Chapter 23 - I think I'm falling for you!

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After we got the food and eaten it all, Inuyasha and I had parted ways.

I left to see the wolves. There was something I needed to disguss with Koga.

When I got to the territory half of the wolf pack had gone. The men told me Koga and the others had an emergency they had to deal with.

I made a quick desicion and followed the scend. A bad feeling ate at my gut and I didn't trust the area, it has gotten more dangerous lately.

I kept on running after the scent until I found myself in a village. This village looked normal and was full or humans. They stared at me as I searched around the village, panicked and scared.

"Um...excuse me?" a little boy pulled at the corner of my jacket. "What are you looking for?"

There was something odd about these people. They looked human, but their scent weren't. I looked around and noticed something flash in the air. Like I was inside a bubble.

Oh no, this is a trap isn't it? I looked down at the boy and smiled.

"I'm looking for my father." Lying was the only way I could get out of this. I had to act neutral or else I was a gonner.

"I can help you." The boy began to walk down the village.

"No, I'm fine thanks." I began to walk away.

Where are you hiding?!

The scent of wolf was faint but I was still able to follow it.

If I could just track down the scent long enough to find- I was cut off by the sound of laughter.

Just as I had thought; it was Naraku!

"What did you do to my friends?!" I shouted at nothing. The villagers stared at me and began to surround me. That's when it hit me: they were his minions, they weren't even humans, just monsters in human skin and clothes.

Their black-pupilless eyes began to buldge and pop out of their skulls as their bodies hunched over and the skin and clothes tore into pieces. Their hideous forms made me sick.

"Naraku, you'll pay for this!"

"You may try, but I doubt you can even get through these demons without falling and hurting yourself like a weakling." He began to laugh again.

Behind the croud of demons I saw him. He was sat on the rooftops, observing me as if I were a rare species of animal.

Koga and the others were unconcious. Naraku's body had already begun to eat at their legs as they sank into him.

"Don't you dare devour them, you bastard!" I held up the sword and slashed at the demons one by one. Unfortionately each time I hacked a demon down, another came to replace it.

"I've had enough of this, Naraku! How many times must you take what I care for the most? They are my family, damn it!"

"Isn't that sweet? You, a lonely demon who had once despised humans and everyone else, now caring for others and risking your life to safe them. Unfortionately that loyalty won't last long. Might as well say goodbye while you still can!"

"NA...Ra..Ku!!!" My blood began to boil with anger as I felt adrenalin kick in.

"DIE!" I waved the sword out in an arc and instantly a wave of red cut through the croud. I repeated this until there were no more left.

"Naraku, I won't let them die, even if I am risking my life to save all their's!"

"Your father must be proud of you for this. Let's see what he thinks!"

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