26- One Year Anniversary

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-Time Jump to Feb 13-

Mel's POV-

Tomorrow, Valentine's Day, Chris and I are just going to stay in, but I think I"ll surprise him by having the perfect night set up. Today, Chris and I are going to the mountains to ski. I haven't gone to ski in years so I probably forgot how to. Our anniversary is soon and Chris is going to cook us dinner and I can't wait because he is really good at cooking. I am going to pick the movies that we will watch after dinner. Around this time of year it's hard for me but it's a good thing I have Chris. At around 11 am, Chris and I start to get ready. Before we actually go to the ski location, we have to go rent some gear. It takes only about 30 minutes. After that we go to the ski lodge. We stayed there for hours but it started to get late and a little too cold. When we got home, I took a warm bath while Chris took a shower. I got out and put on my comfiest pjs and I went to the kitchen and made us some coffee. Chris then gets out of the room, and sits down on the couch. I bring over the coffees and I hand him one of them. We started The Flash for the second time. Chris begged for us to watch Supergirl but I find it a little weird to watch myself on TV and in the first season, I kiss Mechad and Blake is in it, which I also kiss. I don't want to see that and I don't want Chris to see that either. I fall asleep watching and then I could feel Chris carry me to bed. {He is so strong} I end up falling asleep again instantly.

-Time Jump to February 21-

Chris's POV-

I wake up and see that Mel isn't in my arms and she isn't in bed either. I get a little worried and then I hear a loud noise. It sounded like it came from the kitchen. I immediately run there and I don't see Mel until she comes up from behind the kitchen island with a pan in her hand.

Chris: "Babe ..... you scared me" I say while I put my hand on my heart since it is racing

Mel "Sorry, did I wake you" She says moving over to me

Chris: "No, but when I saw that you weren't in bed, I got worried"

Mel: "Well don't be, I was just trying to make us breakfast." She the walks all the way to me and gives me a kiss

Chris: "I just don't know what would happen to me if I ever lost you"

Mel: "You wouldn't survive, I'm the best" She said sarcastically

We both laugh. Mel goes back to making breakfast while I go do some work for IDONTMIND. Mel then calls me to go to the kitchen. We eat breakfast and it was really good. Mel and I then go on a walk with our dogs. We saw a few fans and took pictures with them. Tomorrow Mel and I go to work, we will be filming Episode 14 of Season 3. There will be a couple Karaoke scenes which will be fun.

When we get home all we do is relax in bed. We talk and I tell Mel how amazing she is and how I love her so much. She says many nice things in return. I start to stare into her eyes and then to the necklace I had given her and then back to her eyes. She then starts to blush which I love, so I go in and kiss her. We stay there kissing for a solid 5 minutes, until we stop and just smile at each other. I check the time and it is about 1 pm. I decided to take a quick nap. Mel just stayed watching TV while playing with my hair.

-After about 3 hours later-

I remembered that I needed to make the dinner, there were no ingredients at home. I went to the supermarket and bought everything plus some flowers for Mel. I got back home and went straight to making dinner. Mel had to pass by the studio to get our next script. She came back after about an hour, she said that she saw Chyler and they talked. The dinner took about 30 minutes more to make. I told Mel to start getting ready since I was almost done.

-About 30 minutes later-

Mel's POV-

I go downstairs and I see everything set up perfectly. I then turn around to see Chris standing there looking very handsome. I stare at him, smiling, then he walks over and kisses me.

Mel: "This all looks so good, you amaze me so much everyday."

Chris: "It's the least I could do for the woman that I love more than anything in the world." He says while having his arms wrapped around my waist and I have mine around his neck.

Mel: "I love you too but we should eat this dinner before it gets cold."

Chris: "Before that" He gets some flowers and hands them to me "Here you go" I smell the flowers and they were great

Mel: "Thanks" I put the flowers in a vase and then we both sit down at the table

We eat the dinner and it was really good, after we watch some movies that I picked out. The thing is that, like our first date, we didn't pay attention much because we were kissing. Eventually we moved to the bedroom and our clothes started to come off and you probably know what happens next.

Author's POV-

The next day they went to work. It was nice since Mel and Chris won't see the cast probably for a about 2 to 3 weeks because they will have a sort of spring break. But, Mel still has to come in sometimes to film some scenes.

Author's Note-

Sorry again for this chapter being a little boring, I didn't have many ideas, but the next chapters will be better. I hope you liked it though and thanks so much for reading this story. Also to remind everyone, the next chapter will be posted on Friday.

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