{Chapter Fifteen}

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The next morning in the Great Hall, Hera sat with her usual tea and a book in her hands. Not paying much heed to the whispering around her, many younger Syltherins strayed as far away from her as possible because of her mother's well known Death Eater status and it was also announced that Dementors would be patrolling the Hogwarts grounds, in search of her murderous cousin, Sirius Black. The extra weight of the news of Sirius Black's escape from Azkaban put pressure on her, as it seemed as though everyone besides her social group thought she was the Black plague, avoiding her.

Sirius Black was almost a name of taboo in the Malfoy household. There would be times when Lucius was in his study, would she hear him talk about him. Refering to him as a 'bloody blood-traitor'. It confused her greatly, as he was known for assisting in the murders of his own best friend James Potter and his wife, Lily Potter, and killed his other friend, Petter Pettigrew, leaving nothing but a finger. Why would he be still considered a blood traitor? He did great deeds for the Dark Lord, it was all so confusing for her to process.

With her book open and her tea growing cold, Hera just looked at the words in deep thought. She had heard about the dementor attack on the train, where Harry Potter was targeted, and if it weren't for Professor Lupin, he would have been done for. The new Defence against the Dark Arts professor was evidently a new face amongst the faculty's table. Having a cup of coffee and dressed comfortably in his brown sweater and  black dress robes. He was totally different compared to Lockhart's flamboyant style and nature.

Hearing shuffling close to her, Hera looked up to see a first year boy with shaggy red hair and piercing green eyes sit across from her. The red hair immediately made her scoff inwardly, but his blue tie, and the emblem on his school robes obviously signalled that he was not one of the boisterous Weasleys. Intrigued, Hera's eyebrow rose up in question as he set his plate on the table and began to eat without greeting her.

It was unusual for anyone outside her social circle to approach her, let alone, have their breakfast across from her. She closed her book, and leaned forward, tapping the space in front of the first year, making him look up to the older student. "Hello, there." Hera's amused brown eyes watched the young Ravenclaw. "I think you must be at the wrong table."

Surprisingly, the boy didn't look phased as he offered her a familiar pokerface that she was used to giving others. Forking a piece of bacon into his mouth, he chewed before swallowing, "Is this the Slytherin table?"

Hera's eyebrows narrowed, as she sat back properly in her seat. "Yes, but-" "Then I am in the right place."

A wide-toothed grin spread onto his round chubby cheeks, before he continued eating his breakfast. Hera felt confused, not used to having company so early in the morning, and  not even with her own companions. She took her now-cold tea, and took a sip of it, her dark eyes not straying away from the young boy that sat in front of her.

As he finished his last bite of bacon, he took a sip of his orange juice, and finally looked at Hera, ready to make conversation. "Are you Cassiopeia? Cassiopeia-Hera Lestrange?"

With a quirked eyebrow, Hera looked at the boy. "Why are you asking if you are already sitting in front of me? You've already made your assumption, boy."

"So you're the daughter of Bellatrix Lestrange? That crazy death eater that tortured Neville Longbottom's parents and stuff?" He continued, leaning forward in curiosity, completely ignoring the uncomfortable look on the Slytherin girl's face.  "If so, that would mean you're related to Sirius Black, right?"

Hera bit her tongue, clenching her fists tightly under the table as if it would make the pesky Ravenclaw to go away. "What is it to you?" She kept her face calm. "My relations-"

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