no later than the 31st of July.

Yours sincerely,

M. Mcgonagall

Minerva Mcgonagall
Deputy Headmistress

This had to be a joke. A school for wizards? What rubbish, I thought to myself. I walked into my mums bedroom with the letter still in my hand.

"Mum?" I whispered as I shook her awake.

She groaned and yawned. "Yes Connie, what it is?" She sounded groggy, still half asleep I presumed.

"Mum the mail came.. And I got a letter claiming that I've been chosen to attend the.." I looked down and reread the words. "...Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry?"

As if someone had slapped her, my mum bolted up and stared at my wide eyed.

"Let me see that!" Her voice was shrill, and she had snatched the letter from my grasp before I even had time to respond. She read it over under her breath and when she finished she looked just as confused as I felt.

"But.. no no it can't be.." She furrowed her brows and stared at the parchment, as if expecting it to say something in response.

"M-mum..? What's going on..?" I sounded worried, even I could tell. I didn't like seeing my mum all shook up like this.

"My dear..." She took a deep, shallow breath and looked up at me with an emotion I couldn't quite name sketched into her brown irises. "You're.. you're time has come to follow your father's footsteps."

I had no idea what that meant, but I wasn't too sure I wanted to know. "What do you mean?" I said cautiously. "What was dad?"

She smiled softly and her entire demeanour changed. She always got that way when she speaker of my father. "He was a wizard, my dear. And you too, will be a witch and carry on the family's legacy in magic and witchcraft."

I stared wide eyed, not completely knowing how to respond to that.

She seemed to assume that she wasn't going to get a reply and instead, she held my hand and smiled softly. "Come on now dear, get some clothes on. I'll go take you and Edward to a little place called Diagon Alley. And on the way, I'll explain to you what all this means."

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