Chapter 15 - More trouble

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Ever since we came back to the cave last night all I've been able to think about is Inuyasha and Kikyo, and how Kagome would feel about this.

I sighed as my thoughts finaly went to something else. Tonight is the full moon and I would have to avoid everybody at all costs, unless it was Naraku.

When I last took up my angry demon form, I killed at least half a dozen of demons in one night. I didn't want that fate to happen to my friends, especialy by my hands.

"Koga, I'm going to leave for a while."

"But we're going to have a feast tonight. Stick around, you'll get to know what a proper wolf feast feels like." Koga grinned and went to join his conrads.

I didn't answer him and just went back to the cave I shared with Ginta and Hakkagu.

Hakkagu was playing with stones while Ginta was nowhere to be seen.

"He's gone with a few other wolves to hunt for tonight's feast," Hakkagu put down the stones and came to join me near the exit.

"It's going to be a great feast!" His smile held a lot of happiness and that made me feel guilty. I wouldn't be around to join the feast because of my moon problem.

"Are you ok? You don't seem to happy." I looked back at Hakkagu and smiled.

"Nope I'm ok. The feasts gonna be great!" I said.

"Great!" Hakkagu said excitedly.

                             * * *

"I'm not ok...but the feast probably will be great." I muttered to myself as I climbed down the tree I had been sitting on.

The day had gone horribly slow and I wanted an adventure. Ginta was so lucky to be able to go and slay some things.

For a moment I even contemplated running off after him.

It was one of those demon days.

"There you are! I was worried you'd run off after the others." Hakkagu joked from behind me.

"Huh? Oh, hey again."

"Hmm, wanna go see Kagome and the others? I think that might cheer you up."

I shook my head at Hakkagu and began to walk down the grassy hill with Hakkagu following at my heels.

"Hey, Hakkagu? Wanna come with me and track down a few demons? I feel like slaying some."

                              * * *

"Ok, maybe it didn't turn out like a little, but at least I've rid the world of at least all of these ugly things, right?" I poked one of the demon corpses with my foot.

"That's not the point! You're drawing in too much attension!"

Hakkagu had taken cover behind a huge boulder and was watching me cautiously.

How I wish I could just throw that boulder at a big demon right now.

Huh? What is that? I heard laughter in my head. My head hurt and I heard a voice. A voice I had heard before.

"Myou?" Hakkagu's voice had become an odd echoing sound as he said my name over and over again.

"S-stay away! My head, it hurts!" I put my hands over my ears, but that didn't stop the evil laughter.

He's in my head! What the heck?!

I need you to listen to me Myou, Naraku said. That wolf friend of yours has gotten himself into trouble, if your a true friend you would help him, yes? Go to that cave west of here, and maybe I'll spare his life.

Naraku must be plotting something and needs me to help with it. I wasn't too fond of the idea, but if it meant saving Ginta and the others then I'd gladly come and help.

" don't tell Koga where I am...I'm going to save Ginta..."

"From who?" He asked from behind me.

"Na...raku..." I got up and staggered to a nearby tree. Hakkagu had already begun to run back to the wolf terrotory. I just hope he'd keep this buisness to himself.

You better get out of my head if you want me to come, Naraku! I can't think straight here.

Very well, be sure to hurry, or it will cost you your friend's life. With that Naraku had gone, along with the headache and nasty thoughts.

Ginta, I'm coming for you and the others. Hang in there!

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