Chapter 28 - Plan B: Kill Naraku head-on!

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"Myou...Myou...Myou..." the voice grew louder as I began to gain conciousness again.

"Myou! Get up! Come on, please, Myou!" Ginta's muffled voice sobbed from my neck. I felt him hug me and the tears that landed on my hand, which lay on my stomach.

I still felt paralized and numb, but I was still able to open my eyes.

I saw everyone gathered around me with worried looks on their pale faces. I even spotted Sesshomaru there, and that little human girl, Rin.

"...what's up?" I asked in a croaky voice.

"Oh, thank God the sword worked!" Kagome ran to me and gave me a huge hug.

"Er...what happened-Ow!" Pain seethed from my side. I looked and saw that my side had been slashed. The wound was slowly healing itself.

"Sesshomaru brought you back to life with Tetsueiga." Kagome said happily.

"Tetsueiga?..." I asked.

"Yeah, the sword brings souls back from the dead by slashing away the chains of the underworld."

"Oh...right...thanks." I said, looking at Sesshomaru.

"I'm so sorry to cause you and Lord Sesshomaru the trouble! It's my fault! I should have listened to Jaken and stayed hidden!" Rin ran over to me with tears in her eyes. I couldn't help but feel bad for the child. It wasn't her fault.

"It's not your fault, Rin. Don't worry about it, I'm a tough demon. So is your Lord Sesshomaru." I patted her head before getting up on my feet.

"I think I'll go hunting. I feel starved and thirsty too."

"That's not a surprise, giving you've for five hours." Miroku said.

"Oh...right..." I began to pass everyone. Just before I left, I turned to face Sesshomaru.

"Thanks for giving me my life back. I hope you and Rin stay safe." I continued to walk away.

It must be my eyes tricking me again. No way did I see Sesshomaru smile!

                           * * *

"Ok! That's it! Naraku's gone way too far with all of this!" I had become agitated after hearing all the things that the others had gone through because of Naraku.

"We all have to work together on this! It'll be awesome if we make an army. Naraku may think he's powerful, but he isn't! He hides behind all of his minions. We're going to smash through all his obstacles and end him!"

"But how will be create an army? We're not that strong." Kagome said from beside the fire.

"That's not true! You have me, don't you Kagome?" Inuyasha asked from where he stood, near the hut's door.

"Ye must be carefull child. Naraku may have tricks up his sleeve." Kaede said.

"Not when I can see the future!" everyone gasped.

I explained about my new swords powers and me being a Seer.

"And that's why we are strong enough to take him out. Even as a small group."

I was now determined to get everyone together to kill Naraku. He has ruined so many lives that he doesn't realize how much enemies he's got.

"She has a point." Koga said.

"And Kagome, you came here for a reason. You play a huge part in all of this. Remember that story your grandpa told you about when you went back to study?"

"Yeah, what of it?" Kagome asked questioningly.

"Well, when he told you that one wish to get rid of the jewel forever, I suspect it is a riddle. Think about it."

" that I think about it, yes, it makes sence."

"And I heard that Naraku went back to that old cave." Hakkagu said. "If we surround it and make a surprise attack, he's dead!"

"No. After that one with Rin, I'm sure he'll be much more careful. We need to train and gather as much people as possible." Miroku said.

"...yes...I have an idea!" I wasn't sure the thing would work, but perhaps my papa could help us with that. Sesshomaru could join us if Rin convinced him.

"I think we should all get some rest first though. If we all meet up here, we can plan out our tactics. I know a place where we can train, undisturbed. And as for reinforcements, maybe...maybe Sesshomaru and Kikyo could join us..."

"No way in Hell!" Inuyasha shouted angrily.

"Ok, ok, whatever!" I joined the wolves outside. "I'll see you all here tomorrow. Bye!"

If we're going to fight Naraku, he'll surely see this coming and would probably get all of his encarnations to defend him. If papa and Sesshomaru and Kikyo is there, then we'll have the strongest team possible! All they need is some convincing...and... a life...

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