6: Probably the best day

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New day, no late, on time...!!

I woke up at sharp 8 by myself. Sunshine was entering in my room. I breathed fresh air, stretched myself and got down and made my bed and went downstairs.

I knew I won't be late today. I went downstairs to wash my face. Everything was pleasant. The sunbeams were directly entering in the living room. Dad had already left the house for work. Everything was happening as usual. But how this be my life if it still goes simple and usual.

Within an hour I am done with bathroom and all. Done my breakfast. I got ready to leave home.

" Bye, mom" I said as I zipped my bag.

" Wait. Use my phone till you get yours." She said and handed her phone to me. I grabbed that matchbox size phone and put it in my pocket. It is so small that even the teacher won't notice that I'm using phone during the lecture.

I walked till the bus stop and miracle..!! Bus came in just 2 minutes..!!

This is probably the best day of my life.!!
I checked my wrist watch, it showed 9:22am. Yeah.. I have a digital one.

Too much time was left for college to start. Even though its my "probably the best day" I didn't get a seat.

How much people travel through link road at morning..?!
I reached my destination like a Tarzan jumping from every handle of the bus.

Then I walked some distance while trying to adjust the brightness of that dumb old phone but I just couldn't find it.

Since childhood I'm using mum's phone only for playing that cricket game and nothing else. I give up on that and put it back in my pocket.

I go to buy lovebites from a store. Its not what you thinking... It is a kinda heart shape biscuit, I see most of the couples of our college used to eat it as it is very cheap.

But being me, I give it to my champ. He is a street dog near our college. One year back he's mom died in a car accident. So from then on I'm taking care of her pups.

Aaru hates it when she sees me handling street dogs. Whenever champ see me he comes near me running, shaking his tail, starts licking me, my jeans.

She is totally disgusted by dogs and always tells me to stay away from them. But I love them. I keep the biscuits in my bag and move towards the gate.

I entered the college campus. If my phone would have been in my hand, I would have checked my Instagram but alas. I sigh.

Because of technology our memory has shrinked. We can't even remember the phone numbers and then mobiles kills our near friend pocket diary too.

From my periphery, I see a girl in jeans and a blue top near the canteen way ... Hey, that blue top looked familiar. She is Aaru..!! Wait a second there's Ronak too and nishi also. How can I can't identify that fat bitch my pal Alok. Wait there's yash. And preeti. And dharmik. And Alex. Oh fuck whole gang is here..!! They are going to gangbang my brain..!!

Looking at me Alok raised his hand and shout,"There he is friends..!!".

Tornado is coming my way..!! I casually walked towards them. Everyone was looking at me like I ran with their food. Aaru was looking mad.

She was going to say something at that time Ronak come forward and said in his creepy tone," Where the hell you were? You know how many calls we did..?"

"Yeah.. where were you?? We made a plan" said nishi standing near me.

"Yeah, bro, I was waiting, you were sending me the maths assignment..!!" Alok interrupted.

"Well friends the matter is I lost my phone. So sorry for the trouble. " I apologized to everyone.

Well, a fake apologize didn't cost anything.

"Ok then.. you're coming with us na?" Ronak continued. "Where? " I asked.

" Marines. There are no lectures today so we decided this. " Nishi said.

"What? All lectures are cancelled?! Why??" I gasped.

" We don't know why.. but there's a notice saying we have a holiday today and tomorrow. " Nishi said.

"Nice.. but sorry not today." I told them.

"Why?? Don't tell me you're going to study. We all are going to fail and we won't let you pass the semester alone. " Alok said enthusiastically.

" Yeah, bro, he's right. Come with us. We'll have fun for sure." Alex joined Alok.

" Yeah... But-"

"No.. excuses you're coming with us " Ronak cut me off.

" No..!! I can't come try to understand..!! I have lost my phone and I have to find it ..!!" I roared. "and also I have to complete the assignments" I said the last statement in low voice.

"Ok ..ok..!! No problem.!! We'll go some other-" ronak got interrupted by

" You bastard, you didn't do your assignment..! How dare you lie to your father.!!" Alok said gesturing towards himself.

"You can sit with me. I'm going to library to the complete it..!!" I offered.

"Alok not you now ..!! " Ronak requested Alok.

" Well .. I also have to do this. We'll go tomorrow..!! We have two days holidays." Alok said, cheerfully.

That guy knows how to convince anyone without hurting them .!!

Everyone left expect aaru. She looked upset and angry on me. She made an angry face and deliberately bumped into md hard enough to bruise me before moving forwards.

"Ow" I exclaimed.

Alok was looking at us. He forcefully pushed me ahead to convince her. ... Like I know how to do that ..!!

I ran after her," Hey..Stop..!! Stop for me." She stopped walking.

" Are you angry on me??" I asked. " Hey..?? Really I'm not lying... I lost my phone." I continued.

She was still there, her arms crossed, looking at everything but me. Her nose flared.

God, help me.

She was looking like an angry bird.
" Oye!? Do you want lovebites??" I tried joking.

She stares at me disgustedly and started walking again. "okay okay sorry..!! Talk to me!!"

I said stopping her. " Go do assignments..!!" She said furiously and moved ahead leaving me behind.

Well I agree I'm not expert in convincing..!!

I looked behind at Alok. "How can you not know how to handle a girl? You're my not my friend..!!" He scolded me.

" Well, she'll get normal I know. " I said hopefully.

"..and who ask dog biscuits to a angry girl?" He teased. " I was just joking. " I said.

" Well boy, you failed ..!! You're not my son, I disown you." Alok joked and we made our way to the library.

To be continued...

Hello everyone..!!
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And 100*sorry for late update..!!

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Bye for now see you later ...!!
Have a great day...!!

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