12- The Truth

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---Time Jump to February 21---

Mel's POV-

Today I decided that I am going to tell Chris how I feel. It is 9:30 am and I just got to the studio.

Once I did, I texted Chris to meet me in my trailer for when he got to the studio.

A few minutes later, someone knocks on my door and it is Chris.

Mel: "Chris, come in." I tell him moving out of the way so he can get in my trailer.

Chris: "What did you want to talk about." He ask me and I start to get nervous.

Mel: "Sit down, please." Chris and I both sit on the couch

Mel: "So, since that day we met all those months ago, I have kept something from you, well kind of a secret."

Chris: "What is is? Is something wrong? Are you okay?" He says with a worried face.

Mel: "I'm fine and nothings wrong. I don't know how to explain it, but..." I take a long pause before I say anything else, "I have feelings for you, romantic ones and every time that I'm near you, ... I feel better." I say hoping that he will understand or even better say that he feels the same. I then see Chris with a confused look on is face.

Chris: "Mel, I...."

Mel: I then cut him off "It's okay if you don't have any feelings for me but I had to get this off my chest."

Chris: "I don't know what to say" He then gets up and leaves my trailer confused

Mel: "Well that didn't go as planned" I say sadly to myself. It kind of made me tear up a bit.

I wipe the tears of my face and I go to prepare for a stunt that I have to do. When I get to set, I see Chris looking over at me sadly and it just makes my heart break. All of a sudden, I hear yelling from a distance. I just ignore it until I hear it coming closer and louder and louder. I then turn around and see Blake. He was pushing away all the security guards that were trying to hold him back. I get startled and then he starts to yell at me, saying things like "Gold digger" and "A sad nobody" or "a complete waste of time" which makes me start to cry and panic, but I just stand there frozen and not knowing what to do.

Chris's POV (A few minutes before Blake arrived)-

I look over to Mel, seeing her prepare for her next stunt. I honestly don't know how I feel about her, she is incredible and stunning but I still don't know. I care about her but as best friends and I'm pretty sure that's it. I have thought about it before but not so much. I then hear yelling from afar and then I see a person that I don't recognize yelling and coming towards Mel. He continues to yell at her, and I can see her crying. Something struck me, it was the urge to want to protect her. I go and run in front of Mel standing in between the man and her. I demand the man to leave, security then arrives and they finally take him away. I turn around to see Mel trying to keep her sob from escaping, I put my hands on her face, wiping away her tears.

Chris: "Mel, everything is going to be okay"

Mel: "okay" She say trying not to break down.

Chris: "But are you okay, did he hurt you?"

Mel: "No, he didn't"

I then take Mel to her trailer and I try to comfort her.

Chris: "Who was that?"

Mel: "His name is Blake Jenner, my ex-husband"

Chris: "Has he done anything to you like that before?" I ask trying to comfort her as much as possible

Mel: "He cheated on me and I caught him. But also once he verbally assaulted me about something he says was my fault and he was about to hit me but then one of our neighbors interrupted. If that neighbor didn't go to complain about the noise, I maybe wouldn't be here."

Chris: "Why didn't you tell me, I could've protected you if this had happened before"

Mel: "I don't like to think about my past that much....I know you don't feel the same way I do but thank you for being here, holding and comforting me. This makes me feel a lot better." She says starting to relax in my arms.

Chris: I then pull her away and face her "About that, Mel when you told me how you felt, I was shocked and I didn't know how to react but when I saw him, hurting you, I realized that I was so lucky to meet you and that I also have feelings for you." Mel then looks up at me

Mel: "You do?" She says while wiping away her tears

Chris: "Yea, and it would make me so happy if you would go out with me ..... on a real date" I say slightly smiling. Mel then sits up

Mel: "I would love to" She then starts to lean in for a kiss but I had something else in mind.

Chris: "Mel, I was wondering if we could wait to kiss until our date, to make things special." I tried to not sound rude or that stupid, it's that I really wanted to make things special for the first time that we kiss for real this time

Mel: "I guess but when is our date" She says starting to smile

Chris: "Since we don't have work tomorrow lets do it then"

Mel: "Okay, when should I be ready."

Chris: "Be ready at about 5:30 pm"

Mel: "Okay, I'll see you soon then" She gives me a kiss on the cheek

When Mel leaves, I start to plan our date. I decide to take  her first to the bar where we first met, then to her favorite park. The park is usually closed at night but I got them to let Mel and I in. I decide that I will set up a picnic and to put up a projector/screen so we can watch movies. Then if things go well, we would head back to my apartment where i will have her favorite things to do and eat set up. I tell Mel to wear something nice but also casual, while I chose to wear my black leather jacket, a grey shirt and my black jeans.

---The next day at 3 pm---

Mel's POV-

I just took a shower and then I choose my outfit. I chose a black long sleeve sweater tucked into a semi-tight, medium-dark red leather skirt with black high heel boots. I go for a kind of natural makeup look but with red lipstick. I put my hair down parted in the middle.

It is now 5 pm and I get all my things into my purse and just in case I left a change of clothes in there too. Chris called me saying that he was going to be a little late so I play with Farley while I wait.

*knock at door*

I open the door seeing Chris standing there looking really handsome, all I want to do is kiss him but I can't. I have no idea where we are going, and all he says is that it is a surprise.

The whole car ride there we listen to music and talk a bit. After a while I notice that he has his hand on my knee and I hold onto it. We then park the car and get to some place but he told me to close my eyes at first. When I open them I see.....

Author's Note:

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter because I think it is good. Thank You for reading my story and for 800 views. If you have any feedback, you can comment it. 😊

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