Escape - Chapter 12

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I have been sitting in this room for what seems like forever, waiting to find out what happened to Markus.

Andrea had firmly instructed me to stay in this room, which had me feeling very guilty for leaving the infirmary in the first place. So, I try not to stick my head out the door in impatience. She had gone to go do some stuff before she’d be stuck with me for the rest of the day.

The people in the infirmary are still sleeping, and Leilani and I are at the front of the room, where there are chairs and tables for, I think, visitors. She had just finished checking on her patients, without much event, though.

It wasn’t hard to remember what Markus had said about her. Leilani Bena, the Rohiri.

Several times, when she thought I didn’t notice, I saw her looking at me from where she’s sitting beside me, with some odd look in her eyes. I could only, of course, guess that it probably has something to do with the fact that I’m Alaine’s doppelganger.

I had no idea, really, about how I felt about Alaine’s long time death. It didn’t really seem to matter now that I am – was – mad at her. My purpose here didn’t seem relevant anymore, but I know that going back to Earth and leading my life like this never happened couldn’t be done. Pretending I never went to Ovia is impossible, though I realize, it now leaves me not knowing what to do.

I turn to Leilani, who’s reading some papers. “What are those for?”

She looks up and smiles. “Herbal medicine.”

“What for?” I ask, quite intrigued by the effort. “I thought your blood and all that…”

“It’s more for my health than any other person’s, really. I need to keep healthy so my blood won’t cause anyone harm.” She fixes the papers slightly. “And, I can’t just go around giving my blood to people for such simple things like stomach aches or headaches, they’ll come to depend on me for such trivial matters, I have to save it for the big stuff.”

“I thought you’re an eternally healthy person and all that,” I can’t help but joke with her a little, she’s such an easy person to get along with.

“Nope,” she smiles shaking her head, fixing the papers neatly into a pile. “Contrary to what people would normally think, Rohiris have it harder. Our immune system is lower than most, which contributed to our dying out, so it’s hard to keep healthy with all the sick people around. I have to actually build up my immune system.”

“Oh, I see.” I nod my head, becoming silent for a while. Just until I remember Markus. “What happened to Markus?”

She purses her lips, deciding whether to tell me or not. Finally, she sighs. “Markus is,” she pauses, biting her lip, thinking of a word, “… ill.”

“What happened?” I ask, alarmed.

“He was poisoned.” She whispers, looking around for any eavesdroppers.


“Well, as far as I can tell, the poison entered his bloodstream through the wound on his thigh, spreading all throughout.” Leilan’s blue lips are set into a thin line, her face grim.

I try to remember the fight that night, gasping upon realization, I look at Leilani. “The dagger that Claudius threw at him.”

She nods, and then sighs.

“Can’t you do anything about it? I mean, you could use your blood to make him better,” I ask, futilely. Of course, I knew there’s a reason why she wouldn’t use her blood.

She shakes her head at me. “The Rohiri blood is poisonous to two races, vampires and our own, and the degree would depend on how pure the bloodline is.” She lowers her head, looking down in sadness. “I can’t give Markus blood due to the fact that he’s Tainted, from several races, which include both vampires and Rohiri. Giving him my blood now could do more harm than good.”

Escape (Solaris Cane: Book One)Where stories live. Discover now