Diagon Alley

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Mum was rushing us out the house and Edward was screaming and I was asking so many questions, honestly it was all hectic.

The last thing I expected on a Sunday morning was to be told that I'm suddenly required to attend a school for witches and wizards. Utter rubbish.

"Mum, am I really a wizard?" Edward seemed tickled pink at the thought of his existence finnaly having some sort of importance.

"Yes dear!" Mum huffed. "Now shush darling! We must be quiet or people will hear. Muggles aren't to kind when they hear our kind running about."

"Muggles?" I scoffed. This is completely mental. "And what might those be?"

Mum smiled and looked at me. "Humans. People who don't have any special powers."

I shook my head and stopped walking, causing Edward to nearly step on top of me.

"Mum you honestly don't believe this rubbish, do you?!" I crossed my arms and stared at her. "I understand life is hard but that's no reason to give in to fantasies and day dreams. Let's go back home and I'll make us a pot of tea." I grabbed my mum's arm and started pulling her back to our small house.

That's when mum stomped her foot and did something she has never done to me before. She yelled at me. In public.

"Cornelia P. Rose! You dare to question me when I tell you something?! You dare excuse me of being mentally ill?! Absurd! You best keep that mouth of yours closed or I'll have you spend your days locked in Azkaban!" That's when my mum's voice softened and her expression changed from anger to guilt. "I'm sorry dear. I didn't mean that. Please just... be respectful. I've taught you better." She then turned around and started walking towards a building with a few restaurants built close together.

My eyes were wide and my mouth was slightly agape. I could hear Edward snickering behind me, obviously amused that for once it had me and not him.

After shaking off the recent events from my mind, I followed my mum and Edward to the building that appeared to be labeled "The Leaky Couldron."

How peculiar.

As we all walked in, a strong scent of beer and what seemed like butterscotch filled my nose.

Mum must've noticed me and Edward sniffing because she turned to us with a smile and said, "The aroma is quite pleasant isn't it?" She giggled and turned around to great someone working behind the front desk.

Me and Edward walked around a bit and examined everything we could. It all seemed like an unreal dream to me. A man in the corner was sitting reading a newspaper which had pictures on it that seemed to be moving, and on his table was a teacup with a spoon in it that was stirring itself.

The pictures on the wall also appeared to be moving, although Edward seemed more invested in that than me. I was more intrigued by the staircase leading up to what appeared to be hotel rooms.

It's such a small place, how could a restaurant and a hotel possible fit in this tiny of a building?

After having our fair share of exploring, mum came up to us and grabbed both me and Edward's hand.

"Well kids, here we go!" She smiled happily as she led us out a door and into a large alley way with stone asphalt and large towering buildings which children and teenagers were scampering in and out of.

"What is this place?" Edward and I asked in unison.

Mum inhaled deeply as if she was visiting an old home and she closed her eyes, looking rather content she replied simply with: "Diagon Alley."

As we walked down the path, trying our best to avoid clashing with other people, mum suddenly pulled us into the shop to our right.

"Ollivanders Wand Shop!" Mum put a hand over her heart and gasped. "What a wonderful memory! Come on now children, time to get your wands."

"Our what?" My mouth fell open again. This is preposterous. Wands! Magic! Muggles! Wizards!! So utterly ridiculous!

Nor Edward or my mum seemed to have heard me, for they were already standing in front of a very old man with a look of excitement.

The man hugged my mum and smiled softly at her. "Ah, Averditie, how are you?"

I furrowed my brows at the man. Nearly no one calls my mum by her first name anymore. It's always been Mrs. Rose.

"I'm doing just fine." My mum replied kindly. Sometimes I question how my mum could be so carefree at such confusing times. It almost angered me. "I would like to get my children a wand please."

The man looked at Edward and then at me and smiled. "Very well. Let's take a look. Why don't we start with this young man here."

Edward beamed with pride and took a step forward.

The man examined Edward and went behind his desk and grabbed three different (quite funny looking) sticks.

"This one here" -he pointed to the one on the far right. "Is sincamore wood with a unicorn hair core. 11 inches. Quite powerful, why don't you give it a shot?"

Edward looked amazed as he picked up the stick, only for nothing to happen.

I burst out laughing. "Unicorn hair? In a stick? What did you expect to happen, the clouds to part and the sky to speak your name? Honestly Edward, be sensible."

The man holding the stick glared at me coldly. "Now listen here, if you're gonna be skeptical of my skills in handling wands then feel free to leave!" He huffed and I took a step back.

"Ollivander, please." My mum put a hand on his shoulder and smiled softly. "She only just learned this morning. I apologize for her mouth, but it's only inevitable that one would be skeptic about something society has taught her not to be possible. Please forgive me sir, but do give her one more chance. For me."

Ollivander nodded and handed another wand to Edward, not glancing up at me once.

"Applewood with a Dragon Heartstring core. 12 inches." He handed it the Edward and as soon as Edward had touched the long stick, a glow came from the end of it and Edward's face looked as though he had been touched by a ghost.

Mum was crying hysterically and Ollivander looked quite proud. Edward on the other hand, still looked shocked. He smiled as my mum congratulated him.

"Now you, Cornelia." Ollivanded turned to me and smiled.

"I think I know just the wand." He went behind a bunch of bookshelves and after a few loud sounds of boxes falling over, he emerged holding one wand that looked particularly beautiful.

"Alderwood with Phoenix Feather core. 12 and a half inches." He handed the wand to me and I took a deep breath.

Suddenly, I felt somewhat nervous. After seeing what happened with Edward, I was almost scared that I wouldn't receive a wand. What if I wasn't good enough? What if the wizard was really Edward and Hogwargs accidently sent me a letter by mistake? I really hoped not.

Sure, it all sounds rubbish, a school for wizards and witches. But at the same time, it sounds incredibly fun and fascinating. I've never read about something like this before. And to have a chance to experience it in real life is... amazing.

I gently grabbed the wand and almost immediately I felt this sense of power. It shot through my body like a bolt of lightning.

I think I heard my mum clapping and Ollivander patting my back, but I was too transfixed on the fact that I had just been assigned a wand.

A wand that would give me powers to become a witch.

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