Chapter 25 - Sesshomaru is cooperating??

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After a few days of intense training, I had found my way to Naraku's castle and waited for Sesshomaru to turn up.

I could feel Naraku's eyes on me as I waited.

It didn't surprise me that Naraku didn't do anything upon seeing me here. He had probably knew something I didn't and had set up a trap, but I didn't care.

All my senses were up full guard and I was ready to fight.

I heard a russle from behind me and saw that Sesshomaru had arrived.

Jacken was nowhere to be seen.

"So you came then." I muttered.

"As I've said before, I don't trust you on your own with Rin."

"Is she...your daughter or something?"

Sesshomaru glared at me with disgust in his yellow eyes.

"Hurry up with the barrier!" Sesshomaru said coldly.

I nodded my head and focused on putting down the barrier.

Minutes later we had made it onto the castle grounds and were surrounded with demons. A woman with hungry red eyes and long white hair in a ponytail smiled at us coldly.

"If it isn't Sesshomaru himself. What is a strong demon, such as yourself, doing with the likes of this pesky weakling that shouldn't even be called a demon of any sort?" I kept my cool and continued to stare at the woman emotionately.

"I am merely using her to get me to Rin. She means nothing to me." Sesshomaru held his ground.

As much as his words cut me like razors, I knew he probably didn't mean it that badly.

The woman's smile grew and I decided to step in front of Sesshomaru. She looked at me with interest.

" seems I've underestimated you. Although you're not much, your power is good enough use to me!" she began to run at me, spear in hand.

"Challenge accepted!" I began to run forward and prepared to defend.

"Sesshomaru, if you want to save Rin, you need to listen to me! I know what's going to happen. It's like a game to Naraku, if we play our cards right, we'll win!"

Ignoring me, Sesshomaru began to slaughter the demons down.

"Pay attension, girl! Perhaps you'll learn a thing or two from me before you die!"

"No! It's the other way around!" I pushed her away and kicked her in the stomach.

Blood came out of her mouth as she flew backwards and hit a sharp piece of metal sticking out of the ground.

"Now begone, encarnation!" I chopped off her head, knowing that was the only way to defeat this woman.

"Sheesh! She acts tough and mighty but is as weak as a leaf!" I said to myself.

Sesshomaru began to walk past me, taking long strides as he went.

"Hey! Wait for me!" I ran after him. "I'm a Seer, I can see things that will come five minutes before they happen, if I concerntrate. So stay with me!"

"I don't take orders from filth like you!"

"Kyyyaaah!" I wasn't looking where I was going and nearly fell into a hole dug deep into the ground.

"Ugh!" Ignoring Sesshomaru's stare, I scanned the area and for the wall. Going through the door would be too easy and surely have a trap of some sort.

"There!" I pointed at a window. "Come on!"

                             * * *

"So you came!" Naraku chuckled.

Rin lay in a floating glass case behind a wall of vines. Naraku blocked the path and the space between us and the black and purple tile floor looked suspicious.

"It's a trap!" I whispered to Sesshomaru before choosing the next move. "I'll stall him. Once I get his attension you jump quietly to Rin and leave. Just go with it, just this once?"

Sesshomaru gave a slight nod.

"Ok," I whispered loudly, enough for Naraku to hear. "So we attack and kill him!"

Naraku laughed at me. "Dear Myou, the last time I remember fighting you, you were weak and vunerable!"

"So were you, Naraku." If I were correct I saw a flash of anger shine in his eyes before he laughed again.

Hit a nerve! He hates to be weak! I sweat dropped and took a tiny step forward making sure to inch away from Sesshomaru without suspition.

"Tell me, Naraku, how does it feel to have a bunch of swords merely an inch away from your stone cold heart?"

"It feels like nothing." Naraku grinned and brought up his hand.

"As much fun it is talking to you, I'd rather have your soul now."

I wave of heat hit me and energy surged through my body, buzzing straight up to my fingertips.

My feet felt numb, I was flying in the air with a wound in my shoulder.

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