New Friends

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I took a deep breath and smiled as the large room erupted into a loud applause.

As I strode off to the Ravenclaw table, I quickly glanced at the Slytherin table. Draco looked at me and gave me a smile that said, "oh well."

I sat down at the closest empty seat I could find. When I turned my head, I was greeted by a girl with short blonde hair and big brown eyes.

"Hello," The girl said with a smile. I recognized her as Victoria Butler. She was one of the first girls to be sorted into Ravenclaw.

I smiled softly at her and I felt my cheeks burn up. I wasn't used to being this close to another human.

"I'm Victoria. You're Cornelia, right?" She asked nicely. I nodded in response and she smiled proudly.

"Were your parents wizards?" Victoria questioned. She seemed to be set on the fact that we were going to be somewhat friends.

I guess I had no other choice but to give in, for ever other choice seemed to rude.

I nodded again, this time a bit faster. "Yes my mum is a wizard and my father was too. Although I've never met my dad."

Victoria went from cheerful to sad in minor seconds. "Oh I'm so sorry."

I casually shrugged, and the conversation ended.

As the rest of the kids were sorted into houses and the feast began, I took the liberty of getting to know the people around me- besides Victoria of course.

After we were all done eating I learned a few peoples names including: Victoria (obviously), Winona Evergold and Samuel Carrotes- in whom I thought was rather attractive.

Winona was a rather short girl with long black hair and a round freckled face. I'd say she's about average size, not too thin, not to thick. She was very pretty overall, and her hazel eyes really brought out the tan color of her skin. She had an American accent, but she still sounded prompt.

Victoria, besides from her round cheeks, was rather thin. Her pale blonde hair stopped just above her shoulders and her brown eyes glowed with excitement. Her thin but curved body complimented almost every feature and her (rather large) breasts surprisingly made her cloak fit perfectly to her body. I presumed there was almost no flaw to her.

But by far, the cutest of the bunch was Samuel. He had blonde hair like Victoria's, but it was shorter and moved to the side. He had brilliant blue eyes and he had these cute little dimples everytime he smiled.

"So," My thought were interrupted by Winona. "You're friends with Malfoy?"

I looked up from my chocolate pudding and my eyes immediately went to the Slytherin table, where Draco was currently laughing about something one of his pals did. I looked back and Winona and shrugged.

"Yes, I suppose."

Winona looked utterly disgusted. "Ew. But dont you know? His father is Lucious Malfoy."

My eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "Who?"

Victoria looked uncomfortable and she put down the spoon she was using to scoop her chocolate cake. "Only the most vile wizards in the council. He's obsessed with being pureblood and would go to any extent of ridding all the muggle-borns." She shook her head and blushed. "Although I really hope he doesnt." I noticed her eyes flicker over to the Hufflepuff table as she said this.

I nodded slowly. "I don't see how Draco's father is of any importance. Its him who gets to decide who he is, not his family."

They all looked a bit taken aback, but they simply nodded and started eating again.


As we all walked into the Ravenclaw dormitories (except for Samuel, who went into the boys dormitory) we noticed that on the chairs was our Ravenclaw uniform, along with a blue and grey scarf.

My four poster bed was in the middle of Victoria's and Winona's. We all plopped down on our beds after putting away all our clothes and such into our dressers and wardrobes.

I turned to Victoria and smiled softly. "Victoria, if you dont mind me asking, why did you glance at the Hufflepuff table when you were talking about muggle-borns?"

Victoria's face went a deep shade of red and she put down her book to stare at me. "I-I haven't the slightest idea what you're on about." She said quickly and in an embarrassed tone of voice.

I couldn't help but laugh. "Please tell. We promise not to tell anyone else, right Winona?"

Winona nodded and looked at Vicoria with an eager smile.

Victoria rolled her eyes and smiled while taking off her reading glasses to look at us properly.

"I met a boy on the train." She said, her blush only growing darker.

Me and Winona both smiled widely at each other and turned back to Victoria, obviously wanting to hear more.

"His name is Jacob and he is the cutest!" Victoria bit her lip and smiled widely. "He has curly dark brown hair that is just an utter mess. And his eyes are a deep brown, like mine but so much more pretty! Oh and his smile!"

Victoria went on about Jacob for about 5 more minutes before we decided to call it a night. The girls fell asleep rather quickly, but I just couldn't be bothered. This was my first night away from home and I just wasn't used to such different surroundings.

I tossed and turned for awhile before finally deciding to get up and walk around for a bit. But as soon as I step foot in the Ravenclaw common room, I was greeted by a grinning Draco Malfoy laying on the couch.

"Draco?" I said in a low whisper. "What the bloody hell are you doing here?"

He chuckled and stood up. "I wanted to talk. I couldn't sleep and figured you might be awake."

I shook my head and walked over to him. "How did you get in here? You need to answer three riddles to get in!"

Draco again chuckled. "I had some help." He shrugged and smirked mischievously.

"I dont wanna know," I said quietly as I shook my head. "Draco, why are you here though?"

He sat down and sighed. "Connie I have a dilemma."

I sat down next to him and crossed my arms. "Oh you do, do you?"

"Yes. And I dont know what to do." He suddenly became very nervous and his face looked so sad, even I couldn't help but frown.

"Connie, my father would kill me if he knew this, and I would kill you if you told anyone. But..." Draco took a deep breath and closed his eyes. "I kinda have a crush on--"

Suddently we were interrupted by Victoria coming down the stairs and looking at us while rubbing her eyes.

"Connie? Malfoy?" She asked tiredly. "What are you two doing down here?"

Draco stood up and swallowed before turning to me with a still sad expression. "I must be off now, Cornelia. I'll see you tomorrow in class."

He then walked out and I sat there, somewhat dazed.

"Connie, come on." Victoria yawned. "Let's go back to bed."

I nodded and followed her back up to our dorm. As I layed down on my four poster bed, I almost immediately fell asleep. But, before my brain completely shut off, I couldn't help bit wonder what Draco was going to say before being interrupted.

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