The Sorting Hat

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After my pleasant conversation with Draco, we were now almost at Hogwarts.

"So, Connie, what did you do over the summer?" Draco asked, sounding somewhat uninterested in what I had to say.

"I read a fair amount of books." I gently put a loose strand of my brownish-red hair behind my ear. "What did you do, Malfoy?"

He turned his head to look at me- for he was staring out the window thoughtfully- and shrugged. "Not much. Father took me to the Council's headquarters and showed me around a bit. Other than that, I didn't do anything special."

I nodded and took a deep breath. My stomach was starting to hurt and that's when I remembered that I had forgotten breakfast.

"Do you happen to have any snacks on you?" I asked, right as my stomach growled rather loudly. I turned bright red and quietly squeaked out an apology.

Draco roared with laughter and reached into his bag to grab a neatly wrapped bag of sweets.

"Which do you want?" He asked after calming himself down.

I examined the sweets spread out before me and I felt rather suspicious. I have never seen candy quite like these ones before.

"Do you mind if I try the Cauldron Cake?" It seemed the most familiar to me, so I figure nothing could be wrong with it.

Draco nodded and handed me the small cake and he put all the sweets back in the tidy little bag.

After finishing the Cualdron Cake (which was rather tasty) Draco interrupted the silence.

"We're almost at Hogwarts, so you might wanna change into your robes."

I looked down at my sweater and jeans and back up at him. "Get changed? With you here?" I scrunched my nose in digust.

He laughed and shook his head. "No you idiot!" Draco then pulled out his wand and with a flick of his wrist, a curtain was in between me and him so we could no longer see each other.

After changing into my plain black robes and my uniform, I pulled the curtain back and looked at Draco. He was sitting almost perfectly still, his hands held together neatly resting on his lap, and his head turned to stare out the window and watch the scenery pass.

I wonder what he was thinking about at that moment. But, it was too late to ask because right as I sat down he fell out of his trance and stared up at me.

"Oh good, you're done." Draco heaved a sigh and rolled his eyes. "Took you long enough."

"Oh shut it, Malfoy."

If had only been a few more minutes before we were pulling into a small secluded space in the woods.

I looked out the window and stood up, as Draco did the same.

We both stepped off the train and was immediately crowded by several other students wearing the exact same outfit. A few people ahead of us, I saw a girl with quite the puffy looking hair and a boy next to her with radiant red hair, kinda like mine but less vibrant. And I think next to the red haired boy was Harry Potter. But I couldn't be sure, because it was only the back of his head.

A very tall man with a bushy brown beard and long bushy hair came up to us all holding a lantern.

"First years! Follow me!" He said in a loud booming voice. All of the students followed after him when he walked towards a lake with about eight canoes by the shore.

***time skip because I'm lazy af***

After getting inside the large beautiful castle, we were greeted by a fairly mature looking woman. She looked very wise and very strict. I certainly liked her demeanor.

"Hello students. I am Professor McGonagall, Deputy Headmistress. And welcome, to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry." She looked around with the shadow of a smile. "This will be your new home for the time being, so you will need to be sorted into your houses. There are four different houses." I heard Draco shuffle in excitement next to me. "Gryffindor."-Some of the students smiled and whispered to their friends. "Hufflepuff." -A few girls and boys in the back giggled and bit their lip in excitement. "Ravenclaw" -I liked the sound of that one. It sounded professional and neat. Draco scoffed next to me in disapproval. "And Slytherin." Draco elbowed me and smirked proudly.

"I'm obviously gonna be in Slytherin. My father was one and so was the rest of my family. It's the best house." His smirk only grew as he boasted about himself.

I rolled my eyes. Typical from a boy, I thought to myself.

After we were escorted into a large dining room with four tables and a beautiful ceiling with the illusion of a night sky.

"Its not real, the ceiling." I heard the girl with poofy hair say in front of me. "Its just bewitched to look like the night sky. I read it in Hogwarts, A History."

She sounded somewhat prideful of her knowledge. I like that. I might have to become friends with her when school starts. She seems like a good study pal. I've never had a study pal before. Well, I've never had a friend come to think of it.

After a very old man with a long white beard stood up and gave us a speech, we were told by Professor McGonagall that we will now be sorted into our houses. I looked over at where she was standing and saw nothing but a hat and a chair.

That must be the sorting hat.

"Hermione Granger!" McGonagall shouted. The girl with the poofy hair stepped up and looked downright nervous.

So that's her name. I mentally noted that so I could use it for further reference. After a few seconds, the sorting hat screamed (rather loudly) that Hermione would be sorted into Gryffindor.

"Hey." Draco whispered next to me. He was still salty about being rejected by Harry Potter, and I couldn't help but find that amusing.

"You really should be sorted into Slytherin. It's the best house, should be only for purebloods." He smirked and looked up at the sorting hat.

I felt really nervous and all I could do in response was nod along.

After the red hair kid- whose name was Ron Weasley- got sorted into Gruffindor and a few other kids being sorted into Hufflepuff and Slytherin, there was no one but me and about 5 other people.

A kid named Neville Longbottom was sorted into Gryffindor and two other boys named Dean and Seamus. My brother was sorted into Hufflepuff, and I heard Draco sneer.

"Ugh, Hufflepuff? What a useless house. Only the losers get sorted into that one. I feel bad for your brother."

"Harry Potter?" Professor McGonagall read. The entire room went silent and even Headmaster Dumbledore was on the edge of his seat. Draco rolled his eyes and looked bored, but I knew if Harry had shook his hand, Dracos demeanor would have been a lot different.

Harry sat down on the chair and he sat in silence at the hat sat on his head. The hat twitched a bit, as if thinking hard about something. I saw Harry mutter something under his breath, and soon after the hat shouted  that Harry Potter was in Gryffindor.

When Dracos name was called, he strutted up there and sat down on the chair, a sly smirk on his face. I swear that the hat didn't even touch a hair on Dracos head before yelling, "Slytherin!"

When Draco came back, he put his hand on my shoulder. "Dont worry, Connie. Even if you dont get sorted into Slytherin, I'll still be your friend." He chuckled and went to go sit down at the Slytherin table.

"Cornelia P. Rose."

I took a deep breath and walked up to the chair and gently sat down.

As the hat was dropped onto my head, I hear a small voice hum in confusion.

"Quite peculiar..." the voice said. I figured it was the hat speaking and thought nothing more of it.

"Brave..yes.. cunning.. definitely..but.. you are that... hmm...."

After a few large seconds, I finally heard the loud scream of the hat echoing in my ears.


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