Draco Malfoy

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As we walked out of the last shop, my mum turned to us and our pets and with excitement she yelled, "Now to Hogwarts express!"

My eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "What's that?"

"Why it's the most wonderful train ever! It takes you straight to Hogwarts and it even sells delicious candy!"

Edward look like Christmas had come early. His eyes grew with excitement and he smiled at me. "Let's hurry Connie!"

I rolled my eyes and followed along. Sweets did sound good- but still undeniably unhealthy.

Soon enough, we reached Kings Cross Station. "Mum what exactly are we doing here? We dont have enough money to pay for tickets, you know this!"

My voice was shrill and panicky, because for all I know someone could just as easily call us theifs and we'd be thrown in jail for sure!

"Oh relax honey." Mum said calmly. She then gasped and threw her arms in the air. "I'd nearly forgotten!" She reached into the pocket of her cardigan and pulled out a large bag. "You'll be needing these if ya want to buy anything!"

I stared wide eyed. She had all this money and she never bloody planned on telling us!

"Mum what the bloody hell is that?!" I shrieked, causing a few people to stare.

Mum opened the bag and pulled out a few weirdly shaped pence. "Why these are Galleons!"

I shook my head in disbelief. "What the bloody hell is a Galleon?"

My mum sighed, clearly exasperated. "Why its money you tweedlebrain!"

I huffed and crossed my arms. I did not like being called such ridiculous names. It was dumb and childish.

Edward looked around the platforms and sighed. "Mum what train will we be boarding?"

My mum smiled at Edward and giggled. "Well first we got to get to the platform, dear." She looked at me and winked. "Platform 9 and Three Quaters."

I bit my tongue and held back my list of questions and spewed profanities, and instead nodded and rolled my eyes.

Edward took my Mums hand as she walked towards the large pillar with a sign to the left of it saying 9. I sighed and watched as she walked closer to the solid grey pillar.

"Mum, it's not going to work, whatever you're trying to do." But as soon as I said that, my mum had grabbed my hand and shoved me to the wall and when I looked up after nearly falling flat on my face, I saw a very busy looking platform with a big red train in front of it saying "Hogwarts Express" at the front of it.

"What the.."

Mum and Edward soon came right after me and their eyes scanned the platform. Edward looked around in amazement and my mum's face was glowing with pride.

"This is where I drop you off." Mum looked sad, but proud of us.

"Excuse me?" I interrupted her hug with Edward. "You're what? You're leaving us here?"

My mum nodded. "Sadly yes. I cant follow you around school, silly. Oh and here's your ticket" she then reached into her pocket and pulled out two tickets, handing one to me and the other to Edward.

I felt my chest tighten and my eyes welled with tears. "B-but.. how will you pay for the bill without me..? How will you get all the housework done..?"

My mum smiled and kissed the top of my head softly. "I'll be fine, my love. I'll be fine."

Edward had already bursted in tears by the time his scrawny arms had latched onto my mother to pull her in a tight bear hug.

After Edward, came me. I hugged my mum tighter than I ever did before.

"Have fun." Mum said, wiping her tears. "I'll write to you tomorrow!"

I nodded and walked onto the train, Edward following behind me. We had already said our goodbyes, and I did not fancy the thought of mum watching us leave. I knew she would be a wreck.

I sat down in an empty seat and my brother sat down a few booths behind me. I had the entire space to myself.

After I gave the ticket man my ticket and after I had bought some candy, I took out one of the books and had started to read.

I had just gotten to an interesting chapter when a boy with bleach blonde hair tidily combed back sat down across from me.

"Is this seat taken?"

I looked up, slightly startled and I looked at the boy. His eyes were a very nice shade of blue, and his skin was a pale shade of white. He was clad in a black cloak and a school uniform.

I shook my head and smiled softly at him, answering his question from before.

He let out a low sigh and he looked extremely bored.

"I can't believe Harry Potter will be joining us this year." He grumbled. "I just hope he'll be my friend. My father would love to hear about me befriending the most famous guy my age!"

I looked up at him again and looked a bit confused. I recognized the name he mentioned to be the boy I met at the pet shop.

"Who's Harry Potter?" I asked.

He looked up at me with his eyes wide and his mouth was open in shock.

"You mean you don't know who Harry Potter is? The Harry Potter?!" He said in disbelief.

I shook my head, slowly getting more and more impatient with this guy.

He scoffed. "You must be a mudblood." He sneered at me with a look of utter disgust.

I frowned and furrowed my brows in anger. "What the bloody hell is that supposed to mean?"

"Means your parents are muggles. Filthy, muggles." He stood up to leave and he glared down at me.

"Well, for you're information, I am not a 'mudblood'!" I scoffed and crossed my arms. "My mother and father were both wizards!"

His disgusted expression slowly turned into a look of confusion.

"Really? Then what's your surname?" He asked, obvious skepticism clouding his voice.

"My name is Connie P. Rose." I undressed my arms and picked up my book again, reading right were I left off.

I heard a small gasp. "Rose? Like- As in Averdite Rose?"

I looked up at him immediately and nodded. "That's my mum. Why?"

He shook his head in disbelief. "Wow I dont believe it! Cornelia Rose and Harry Potter both in my class!"

I shook my head. "Why am I important? And who is this Harry Potter?"

He sighed and looked at me. "You two are the only people known to ever survive Voldemort's attacks!"


"Ugh, you really dont know anything, do you?" He sighed again, this time with annoyance. "Voldermort is a man with great power who has killed several people and tortured some to become his servants!"

I gasped and my eyes widened a bit. "Well he doesn't sound like too good a man, now does he."

He laughed and shook his head. "Obviosly."

After letting that sink in, I held out my hand and smiled softly at the boy.

He took it and smirked at me. "I'm Draco Malfoy. Pleasure to meet you, Connie."

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