16- I Fell in Love

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---Time Jump to April 24---

Chris's POV-

For the past few days I haven't seen Mel. She went to visit her sisters, Kristina and Jessica in Colorado. Today she comes back and I am going to surprise her by picking her up at the airport. We also have to go to set to shoot a Karamel scene for the next episode. I love that we get to be dating on screen and off screen. This episode is going to be rough though because Mon-El is going to leave and no one knows what happens to him. 

I get to the airport and wait at where she was supposed to arrive. I wait a few minutes there with some of her favorite flowers. I see her heading to baggage claim so I rush up behind her and I tap her on the shoulder, she turns around and sees me.

Mel: "What are you doing here?' She says surprised and she smiles

Chris: "I came here to surprise you" I then hand her the flowers that I got

Mel: "You got me my favorites, thanks"

Chris: "No problem, but now give me a kiss." She then kisses me

Chris: "I'm going to take you to your apartment so you can drop off your things but then we have to go to the studio, is that okay?"

Mel: "Ok, but tonight you're staying over. I missed you so much."

Chris: "I missed you too." I kiss her again

Mel's POV- 

We get to the studio and I get into the Supergirl suit. Before we filmed the scenes, I had to learn the lines. And I saw on my script that Kara and Mon-El say I love you to each other, which I didn't expect because Kara hadn't said I love you at all this season. I learned the lines, and I went to the set. We shoot the scene.

Kara and Mon-El kiss.

Mel: Kara- "I love you, I should've said it before" She says as she crys

Chris: Mon-El- "I love you"

At that moment a bunch of feelings rushed through me. {I know that was only us acting, but it felt so real. I love Chris, I love him. But I don't think he loves me, not yet at least.}  We then end the scene.

Throughout the whole day, those 3 words stay stuck in my head. I had to shoot a few more scenes and so did Chris so we stayed longer then expected. Chyler notices that I'm a little weird so she walks up to me.

Chy: "Are you okay." She asks

Mel: "Yea" I clearly lie

Chy: "Tell me the truth" She saw through my lie. She knows me well since she is my best friend or it was probably my crinkle.

Mel: "I'll tell you but promise not to tell anyone"

Chy: "You have my word"

Mel: "I'm in love with Chris, like I love him" I say quietly

Chy: "Seriously" She says very loud

Mel: "Shhhh"

Chy: "Seriously" She now whispers

Mel: "Yes but I'm sure he doesn't feel the same, it has only been a couple of months since we started dating."

Chy: "You should tell him" 

Mel: "I don't want to ruin the great thing we have, and please again don't tell anyone"

Chy: "I promise"

---A few hours later---

Mel: "Chris, we should go now"

Chris: "Let me just get my jacket from my trailer." Chris- {I can tell that something is wrong with Mel, but I'll wait for her to tell me anything.}

We get to my apartment and then we sit on my couch. 

Mel: "Chris, do you see a future with me. I know we have only been dating for a couple months now and this is out of the blue but do you." I say as I look at him with kind eyes

Chris: "Yes, I do" He said returning the stare with kind eyes too

Mel: "Well, I heard that next season Mon-El shows up in episode 1 and Kara and him kiss passionately." 

Chris: "I like the sound of that." He starts to kiss me

Chris: "Lets go on a date" He says out of nowhere

Mel: "Where and when?"

Chris: "Lets just walk around the park with Drift and Farley, then we could have a picnic. And maybe on Friday." He suggests

Mel: "That sounds perfect."

Chris: "Also, I have to stop sleeping over for a few days because one of my best friends is coming to visit and he is staying at my apartment, so I can't leave him alone."

Mel: "Okay, but I'll miss you"

Chris: "We still see each other almost everyday"

Mel: "It's just that I feel safer when I sleep in your arms" I say pretending to be a little sad but deep down I am.

Chris holds on to me and kisses my forehead. We end up sleeping on the couch.

Chris's POV-

I wake up with Mel watching TV while I'm still holding her on the couch. She notices that I am awake and she kisses me on the cheek.

Chris: "Did you sleep well"

Mel: "Only because I was laying on you, if I wasn't I would be really sore right now." I laugh.

Chris: "Why don't we order breakfast"

Mel: "You read my mind"

Chris: "How long have you been awake?"

Mel: "About half an hour."

Chris: "Why didn't you wake me up?"

Mel: "You looked so peaceful and really cute." I smile

Chris: "I have to go soon, I have to pick my best friend up, Edward, at the airport."

Mel: "Okay"

Chris: "If you want, you can come over tonight for dinner, I really want you guys to meet each other."

Mel: "I'll be there"

Mel's POV-

Chris stayed for a couple more hours. When he was leaving, all I wanted to do was say "I love you".

Author's Note-

 I hope you liked this chapter. Today makes a month since the time I posted the first chapter, and I still can't believe that I already have 1.33K views, 109 votes. Thank you for reading my story.

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