22- Chris's Mom Visits

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-Time Jump to the end of October-

Mel's POV-

Soon Chris's mom is coming to Vancouver to visit. I feel that she doesn't like me because I heard that she didn't like his ex but maybe it's because she had cheated on Chris. I have met her before, she was nice but I am still worried. I don't want to ask Chris because I don't want him to think that his mom isn't being nice to me. Today I woke up with Chris awake on his phone still holding me though.

Chris: "Good Morning beautiful" He says looking at me while putting his phone down.

Mel: "Good Morning. What time is it? We have to be at the studio by 9 am."

Chris: "Don't worry, it's 7:30 am"

Mel: "I have to take a shower, do you want to join me?"

Chris: "I already took one"

Mel: "Okay, can you make breakfast?"

Chris: "Sure" I give him a kiss and then I go take a shower.

About 30 minutes later, I leave the bedroom ready to go. We eat breakfast. Chris then had to get changed so I put the dogs in the car and waited for him there. He comes down after about 10 minutes and then we go to set. Chris told me that his mom is coming tomorrow.

When we get to the studio, I went to Chyler's trailer while Chris went to his trailer to drop off Farley and Drift.

Mel: "Hey Chy, do you want to go to hair and makeup together."

Chy: "Sure. We haven't been able to talk in a while, it seems like you're always busy."

Mel: "Yea, there's been a lot going on, also Chris's mom is coming to town. I'm pretty sure that she doesn't like me and I'm too scared to tell him. Like maybe he will be mad."

Chy: "Mel, you're being paranoid and just ask him, he loves you too much to be mad."

Mel: "You're right but how have you and your family been"

Chy: "We're good" She talks about how her son is going to try out for baseball and she talks about many more things.

I go talk to Chris after Chy and I went to hair and makeup. He had also just shot a scene with Amy (she plays Imra).

Mel: "Chris, I have to ask you something" I say as I sit down on the couch in his trailer

Chris: "What is it?" He says with a worried look "Are you okay"

Mel: "I'm fine and I know this might sound stupid, but does your mom like me?"

Chris: "Of course, why do you ask?"

Mel: "She didn't like Hanna and you used to date her. Also, I'm a little paranoid."

Chris: "She didn't like Hanna because Hanna cheated on me. And you have never hurt me."

Mel: "And I never will. Thanks for reassuring me, you're the best" I say while we both get up

Chris: "Now come here" He says while pulling me into a passionate kiss

Mel: "Work ends soon, so get your stuff ready to go."

Chris: "Okay"

I had to shoot one more scene. After I did, Chris and I went home. Once we did, we started to kiss, and it deepened until we moved to the bed.

-The Next Day-

Chris's POV-

I woke up this morning to the most beautiful woman laying next to me. But, right now we are on our way to pick up my mom. I hope Mel realizes that my mom likes her. When we get to the airport, Mel and I wait at the gate my mom is supposed to show up in. Soon after, I see my mom, so I go up to her and hug her. My mom then goes over to Melissa and hugs her. After an hour of waiting at baggage claim, we take my mom to the apartment. She was really tired from traveling so Mel and I let her sleep a bit. Mel and I also decided to take a nap, so we got into bed while we cuddled up with each other.

-A few hours later-

I wake up and Mel is still sleeping. I get out of bed trying not to wake her up. I walk out of our room to see my mom drinking some coffee while reading a book. I go to sit next to her.

Chris: "Hey mom"

Chris's mom [I don't know her real name]: "Hey sweety" She says looking away from her book

Chris: "I wanted to know if it was okay if Melissa and I spent Christmas at your house this year."

Chris's mom: "Of course. Chris, you're dating such a wonderful woman"

Chris: "Yea, she's perfect"

Chris's mom: "How have you two been"

Chris: "We are great"

Chris's mom: "Have you thought of proposing" When she said that my face went red

Chris: "I love her and all but we haven't even been together for a year so it's not time yet but one day." I say while thinking about Mel and I becoming a family

Mel's POV-

I wake up and see that Chris is getting out of bed. I get out too and I went to leave our room when I heard Chris talking to his mom, so I decided not to intrude. I didn't mean to eavesdrop but I heard their conversation. I would love the thought of marrying Chris one day but I don't think he would want to if he ever found out what happened 1, almost 2 years ago. When I hear that they stopped talking I finally go out there. I go down the stairs and I make myself some coffee. Chris then goes over to me and kisses me on the cheek while his mom continues to read her book.

Mel: "Hi" I say while kissing him in return

Chris: "Hey, I was wondering if we could go out to dinner with my mom tonight"

Mel: "Yea, also maybe tomorrow we could all go hiking and take Farley and Drift."

Chris: "We haven't done that in awhile and it would be nice to show my mom the scenery so yea, sure. Also, don't worry, my mom likes you." He says the last part quietly

Mel: "Okay, but where should we go for dinner?"

Chris: "Maybe the italian place a couple blocks away"

Mel: "We haven't been there before, what if it's bad"

Chris: "I heard that it's great"

Mel: "Okay"

Chris: "Also, I know that it's early but for Christmas, do you want to spend it at my mom's house but before that we could go to your parent's house?"

Mel: "I just have to ask them first, but sure"

At night we go to the italian restaurant and it was great. Chris's mom and I got to know each other better.

[The next day they go on the hike. Chris takes a selfie of the three of them and posted it on his Instagram. After a few days, Chris's mom goes back to Ohio.]

Author's POV-

I hope you guys like this chapter. Thank you for reading this story, also thank you for 2,500 views. :)

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