Unexpected Meeting

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After Edward and I had gotten all our supplies, mum had taken us to a nice ice cream place just a few buildings down from The Leaky Cauldron.

"Mum, what are all these books about? Do we seriously have to read all of these?" Edward groaned.

Mum smiled and nodded right before taking a big bite of her ice cream. I never understood how she could bite it. It always gave my teeth a weird shiver everytime I tried.

"Yes dear, it'll help you learn." Mum patted Edward's back. "Everyone is required to read the selected books. It gives you a mental image of what you will be learning."

I nodded in agreement. Edward didn't really like reading. Shame on him; he doesn't know what wonderful things he's missing out on.

I looked over at the several kids holding bird cages with big owls in them and walking cats who mowed loudly at every passer.

"Mum?" I looked up at my mother and smiled a bit. "Do we get pets like those other kids?"

She nodded and her expression turned cold. "But I swear, if you get a rat I will physically harm you." I giggled. I knew my mum didn't like rats- or any rodent for that matter.

I nodded and got up from my seat. Edward and mum followed my lead, and soon after we were all heading into a large room with animals of all kinds inside.

Cats lolled on the excess furniture while frogs and toads bounced around in their cages. Owls of all breeds were either flapping their wings in their cooped up little cage or standing perfectly still while stalking everything below as if looking for prey. When I looked at my mum, I could see she was eyeing the wall at the back where all the rats were scurrying about in their containers.

Edward immediately ran over to the cats and picked up a pure white tabby cat. It had blew eyes and a pink little nose. It almost seemed as of it smiled when it saw my brother. How strange.

As my brother fondled his cat, I took the liberty of examining the owls. Something about them just seemed compelling. I turned around a corner too quick and accidently ran into a dark haired boy with glasses on.

"Oh, I'm so sorry!" I gasped. He looked at me with a startled expression. He had the same green eyes as me. And the same unitidy hair. His wasn't neccesarily curly, but it was still peculiar. I noticed there was something on his forehead. Some sort of scar, but I was too distracted to really look.

The boy smiled and blushed. "H-hey. I'm Harry. Harry Potter." He flinched as if expecting a bad reaction from me.

I smiled and lifted my hand for him to shake. "Nice to meet you, Harry Potter. I'm Cornelia P. Rose-- but you can call me Connie."

He smiled widely and shook my hand valiantly. "Nice to meet you as well."

I smiled and looked over at the owl cages behind me before turning back to face him. "I should be going. It was a pleasure meeting you."

After saying our goodbyes, I continued my hunt for an owl. I came across a few snowy owls that looked cute, and even a few tawny owls. But nothing seemed right.

That's was until I turned around to come face to face with a dark grey barn owl with some copper flecks on its face. It had large black eyes and his head turned a 90° angle to the left when it made eye contact with me.

"Mum, I found the one I want." I whispered. Mum walked behind me and looked at the bird and smiled.

"Beautiful. Magnificent! What's her name?" Mum put her hands on my shoulders and leaned in a bit to closely examine the owl.

What should I name her? I've never owned a pet before, so I wasn't used to this responsibility.

After a moment's thought, I finally came up with a perfect name.


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